From Hell To Veins

January 30, 2012

Gardasil Victim Speaks Out After 2 Years

If you ever wondered why I named this blog ‘FROM HELL TO VEINS’…

Brittney gives an emotionally charged overview of what her life has been like for the past two years. She struggles daily with the fact her life has been forever changed. A doctor frightened her into taking the Gardasil vaccine by telling her she could get an HPV through a “possible” lab accident at college – where her blood could mingle with someone elses who had an HPV. She was never told HPV’s are sexually transmitted deseases. and having no other information, she allowed herself to be given a vaccine she never needed. Now she wishes the TRUTH to be told – more testing of this vaccine is warranted before another young woman is injured..

Editors Note:
You know, there are tons of these videos on YouTube. Brittney is going through complete and total hell and, she’s more LUCKY then some of the other girls who were “SCARED” into taking this poison.

What’s is even more disgusting then to see this carnage unfold in front of our very eyes, is to read ARROGANT DAMAGE CONTROL comments from vaccine insiders. Things like… “Oh I don’t make any money telling you NOT TO LISTEN TO THIS VICTIM because SHE DOESN’T KNOW WHAT SHE IS TALKING ABOUT and the vaccine is pure as mother’s milk.”… or “I work in a lab and know more than you… this vaccine can in NO WAY cause cancer!”

Yeah, well you better get a refund at whatever college you attended because the VERY INSERT that came with the Gardasil vaccine clearly states in BALCK and WHITE.. IF YOU ALREADY HAVE A PAPILLOMA VIRUS YOUR CHANCES OF GETTING CERVICAL CANCER WILL INCREASE BY 40+ % AFTER TAKING THE VACCINE.

This is the absolute contempt these slime balls have for you. These outrageous comments CLEARLY shows who it is you are dealing with and, WHY we have SO MANY videos like the one above. The good news is, after reading ALL the comments, the general public see these vipers for WHO and WHAT they are AND, ARE NO LONGER TOLERATING THEIR ARROGANT NONSENSE.

Of course, leave it to Brittney’s so-called doctor to concoct a completely COCKAMAMIE STORY about “a lab accident at school” in order to apply the pressure, to get her to take this poison. These types of shenanigans shows that a.) there are certainly undisclosed incentives to push this poison and b.) the medical profession has LOST ALL PROFESSIONALISM and, is nothing more than a wild west medicine show.

Bill Gates, Food Sterilants, Private Mercenaries and Forced Vaccinations

Timing is everything for a guy like Bill Gates. Just as the genetically ALTERED giant agro-corporation Monsanto buys the largest mercenary company on the planet Xe Services (the bad guys formerly known as Blackwater) , so to does the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation recently buy into 500,000 shares of Monsanto stock.

The timely marriage between the snake himself, Bill Gates and the killing machines of Xe and Monsanto is a marriage straight out of the bowels of hell itself. It’s as perfect a marriage if there ever was one.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is invested heavy into environmental crimes like, how to screw up the genetic make up of this planet. Yeah, forget about a gas that plants breath. Between Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s genetic laboratories and Monsanto’s cross species contamination that’s on going globally, Bill Gates may yet get credited for single handedly trashing the planet YOU and I live on and , WE sure as hell NEVER got a say in it.

Old Bill is ALSO into population control. Yet another issue WE don’t get a say in. Bill the snake, wants to play god. We already know that genetically ALTERED food (you know, food that in NO WAY could be created in nature so, some jackass, had to use a gene gun to f’ it all up) causes sterilization. If you did NOT know that here are some links for you…

… and NOT ONLY do the finding go on and, on and, on with sterility and GMO food BUT, GMO foods are linked to tumors and legions in vital organs. Do you even know if YOU are eating this worse than garbage crap? DON’T EAT IT!!

Even with piles of research confirming all the above, SNAKES like Bill Gates, pays for his own advertising in the form of a ‘news piece’ where, he is being interviewed in a FAKE interview to look like a ‘hardcore’ news story. So, people watch this FAKE so-called news story and there’s old Bill looking real mean and nasty calling the REST OF THE WORLD a pack of liars because (QUE THE VIOLINS!) HIS products (GMO food / vaccines) are mother’s milk. What a joke!

After taking part in a complete fake interview ‘made-for-TV’ CON JOB, he then goes up on stage at a TED conference in front of a bunch of like minded losers and giggles and snickers with the audience that HIS vaccines (his money is tied up in that as well) are for POPULATION CONTROL. That conference where he says all of that is not only posted on this blog but it ALL OVER THE INTERNET. The guy is his own worst enemy. I don’t think ANYONE (with a brain) trusts him anymore than you could trust a snake with a bellyache.

Now, old Bill the snake, wants vaccines pushed on ANYONE who doesn’t what HIS products into their veins and, NOW, he has huge stocks in a mercenary force to back up his WILD VACCINE AMBITIONS WITH FORCE.

Must Listen!
Coast to Coast Pod Cast of Jeffery Smith on Monsanto / Bill Gates


Machines of War: Blackwater, Monsanto, and Bill Gates

Silvia Ribeiro
La Jornada

A report by Jeremy Scahill in The Nation (Blackwater’s Black Ops, 9/15/2010) revealed that the largest mercenary army in the world, Blackwater (now called Xe Services) clandestine intelligence services was sold to the multinational Monsanto. Blackwater was renamed in 2009 after becoming famous in the world with numerous reports of abuses in Iraq, including massacres of civilians. It remains the largest private contractor of the U.S. Department of State “security services,” that practices state terrorism by giving the government the opportunity to deny it.

Many military and former CIA officers work for Blackwater or related companies created to divert attention from their bad reputation and make more profit selling their nefarious services-ranging from information and intelligence to infiltration, political lobbying and paramilitary training – for other governments, banks and multinational corporations. According to Scahill, business with multinationals, like Monsanto, Chevron, and financial giants such as Barclays and Deutsche Bank, are channeled through two companies owned by Erik Prince, owner of Blackwater: Total Intelligence Solutions and Terrorism Research Center. These officers and directors share Blackwater.

One of them, Cofer Black, known for his brutality as one of the directors of the CIA, was the one who made contact with Monsanto in 2008 as director of Total Intelligence, entering into the contract with the company to spy on and infiltrate organizations of animal rights activists, anti-GM and other dirty activities of the biotech giant.

Contacted by Scahill, the Monsanto executive Kevin Wilson declined to comment, but later confirmed to The Nation that they had hired Total Intelligence in 2008 and 2009, according to Monsanto only to keep track of “public disclosure” of its opponents. He also said that Total Intelligence was a “totally separate entity from Blackwater.”

However, Scahill has copies of emails from Cofer Black after the meeting with Wilson for Monsanto, where he explains to other former CIA agents, using their Blackwater e-mails, that the discussion with Wilson was that Total Intelligence had become “Monsanto’s intelligence arm,” spying on activists and other actions, including “our people to legally integrate these groups.” Total Intelligence Monsanto paid $ 127,000 in 2008 and $ 105,000 in 2009.

No wonder that a company engaged in the “science of death” as Monsanto, which has been dedicated from the outset to produce toxic poisons spilling from Agent Orange to PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls),

pesticides, hormones and genetically modified seeds, is associated with another company of thugs.

Almost simultaneously with the publication of this article in The Nation, the Via Campesina reported the purchase of 500,000 shares of Monsanto, for more than $23 million by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which with this action completed the outing of the mask of “philanthropy.” Another association that is not surprising.

It is a marriage between the two most brutal monopolies in the history of industrialism: Bill Gates controls more than 90 percent of the market share of proprietary computing and Monsanto about 90 percent of the global transgenic seed market and most global commercial seed. There does not exist in any other industrial sector monopolies so vast, whose very existence is a negation of the vaunted principle of “market competition” of capitalism. Both Gates and Monsanto are very aggressive in defending their ill-gotten monopolies.

Although Bill Gates might try to say that the Foundation is not linked to his business, all it proves is the opposite: most of their donations end up favoring the commercial investments of the tycoon, not really “donating” anything, but instead of paying taxes to the state coffers, he invests his profits in where it is favorable to him economically, including propaganda from their supposed good intentions. On the contrary, their “donations” finance projects as destructive as geoengineering or replacement of natural community medicines for high-tech patented medicines in the poorest areas of the world. What a coincidence, former Secretary of Health Julio Frenk and Ernesto Zedillo are advisers of the Foundation.

Like Monsanto, Gates is also engaged in trying to destroy rural farming worldwide, mainly through the “Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa” (AGRA). It works as a Trojan horse to deprive poor African farmers of their traditional seeds, replacing them with the seeds of their companies first, finally by genetically modified (GM). To this end, the Foundation hired Robert Horsch in 2006, the director of Monsanto. Now Gates, airing major profits, went straight to the source.

Blackwater, Monsanto and Gates are three sides of the same figure: the war machine on the planet and most people who inhabit it, are peasants, indigenous communities, people who want to share information and knowledge or any other who does not want to be in the aegis of profit and the destructiveness of capitalism.

* The author is a researcher at ETC Group

January 27, 2012

Big Pharma is a Major Player Behind ACTA. What is ACTA? Worse Than SOPA.

How do you like being ruled by an unelected body of decision makers who are accountable to NOBODY EXCEPT THE WORLDS ELITE LEADERS? Welcome to world government that puts YOUR BEST INTERESTS down the toilet.

Below is an article that breaks down ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement), the ‘globalist’ world wide version of SOPA that launched protest world wide. But first, I want to expose the fact that big Pharmaceutical is one of the driving lobbying force behind yet another ‘law’ being pushed down the throat of the public WITH NO PUBLIC INPUT WHAT-SO-EVER.

From Merck:

“Merck supports increased enforcement of existing anti-counterfeiting laws and the adoption of new public policies to strengthen existing laws and enforcement programs, including increased criminal and civil penalties for counterfeiters.

Read Full Report:
We advocate for such change in a number of ways:

GlaxoSmithKline’s Position (They’ll Cry You A River)
“Adequate and effective protection of IPRs are pivotal factors in encouraging pharmaceutical companies
to invest in research. Without IP laws, GSK would not be able to fund new R&D and to provide new
innovative products which save the lives and improve the lifestyle of countless people. Nor would we
be able to easily prevent third parties from counterfeiting GSK products.”

Read Full Report:
GSK’s Position on the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA)

Eli LiLLY & CO (Cry You A River Act II)
“Lilly recognizes the importance of international efforts that seek to improve and harmonize intellectual property protection throughout the world. We continue to support international trade agreements that facilitate the implementation of effective patent protection for pharmaceutical products in important markets that formerly provided inadequate protection. Lilly also recognizes the significant contributions that U.S. trade laws and the World Trade Organization (WTO) rules have made in the area of intellectual property protection. We support their continued use to encourage developing countries to provide effective patent protection for pharmaceutical products. Adherence to WTO standards of intellectual property protection stimulates economic growth (through increased investment and retention of local talent) and ensures the availability of innovative medicines.”

Read More:
Positions on Key Issues

Bayer AG Pharmaceutical

Phillip Barengolts Who has represented Bayre AG Co-Authored ACTA

From my research Bayer AG has been actively engaging in ACTA (In Reverse / Stealing Trademarks) before it was ever signed.
Bayer Asked to Disclose R&D Cost Data for Anticancer Drug

Funny that a warning pops up on my browser when clicking this link. DO NOT BE DECEIVED!! The website will NOT hurt or infect your computer. If this happen to you just continue on.
Obama Signs Global Internet Treaty Worse Than SOPA

White House bypasses Senate to ink agreement that could allow Chinese companies to demand ISPs remove web content in US with no legal oversight
Paul Joseph Watson (FOR ALL LINKS and, there are many)
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Months before the debate about Internet censorship raged as SOPA and PIPA dominated the concerns of web users, President Obama signed an international treaty that would allow companies in China or any other country in the world to demand ISPs remove web content in the US with no legal oversight whatsoever.

The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement was signed by Obama on October 1 2011, yet is currently the subject of a White House petition demanding Senators be forced to ratify the treaty. The White House has circumvented the necessity to have the treaty confirmed by lawmakers by presenting it an as “executive agreement,” although legal scholars have highlighted the dubious nature of this characterization.

The hacktivist group Anonymous attacked and took offline the Federal Trade Commission’s website yesterday in protest against the treaty, which was also the subject of demonstrations across major cities in Poland, a country set to sign the agreement today.

Under the provisions of ACTA, copyright holders will be granted sweeping direct powers to demand ISPs remove material from the Internet on a whim. Whereas ISPs normally are only forced to remove content after a court order, all legal oversight will be abolished, a precedent that will apply globally, rendering the treaty worse in its potential scope for abuse than SOPA or PIPA.

A country known for its enforcement of harsh Internet censorship policies like China could demand under the treaty that an ISP in the United States remove content or terminate a website on its server altogether. As we have seen from the enforcement of similar copyright policies in the US, websites are sometimes targeted for no justifiable reason.

The groups pushing the treaty also want to empower copyright holders with the ability to demand that users who violate intellectual property rights (with no legal process) have their Internet connections terminated, a punishment that could only ever be properly enforced by the creation of an individual Internet ID card for every web user, a system that is already in the works.

“The same industry rightsholder groups that support the creation of ACTA have also called for mandatory network-level filtering by Internet Service Providers and for Internet Service Providers to terminate citizens’ Internet connection on repeat allegation of copyright infringement (the “Three Strikes” /Graduated Response) so there is reason to believe that ACTA will seek to increase intermediary liability and require these things of Internet Service Providers,” reports the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

The treaty will also mandate that ISPs disclose personal user information to the copyright holder, while providing authorities across the globe with broader powers to search laptops and Internet-capable devices at border checkpoints.

In presenting ACTA as an “international agreement” rather than a treaty, the Obama administration managed to circumvent the legislative process and avoid having to get Senate approval, a method questioned by Senator Wyden.

“That said, even if Obama has declared ACTA an executive agreement (while those in Europe insist that it’s a binding treaty), there is a very real Constitutional question here: can it actually be an executive agreement?” asks TechDirt. “The law is clear that the only things that can be covered by executive agreements are things that involve items that are solely under the President’s mandate. That is, you can’t sign an executive agreement that impacts the things Congress has control over. But here’s the thing: intellectual property, in Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution, is an issue given to Congress, not the President. Thus, there’s a pretty strong argument that the president legally cannot sign any intellectual property agreements as an executive agreement and, instead, must submit them to the Senate.”.

26 European Union member states along with the EU itself are set to sign the treaty at a ceremony today in Tokyo. Other countries wishing to sign the agreement have until May 2013 to do so.

Critics are urging those concerned about Obama’s decision to sign the document with no legislative oversight to demand the Senate be forced to ratify the treaty.

January 26, 2012

Vaccine Insider: “DNA / RNA ‘Recombination’ Behind Autism.” (DUH!)

Editor’s Note:

The same science of putting genetically altered DNA / RNA in food that then gets into your body works the same way. IT REWRITES GENE SEQUENCES IN THE BODY OF THE HOST. I tried to explain this to another vaccine researcher and she simply did NOT get it.

Well. it seems somebody in the vaccine industrial complex got a conscience, grew a spine and spilled the beans that injecting human DNA /RNA with viruses growing in them would comeback and haunt the host. (the person that got the shot)

The science of RNA / DNA recombination has been known in the professional field that works closely with the vaccine industry, THE BIOWARFARE INDUSTRY.

If people really understood the science that is in today’s vaccines, there is NO WAY IN HEAVEN OR HELL THEY WOULD EVER INJECT THIS GENETIC CRUD INTO THEIR BODIES.

Please Read ‘Related’ article below.
Autism’s Causes and Biomarkers: An Interview with Helen Ratajczak, Ph.D.
Age of Autism

“The MMR II vaccine is contaminated with human DNA from the cell line in which the rubella virus is grown. This human DNA could be the cause of the spikes in incidence. An additional increased spike in incidence of autism occurred in 1995 when the chicken pox vaccine was grown in human fetal tissue (Merck and Co., Inc., 2001; Breuer, 2003). The current incidence of autism in the United States, noted above, is approximately 1/100.

The human DNA from the vaccine can be randomly inserted into the recipient’s genes by homologous recom- bination, a process that occurs spontaneously only within a species. Hot spots for DNA insertion are found on the X chromosome in eight autism-associated genes involved in nerve cell synapse formation, central nervous system devel- opment, and mitochondrial function (Deisher, 2010). This could provide some explanation of why autism is predomi- nantly a disease of boys. Taken together, these data support the hypothesis that residual human DNA in some vaccines might cause autism.”

For full article click HERE.
1978 CIA Document Explains Science Of Recombinant DNA For Bio Warfare.

January 24, 2012

Big, Big Money Want’s “Vaccine Skepticism” Turned Into a thought crime!!

Editors Note:
I have NEVER asked readers to share any of my posts. This is the exception. PLEASE share this post with as many people you can!

I told you that the big money behind the vaccine industry CAN NOT CHALLENGE THE VACCINE SAFETY / ANTI VACCINE MOVEMENT WITH FACTS! We are kicking the vaccine industry’s hind end. SOPA, the bill to shut down websites like this one went down in flames (put on a shelf). So NOW, what do these slime devils in the vaccine industry want done with NO judge or jury to websites like this one and, their authors along with like minded doctors / science professionals, who are giving YOU the FACTS and, the REST OF THE STORY on vaccines? Since the vaccine cult / industry can not fight a FAIR fight, they are TRYING to take a page right out of ‘Fahrenheit 451’, ‘George Orwell’s 1984’, the old Soviet Union and Nazi Germany ALL ROLLED UP INTO ONE, by creating a BAZZAR LAW OUT OF THIN AIR to prosecute ANYONE who says ANYTHING negative about vaccines.

Like in the novel ‘Fahrenheit 451’ where books “not in lockstep with the state” were to be burned, these pro vaccines kooks want ALL vaccine websites and research BRUNED, DELETED from existence that do NOT give vaccines a glowing report. So much for REAL objective science OR, WHAT IS IT THEY ARE TRYING TO HIDE WHEN IT COMES TO VACCINES?

If deleting damning evidence against vaccines wasn’t crazy enough, these pro vaccine ‘crazies’ want people like me, doctors, scientists… ANYONE who exposes the chemicals, heavy metals, cancer viruses… that are in vaccines and, what they will do to a person once they get in the body, ARRESTED FOR THOUGHT CRIMES!! Anyone promoting trying to ‘burn’ or delete information and their authors arrested for ‘thought crimes’ needs to check themselves into a metal asylum.

For ANYONE who still believes that vaccines are for the ‘greater good’, LOOK WHAT KIND OF TYRANTS ARE BEHIND THE VACCINE INDUSTRY!. They can’t win an argument with facts so, they are desperate and, all of us who have exposed vaccines, HAVE ALSO EXPOSED THE NUT JOBS BEHIND THE VACCINES THEMSELVES.

To bad for them! The genie is already out of the vaccines vile and will NOT be put back in again.

Big Pharmaceutical Is Pushing National Socialists Agenda To Experiment Vaccines On Public By FORCE!

Also Related:
It’s Amazing how accurate I was back in 2009 when I wrote…
The Drug Story (A Parallel Universe To Climategate)

Speaking of vanishing from the internet…
Here is a link to ONE of the interviews with George Soros discussing his aiding and abetting the Nazis.

This was bragged about by George Soros himself and this ‘bragging’ was posted all over the internet back in the late nineteen nineties. These self damning revelations have been removed and are very hard to come across today. HOWVER, not ALL records of this have been destroyed and it will resurface once again.

Soros Mouthpiece Calls On Google To Police “Conspiracy Theories”

Stanford scholar wants search engines to flag global warming, vaccine skepticism as thought crimes

Paul Joseph Watson For ALL sourced links
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Former fellow of George Soros’ Open Society and current Stanford University scholar Evgeny Morozov has called on Google and other search engines to become thought crime enforcers, by providing warnings about websites that contain “conspiracy theories” such as the belief, held by a majority of Americans, that global warming is not primarily man-made.

Morozov, whose biography confirms him as a well-connected insider, decries in a Slate piece how the Internet is a useful tool for “People who deny global warming” as well as “the anti-vaccination movement,” calling on Google to provide a “socially responsible curated treatment” that would marginalize such beliefs by amending search results.

His solution is to, “Nudge search engines to take more responsibility for their index and exercise a heavier curatorial control in presenting search results for issues like “global warming” or “vaccination.” Google already has a list of search queries that send most traffic to sites that trade in pseudoscience and conspiracy theories; why not treat them differently than normal queries? Thus, whenever users are presented with search results that are likely to send them to sites run by pseudoscientists or conspiracy theorists, Google may simply display a huge red banner asking users to exercise caution and check a previously generated list of authoritative resources before making up their minds.”
Morozov describes the potential that such a move will be judged as Google “shilling for Big Pharma or for Al Gore” as “a risk worth taking”.

This represents a similar argument to Cass Sunstein’s “cognitive infiltration,” an effort by Obama’s information czar to slap government warnings on controversial websites (including those claiming that exposure to sunlight is healthy). In a widely derided white paper, Sunstein called for political blogs to be forced to include pop ups that show “a quick argument for a competing view”. He also demanded that taxes be levied on dissenting opinions and even suggested that outright bans on certain thoughts should be enforced.

Giving companies like Google, which has grown to virtually become the gatekeeper of the entire Internet itself and is already engaging in SOPA-like acts of censorship, the power to denote which political and scientific positions are acceptable and which are fringe “conspiracy theories” is an insult to free thinking and smacks of Chinese-style thought control.

Morozov’s argument is also completely undermined by the fact that the two so-called fringe “conspiracy theories” he forwards as being in need of Google’s thought crime control, skepticism about global warming and the dangers of vaccines, are views held by millions of Americans and are not “fringe” at all.
According to the most recent polls, less than half of Americans now believe that global warming is caused by human activity, a number that has been slipping for the past several years.

In addition, polls show that a quarter of Americans, some 75 million of them, believe that vaccines are unsafe and can cause autism. To characterize this as a minority conspiracy belief is like labeling Catholicism as a doctrine of a tiny fringe.

At best, views about global warming and the safety of vaccines can be described as being split, but to claim that skepticism over man-made climate change and the dangers of inoculations are “kooky” fringe conspiracy beliefs, as Morozov does in his article, is brazenly inaccurate and exposes the agenda-driven bias of his rhetoric.

This is further illustrated by the reader comments, which almost universally deride Morozov and attack his argument as being a thinly veiled demand for Internet censorship.

“The day Google starts doing things like this is the day I find a new search engine,” writes one.
“So, you are a supporter of internet censorship? Only of information that you disagree with, of course. So I assume Slate and NAF did not support the recent action regarding SOPA?” adds another.
Morozov’s rhetoric is merely one aspect of the wider move to turn the Internet into an echo chamber of establishment propaganda, drowning out alternative voices to the benefit of large pharmaceutical companies who make billions from selling risky vaccines and scientific bodies whose very survival depends upon the global warming myth being upheld.

It represents another effort to win an information war the establishment is currently losing, as Hillary Clinton herself admitted, by not just creating a new Orwellian Internet Ministry of Truth, as Bill Clinton demanded, but by ascribing this role to the very gatekeeper of the Internet itself – Google.

January 22, 2012

ANOTHER Baby Dies After 9 Vaccines in One Day

Editorial Note:
When you finish reading all of this, REMEMBER DR. OFFIT, who wants to give your child / baby 100,000 vaccines so HE can line his greedy pockets!

This is NOT going to be pleasant BUT, SOMEBODY HAS GOT TO SAY IT! This is just another day in the world of vaccines. I almost didn’t post this because, even I’m so used to, CONDITIONED to these deals with vaccines that I’ve become desensitized. This happens EVERY DAY with vaccines. The ONLY reason the word gets out ‘on occasion’ is because these particular parents DID NOT BUY INTO THE DAMAGE CONTROL BULL the medical industrial complex ISSUES every time THEY kill kids with their deadly vaccines. This may not be a NICE thing to say but, it has to be said. Many times these kids / babies get shot up and die right in front of their parents and even after this, these parents buy into the bull the death could NEVER be from the vaccines!

This same deal concerning vaccines is particularly a problem when CPS (Child Protective Services) snatches children WHO HAVE NEVER HAD POISONOUS VACCINES INJECTED INTO THEIR VEINS. Most of the time these are NOT even babies these are HEALTHY (STRONG EMPHASIS ADD!!) children who get multiple vaccines and either die or become extremely AND PERMANENTLY ILL RIGHT AFTER ‘THE STATE’ HAD SNATCHED THEM.

YOU have the POWER as a parent to end this madness BEFORE IT STARTS. Tell these rabid psycho vaccine pushing doctors NO when they want to shoot up your kid.

Baby Dies After 9 Vaccines in One Day

Christina England
Vac Truth
January 20, 2012

The end of last year was masked with sadness for Belgium parents Raphaël Sirjacobs & Béatrice Dupont, as their nine week old daughter Stacy Sirjacobs lost her fight for life. Stacy died just one week after her first vaccinations and left her twin sister Lesly behind. Devastated by their loss their parents are convinced that vaccines and hospital failures were the cause of their beautiful daughters death.
Stacy and Lesly were born one month premature by Caesarean section and spent the next four days in an incubator. Stacy needed resuscitation at birth.

Following medical advice parents Sirjacobs and Dupont decided to have the twins vaccinated. Stacy was slightly unwell with a cold on the day of her vaccinations but doctors assured her parents that it was safe to give her the vaccinations.

(It is worth noting that there is a history of Sudden Infant Death and allergies in the family. The twins were being prescribed a milk supplement due to a milk allergy at the time Stacy became ill)
The twins received Prevenar, a vaccine against meningitis and pneumonia, Infanrix Hexa, a six in one vaccination for diphtheria, tetanus, polio, pertussis, hepatitis B and Haemophilus type B, and finally the Rotarix, a preventive vaccine for gastroenteritis.

This means that these tiny vulnerable babies received a staggering nine vaccines in one day, vaccines that may have caused one of them to die.

A week after her vaccinations Stacy became unwell with a fever of 39.9 degrees C. Her parents decided to administer Perdolan to lower her fever. As their daughter was still very poorly they called the hospital who advised them to bring their daughter in.

The medical staff diagnosed Stacy with a slight chest infection and infection in her blood and told her parents not to worry as this was “not serious”. Stacy was then given medication and put on a drip feed and kept in for observation.

Stacy’s father informed me that all links to the vaccines were strongly denied. Despite Stacy having a heartbeat of 200 to 230 beats per minute the pediatrician told her parents that she was fine and that she was probably suffering from gastroenteritis (an illness that this little girl had been vaccinated against!).

The worried couple decided not to leave their daughter and remained by her bedside. During the evening they informed the nurse that their daughter had diarrhea but to their astonishment, they were told that the baby had been changed and they were to let her get some sleep and change her when she woke up.

During the night, Stacy continued to suffer ‘abnormal diarrhea’, and despite frantic pleas from her parents the nurse refused to do anything, even though by this time Stacy was restless and in obvious distress. Stacy’s father says that they reported to nursing staff that Stacy was covered in small red spots and had difficulty breathing.

According to Stacy’s father, Stacy’s medical records states that at 19.45 a doctor telephoned his brother to ask his permission to do a lumbar puncture and put Stacy on the antibiotic Ampire, while they were awaiting the results. Authorization was denied …
Stacy died a short time later.

Stacy’s father says: (translated from French by Google translate)
“The nurse 23h phone to the pediatrician to inform him that the little Stacy is worse, this one happens to 11:45 p.m. ET begins to make attempts at resuscitation. He informed at the time the parents that the baby is not breathing on their own, and asks them to leave the room. Would follow three hours, during which everything is sought to revive the girl, who is declared dead at 3am. But in fact, the heart stopped beating Stacy at midnight.

The pediatrician then began to explain to parents that the little one died of sepsis and meningitis, while in order to make such a diagnosis, it would have had to do a lumbar puncture which was not performed, or that would have required at least one blood culture or stool, the results will not be known until 3 or 4 days”.

Stacy’s death was recorded as: ‘Meningitis’.
It is interesting and extremely sad that this little girl died of an illness that she was vaccinated against just one week before she died. It is obvious from the information that I have from the father that this tiny vulnerable baby was left to suffer in considerable pain, dirty and in distress, whilst the pleas of her parents were ignored.

Vaccinations are administered to a child based on the age of the child from the day that they are born. Due to the advances in medicine, babies are being saved at an earlier and earlier stage in their development. We know that Stacy was born at approx one month premature, which means that she was given her eight week old vaccinations at just a month old; she was also unwell at the time she was vaccinated. It is my opinion that her small immature immune system could not cope with the onslaught of deadly toxins and chemicals that are in our vaccines today.

Stacy’s devastated parents are so outraged by what they have discovered since their baby’s death, that they are now asking the world to join them in a worldwide protest. They want the world to hold a global event in memory of Stacy and the many hundreds of children that have been killed or injured by vaccinations worldwide. They feel that vaccine deaths are being covered up and ask the citizens of the world to stand united for one day against vaccine damage.

They say:
We are the parents of Stacy, who died a week after HER first vaccines; we are organizing a global event in honor of Stacy, Nova and all other vaccine victims worldwide. We are summoning every citizen of every country to take to the streets in their own cities, towns and villages: things must now change!
Remember to invite local journalists, the media and any victims or parents of victims prepared to tell their story. Make placards, banners and signs: UNCENSORED VACCINE INFORMATION, FREEDOM OF CHOICE!
The event is to be held on the January 20th 2012. If it is not possible for you to attend one of the many protests that are being held, then perhaps you could go along to your local church and light a candle to register your protest at what is happening around the world.

Sirjacobs and Dupont are right; something radical does need to be done to make the authorities listen to parents

Vaccine deaths are being reported around the world at an alarming rate. In May 2010 The Times of India (2) reported that 128 deaths had occurred during the previous year and the figure appeared to be rising with each year. Their report suggested that the Indian government was covering up vaccine deaths. Arun Ram reporting for the Times wrote:

“The government tries to pass on every death as unrelated to vaccine. It sometimes merely does a culture of the vaccine in question. Just because a vaccine is not found to be contaminated, it doesn’t mean the vaccine has not caused the death,” says Dr Puliyel.

In March 2011 Neil Z miller (3) wrote that in the USA more than 2,000 babies died after receiving pneumococcal and Hib vaccines and yet nothing whatsoever was done. He reported that whilst these vaccines were suspended in Japan after just four deaths, the news of over 2000 deaths in the USA was barely even reported. According to Miller Paul Offit had called the Japanese authorities foolish, saying that the babies probably died of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). In fact he passed their deaths off as anything he could, except the vaccines that is. Miller wrote:

According to Paul Offit, media spokesperson for the vaccine industry, “the Japanese Ministry of Health was foolish to suspend the Hib and pneumococcal programs.” Offit thinks the deaths were probably caused by SIDS, or underlying conditions, or another cause – anything except the vaccines. Often, children get sick and die by chance.

Actually, Paul Offit could be right, many of the vaccinated babies could be dying as a result of SIDS because in May 2011 an interesting article hit the internet by storm stating that a study published in the Journal of Human and Experimental Toxicology found that the countries that administered the highest number of vaccines during the first year of life experienced higher infant mortality rates. (4)
This is not new because studies have been stating that vaccines were causing children to die for many years.

The Pourcyrous study (5) was the first study to examine the impact of multi-vaccinations on the immature brain. It is clear from the results of this study that the more vaccines a child has, the larger impact the vaccines have on the child’s brain. Massroor Pourcyrous, MD, Sheldon B. Korones, MD, Kristopher L. Arheart PhD, Henrietta S. Bada, MD studied 239 preterm infants who were given either a single vaccine or multiple vaccines, their results are as follows:

Abnormal elevation of CRP level occurred in 85% of infants administered multiple vaccines and up to 70% of those given a single vaccine. Overall, 16% of infants had vaccine-associated cardiorespiratory events within 48 hours postimmunization. In logistic regression analysis, abnormal CRP values were associated with multiple vaccines (OR, 15.77; 95% CI 5.10-48.77) and severe intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) (OR, 2.28; 95% CI 1.02-5.13). Cardiorespiratory events were associated marginally with receipt of multiple injections (OR, 3.62; 95% CI 0.99-13.25) and significantly with gastroesophageal reflux (GER) (OR, 4.76; 95% CI 1.22-18.52).

This study has had so much impact that it has now being quoted in papers and books on adverse reactions to vaccines and SIDS worldwide.

As today saw the news that yet another vaccine is to be added to babies vaccine schedule, the Meningitis B vaccine (6), we to ask ourselves how many Stacy’s will it take before action is taken?
This article has been written in memory of Stacy Sirjacobs and the many hundreds of babies who have lost their life after receiving what the governments tell us are ‘safe vaccines’.

January 19, 2012

Forced Vaccine Warfare On Wilderness Spreads More Rabies.

I just got finished writing (for the millionth time it seems) on how the vaccine pushers of today are trying to repeat history of the FORCED smallpox vaccine catastrophe in 19th century Europe. Where, someone got the brilliant idea of FORCE vaccinating the European population (FOR A FEE of course) and, by the time the height of the forced vaccine campaigns rolled around, smallpox had mushroomed into full blown epidemics killing millions of people. Where, before the vaccine campaigns, smallpox rarely killed people with the disease. This made the European aristocracy particularly happy as ‘MANY’ of them wrote that they were pleased “disease could wipeout more people than war”, and they could make a buck off it in the process.

The more things changed the more things stayed the same. Vaccines are still hard at work spreading things like polio and, the vaccine pushers NOT ONLY ADMIT THIS BUT, USE THE DISEASE THEY SPREAD TO DEMAND MORE PEOPLE TAKE THE VACCINE THAT’S SPREADING THE DISEASE!!! I guess people really are stupid in this day and age to put up with this evil.

Now, the vaccine wackos have taken to the air. Using aircraft to drop what amounts to ‘weaponized’ DNA / RNA altered LIVE viral rabies strains in the wildlife of Texas. Of course, the only effect this is having is to spread MORE disease.
Vaccine warfare! Texas carpet-bombs 7,000 square miles with air-dropped rabies vaccines
Natural News (For All Sourced Links)

(NaturalNews) The weaponization of vaccines just took another leap forward in America with the recent air-dropping of rabies vaccines by the Texas Department of State Health Services. Using a battery of small planes based out of Del Rio, Texas recently dropped 1.8 million edible vaccine packets over 7,700 square miles of rural Texas.

The packets contain edible rabies vaccines dipped in fish oil and coated with fish meal to entice foxes and coyotes to eat them. Once consumed, the animal is “vaccinated” against rabies, researchers claim.

Of course, what these researchers don’t yet understand in their scientific ignorance (and arrogance) is that they are also engaged in a rabies DNA / RNA bombardment of Texas. As even the Institute of Medicine has admitted, MMR vaccines for use in humans actually cause measles because many of the vaccines contain live viral strains.


Vaccine manufacturing is conducted under such poor quality control today that vaccines are routinely shipped out the door containing viable viral strains that often infect and sometimes even kill human victims. For example, in 2009 Baxter Pharmaceuticals was caught red-handed shipping out live avian flu viruses to 18 countries (

What Texas Dept. of State Health Services workers probably don’t yet grasp is that vaccine manufacturers routinely use vaccines to spread the very disease they claim to be preventing. By injecting live rabies strains into a small percentage of the vaccines dropped on Texas (say, one percent), they are effectively engaging in a DNA carpet-bombing run that will absolutely guarantee rabies continues to remain endemic throughout feral animal populations in the state. This, of course, will result in yet more rabies vaccines being purchased to “combat the problem,” thereby achieving the goal of the entire scam: To sell more vaccines to the government.

Vaccines become weapons to be inflicted on innocents

This air-dropping of vaccines over Texas is all part of the militarization of modern medicine taking place today. In just the past few months, we’ve seen the AMA calling for “mandatory participation” in vaccine trials, where you would be “volunteered” by the government to be injected with an experiment vaccine, at threat of arrest (…).

We’ve also seen cases where police have been called and CPS workers threatened to take children away from parents who refused to vaccinate their children (…).

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has already conducted bizarre experiments on genetically engineered mosquitoes that carry vaccines to be silently injected into unsuspecting humans. And that same foundation has also invested heavily in covert vaccination technology that could, for example, vaccinate you with a spray mist used at airport security checkpoints (

As these examples show, vaccines are increasingly being used in the context of weapons: air-dropped, covertly injected or even forcibly injected at gunpoint. These are signs of a system of medicine that operates like a police state, where people are stripped of their rights and freedoms “for the good of society.” The individual is sacrificed, in other words, to serve the interests of the state. Such a philosophy is fully consistent with the entire history of secret government-funded medical experiments against blacks (Tuskegee), Guatemalans (, and even criminal medical experiments involving Dr. Jonas Salk and the polio vaccine (

Here’s a list of just a few of the criminal, inhuman medical experiments that have been conducted on innocent people by the U.S. government:

All this adds up to classic eugenics — especially given that vaccines in humans are strongly tied to lifelong infertility, spontaneous abortions and birth defects. It’s all part of a human de-population agenda that Bill Gates has openly admitted to in his public speeches about “reducing world population” with the help of vaccines (

The law of unintended consequences will come back to haunt Texas

The state of Texas, of course, claims its air-dropped rabies vaccines have been a huge success. Rabies cases have plummeted in every area targeted by the vaccine carpet-bombing runs, they insist. But even if you believe those numbers, you must ask: At what cost?

What are the unintended consequences of air-dropping viral fragments of rabies over 7,000 square miles of open terrain? Engaging in such an act is just begging to be humbled by nature as that viral material gets recombined into some other deadly pathogen that exists in the wild, creating a hybrid “Franken-virus” that never would have existed without this arrogant “scientific” intervention. Can you imagine a “rabies bird flu pandemic?” Mother Nature can!

Add to this the fact that many deer in Texas are being fed genetically modified corn (GMOs), and you now have engineered genetic material from bt corn residing in the flesh of deer that might be consumed by the very same coyotes who are eating the air-dropped rabies vaccines. What might be the consequences of such a dangerous genetic experiment involving tens of thousands of animals in the wild?

No one knows. And that’s the point, because the Texas scientists don’t know either. They were all educated at Texas A&M which is still stuck in the era of chemical agriculture, and they think spraying everything with Roundup is the solution. (Seriously, Texas A&M graduates are totally infatuated with the use of chemical pesticides on everything…) They don’t know anything about the dangers of GMOs, nor the recent research published in Cell Research that shows how microRNA (small fragments of genetic code) can pass through the digestive system, attach to organs such as the liver, and alter the physiology of those organs. (…)

These “scientists” do not know what they are doing. They are narrow-minded and short-sighted. They play God with Mother Nature and hope they don’t make a mistake. They risk the future integrity of Texas agriculture and wildlife on their bizarre Frankensteinian schemes that run the risk of wreaking total havoc with the biosphere. They are, like most other conventional scientists, blinded by their arrogance.

It’s too late to stop them, of course. This program has been going on for 18 years, they say. And they claim it’s an amazing success! It’s so successful, in fact, that now they’re moving on to develop an airdrop vaccine for skunks. So in 2012 and beyond, they’ll be carpet-bombing Texas with skunk rabies vaccines.

Gee, did they ever consider the possibility that the reason skunks have so much rabies is because they’ve been dropping rabies DNA / RNA onto the landscape for nearly two decades? And after they treat the skunks, they still have a long list of animals to target with yet more vaccines, see? What about a raccoon vaccine? How about wild pig vaccines? Deer vaccines? At what point does this effort vaccinate all the wild animals of the world ever end?

If they keep this up, before long Texas will become a DNA battlefield where the entire natural ecosystem is massively contaminated with genetic intervention at every level.

But of course, it keeps the vaccine companies in business, doesn’t it? And as Rick Perry proved with his HPV Gardasil scandal, Texas loves to force vaccines on innocent people while collecting payoffs from the drug companies that make them. (

You can bet someone in the Texas Department of State Health Services is receiving a nice, fat payoff for all this.

January 18, 2012

Big Pharmaceutical Is Pushing National Socialists Agenda To Experiment Vaccines On Public By FORCE!

If you think the headline is ‘RADICAL’, ‘FARFETCHED’, ‘SENSATIONAL’ or even worse, ‘A FLAT OUT LIE’, you better prepare yourself for this…

The American Medical Association is floating out, through their ‘journal’, that it would be a great (But certainly NOT original) idea to force the public to take experimental vaccines. Now, the reason why this over-the-top article was MOST LIKELY put out by the puppet association of ALL the major pharmaceutical companies, was to be used AS A TALKING POINT by another PUPPET of the pharmaceutical industrial complex, the corporate media.

See Related: NO VACCINES!!! NO HEALTH CARE!!! It seems I’ve been vindicated again.

The JAMA article was most likely constructed so that the corporate media can CREATE A FAKE AND COMPLETELY CONTROLLED DEBATE. Where one tele-prompter talking head on one side of the issue is pushing the FORCED experimental vaccines on the public (bad cop), while another ‘COOLER HEAD, CALMER, MORE RATIONAL’ tele-prompter talking head is completely in disagreement with the other talking head on the experimental vaccine issue BUT, IS IN FULL AGREEMENT THAT THE PUBLIC SHOULD HAVE ‘APPROVED’ VACCINES FORCED ON THEM (good cop).


Both ideas of force medicating the public, experimental vaccines or ‘approved’, are right out of the Nazi hand book from Nuremberg Nazi Germany. If you think it’s NOT, just read below.

This excerpt is from Brown University. Similar excerpts can be found in any and ALL OF ACADEMIA.

The idea of, “state before individual” was typical of the Nazi era and physicians began to lose sight of their moral obligations as they were swept into the dehumanizing Nazi political culture. The slew of exotic diseases and afflictions, a condition of the war environment, were seen as a, “national threat,” and it was to these “threats” that German doctors began to assume the responsibility of acting on behalf of the state in order to imporve the health of the nation. On the basis of national thought and utilitarianism doctors no longer acted as caretakers but as puppets of a government obsessed with racial and genetic purity. Medical experiments committed under the disguise of scientific research fell into three basic categories: (1) Medico-Military Research; (2) Miscellaneous, Ad Hoc Experiments; and (3) Racially Motivated Experiments. (1)

Most drugs INCLUDING VACCINES have so many side effects / adverse effects they should NEVER have been approved in the first place. Everybody, who has NOT been living under a rock, knows that the FDA who approve these drugs also work for the same pharmaceutical companies once the drugs have been voted to ‘approve’ status. This so-called drug and vaccine ‘approval system’, is a system where the ONLY thing that separates the FDA drug approvers from the drug companies themselves is an absurd ‘turnstile’, where the approvers are shuttling back and forth, to and from the drug companies. Essentially, the FDA has been ‘privatized’ and, IN REALITY, is a PRIVATE organization with the words ‘FEDERAL’ & ‘DEPARTMENT’ in it so it can still get tax payer money to pay to keep the lights on in the building.


So basically, EVEN APPROVED DRUGS CAN BE CLASSIFIED AS EXPERIMENTAL, because NO ‘experiments’ have EVER been conducted LONG TERM on all the side and ill effects of the drugs AND VACCINES.

The ONLY reason the AMA HAS TO SHOW YOU THEIR TRUE NATIONAL SOCIALIST COLORS is because MOST PEOPLE, not living under a rock, have seen or been a victim to both drugs and vaccines and, the gig is up for big pharma. Now, they think they can PR and hoodwink the SAME PUBLIC WHO WON’T TAKE THEIR DANGEROUS VACCINES to go along with forced vaccinations AS THE ONLY LAST COURSE OF ACTION TO GET THEM INTO TH VEINS OF A PUBLIC THAT NO LONGER WANTS THEM.

This is ALSO the story of the 19th century Euro smallpox vaccine FAILURE ‘reinventing’ itself in the 21st century. Where, the FORCED smallpox vaccine created mass epidemics at the height of the mass vaccine programs. Where, people in Europe refused to take them and governments started to jail people that wouldn’t take them. That idea failed with a capital F and, once the vaccinations ended (by default), SO TO DID THE SMALLPOX EPIDEMICS. Gee, go figure.

Another quick history lesson on the AMA and it’s ties to old nazi germany.
Read about Rockefeller as the AMA’s founder.
Then, Read Rockefeller Nazi ties.

So, when it comes to the AMA acting like a bunch of National Socialists (NAZIS), the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
AMA Journal: Make Participation In Vaccine Trials Mandatory ALL Sourced Links)

Population should be forced to take experimental shots “for the greater good”

Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

An article published by the American Medical Association’s Virtual Mentor journal advocates making participation in vaccine trials mandatory, arguing that people should be forced to take experimental shots in a similar vein to how jury service is compulsory.

The article, written by Oxford University’s Susanne Sheehy and Joel Meyer, is entitled Should Participation in Vaccine Clinical Trials be Mandated?

Concerned about the “distressing decline in the numbers of healthy volunteers who participate in clinical trials,” the piece argues that “Compulsory involvement in vaccine studies” should be considered for the “greater good of society.”

“Many societies already mandate that citizens undertake activities for the good of society; in several European countries registration for organ-donation has switched from “opt-in” (the current U.S. system) to “opt-out” systems (in which those who do not specifically register as nondonors are presumed to consent to donation) [10], and most societies expect citizens to undertake jury service when called upon. In these examples, the risks or inconvenience to an individual are usually limited and minor. Mandatory involvement in vaccine trials is therefore perhaps more akin to military conscription, a policy operating today in 66 countries. In both conscription and obligatory trial participation, individuals have little or no choice regarding involvement and face inherent risks over which they have no control, all for the greater good of society.”

Using the example of military conscription – the draft – to justify the idea of compulsory participation in vaccine trials, illustrates how the whole idea is completely rooted in authoritarian tendencies. The draft has its historical origins in slavery and has largely been abolished by developed nations.

And if you thought the use of the term “for the greater good of society” wasn’t downright creepy enough, the authors later propose tackling society’s reluctance to accept compulsory recruitment to vaccine trials by virtually advocating the arrival of a more deadly disease than swine flu in order to ensure “compulsory recruitment becomes a more palatable option.”

“Consider an infectious disease with a high transmission and mortality rate for which vaccine development were possible but limited by a shortage of volunteers willing to participate in clinical trials. Would mandatory participation in clinical trials then be an acceptable policy?” ask the authors, ruminating on how an “Increase (in) the severity of the disease in question,” would increase the likelihood of society accepting mandatory vaccine trials.

The authors conclude by bemoaning ethical considerations that would present a roadblock to the effort to force people to take experimental vaccines, proposing instead that a system of “mandated choice” be introduced to coerce people into agreeing to be given the shots.

Mandating that people take experimental vaccines is of course completely abhorrent, it violates the fundamental human right not to be forcibly medicated, and harks back to the dark days of eugenics, mandatory sterilizations, and episodes like the Tuskegee syphilis experiment.
The very reason why less people are willing to volunteer for vaccine trials is the fact that vaccines, whether approved or experimental, have been responsible for deaths and injuries worldwide in increasing numbers. The United States, which administers the highest number of vaccines to babies, has the highest infant mortality rate out of all developed nations, a connection that is no coincidence according to a recent medical study published in a prestigious medical journal.
Indeed, earlier this month GlaxoSmithKline was fined $93,000 dollars for its role in an experimental vaccine program in Argentina that killed 14 babies between 2007 and 2008.
For this authoritarian premise to even be considered in the AMA’s ‘Journal of Ethics’ is shocking, but the increasing move towards making vaccines mandatory is a wider phenomenon.

Last year, California passed a law that allows children to be given the Gardasil shot, which has been linked with thousands of adverse reactions and dozens of deaths, without parental consent.

Parents who try to remove their children from the ever-expanding list of “required” vaccine programs for school-age kids are being targeted by law enforcement. When Rachel Garmon told her doctor that she had taken the decision not to vaccinate her healthy 2 and a half year old son, she was subsequently visited by a Pennsylvania State Trooper who was tasked with investigating her “suspicious behavior,” despite the fact that Pennsylvania is one of the many states that allows vaccination exemptions on both religious and medical grounds.

The AMA article represents a shocking insight into the control freak tendencies of some of today’s most influential medical minds. Forcing people to take part in experimental vaccine trials that pose a serious risk to their health is totally contemptible and has no place in a free society.

January 17, 2012

“I FELT COMPLETELY VIOLATED!!!” Evil Doctor WRONGFULLY Sends Police / CPS After Mother / Son.

Editorial Note:
Each and every day doctors are acting LESS and LESS like doctors and MORE and MORE like soviet / communist style bureaucratic goons, hell bent on destroying peoples lives with a phone call and a LIE.

Mother, Rachel Garmon, thought everything went fine at her son’s NEW pediatricians office. Even though the doctor tried pushing vaccines like a high school drug dealer would push dope on the ‘new kid at school’. Rachel Garmon, never-the-less, felt she had a very friendly experience at the new pediatricians office.

Well, snakes are what they are, snakes. The very next day Rachel Garmon got a note at her door left by both a Pennsylvania state trooper AND CPS to call them back. God must have been shinning his light on Rachel because she happened to be at her sisters house when they came, in ‘attempt’, at snatching her son.

Rachel Garmon calls the first business day and the trooper told her that the state troopers and CPS responded to a call they received from the pediatricians clinic Garman just visited. THE EXCUSE to come after this mother was that, the clinic said she refused to show her identification and was “acting suspicious’. Totally made up! Rachel Garmon on the Alex Jones radio program said of the ordeal… “I felt completely violated!”

This Doctor thinks just because Rachel Garmon WISELY refuses to have mercury and many, many other toxins injected into her sons veins that, she can simply MAKE UP A STORY, give it to the police like this is old East Germany under the Stasis. Rachel Garmon is NOT a person to be messing with. She is going to file legal action against this doctor and the clinic.

If something like this happens to you. YOU NEED TO TAKE LEGAL ACTION, PERIOD!!

Under NO circumstances, SIGN (AT LEAST WITHOUT CONSULTING AN ATTORNEY FIRST) the form that states that YOU AGREE YOU ARE A HORRIBLE PARENT for not giving your child dangerous vaccines.

Rachel also refused to sign the self incriminating form designed by the American Academy of Pediatrics that basically states that you are a horrible parent for not protecting your child with poisonous vaccines. This is a document that no parent should sign as this can be used against you when CPS or Children and Youth Services begin to push their agenda in a family court situation.

If a pediatrician wants you to sign their AAP form on ‘vaccines and YOU the parent’, tell the Doctor you’ll sign it IF AND, ONLY IF, THEY SIGN A LEGAL FORM MAKING THEM PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE IF YOUR CHILD HAS AN ADVERSE VACCINE REACTION OR DEATH. You can bet the farm they won’t sign that form.

What makes this doctor so utterly and completely EVIL is, that BEFORE calling the ‘authorities’ this doctor gave Garmon’s son A CLEAN BILL OF HEALTH!! This so-called doctor, commented specifically on how healthy her son was. Maybe this boy’s good vibrant health was exactly what bothered this so-called doctor? Maybe this doctor would LOVE to see Garmon’s son develop any number of disorders from vaccines? Maybe watching kids become ill after their vaccinations ‘gets this pediatrician off’? One has to wonder.

Doctor Calls Police, Child Services on Mother Who Refuses to Vaccinate Son
Curt Linderman Sr.
January 17, 2012

Once again the tyrannical claws of the medical industrial complex, supported by big brother government, have grazed the flesh of an intelligent, educated mother that has refused to bow down to the lies of the vaccine agenda.

Rachel Garmon, a resident of the Centre County area of Pennsylvania, recently took her 2 ½ year old son to an appointment with a new pediatrician. Mrs. Garmon states in her recent interview with Alex Jones that her visit with the doctor was going well. The pediatrician even stated that the boy looked very healthy. This was of course until the good doc found out that Rachel had never vaccinated her son.
Suddenly, the visit took a turn for the worse as the pediatrician, classically trained in the heretical arts of poisoning young children in the name of health, began to attempt the indoctrination of vaccination into this wayward mother. Rachel however, stood her ground and explained to the doctor that she had “strong convictions against vaccinating (her) son and he was not going to get any shots.”

Rachel also refused to sign the self incriminating form designed by the American Academy of Pediatrics that basically states that you are a horrible parent for not protecting your child with poisonous vaccines. This is a document that no parent should sign as this can be used against you when CPS or Children and Youth Services begin to push their agenda in a family court situation. By the end of the appointment, Rachel stated that she felt that the visit had ended on a good note and really didn’t feel as if there was any need to be concerned with her decision not to vaccinate.

Mrs. Garmon spent the weekend out of town visiting her sister and upon returning home, she witnessed two notes attached to her door. These notes were from a Pennsylvania State Trooper asking her to contact her “ASAP”. The first attempt failed due to the late hour but the following day, Rachel was successful in reaching the state trooper and was informed that the doctor that Rachel had visited the week prior had contacted the department to file a report regarding her suspicious behavior. The doctor apparently told the trooper that Mrs. Garmon had come to her office with her son, refused to give her identification and had acted “suspicious”.

When was the last time you had to show your driver’s license to see your doctor? Mrs. Garmon told the trooper that she had not been asked for her identification and that she felt that this issue was in regards to her decision to not vaccinate her son. Could the “suspicious” actions be of a mother that educates herself on issues regarding her child’s health and wellbeing? In today’s world of following orders like lemmings to the cliff’s edge, perhaps this could be construed as “suspicious”. The state trooper also stated that the pediatrician had called Children and Youth Services.

In the interview with Alex on Tuesday I would have to surmise that this doctor has picked on the wrong woman. Rachel is a popular mother and respected member of the community, a Sports and Wellness Director for a well known community based organization and a well educated citizen of Pennsylvania. She also seems quite prepared to take this to the next level and this level should be pressing charges on a pathetic pediatrician that files false and misleading reports with the Pennsylvania State Police.

Mrs. Garmon was contacted eventually by the pediatrician via voice mail and stated that she had no idea what she was talking about regarding the visit from the state authorities. Judging from the conversation between the state trooper and Rachel we can only assume that this pediatrician is as much a liar as she is a minion of the eugenics-inspired vaccine movement.

CDC Increases Pressure on Parents to Vaccinate Kids with Deadly Toxins

Editors Note:
Basically a rehash of articles / comments I have made on this blog. Good, ACCURATE info never-the-less.
CDC Increases Pressure on Parents to Vaccinate Kids with Deadly Toxins

Curt Linderman Sr.
January 16, 2012

Recently, the CDC, in coordination with HHS and state health departments, has been increasing the pressure on parents to vaccinate their children. In many cases, pressure has been brought on families with phone calls, school notes sent home and now it seems, knocking on your doors. In this video, Natomas, California school officials and a school nurse are seen going door to door trying to vaccinate school children that have not had one of the many DTaP vaccines recommended by the CDC schedule (1). While these school officials are more than likely, concerned about federal dollars that they will be refused for each child that is not fully vaccinated (2) there is little doubt that there is a far more nefarious agenda at hand.

NORC (National Organization for Research at the University of Chicago) is currently working closely with CDC to ensure that all of America’s children are fully vaccinated with the toxic, sickness inducing and physically and mentally debilitating cocktail of toxins, carcinogens, DNA animal fragments and viruses through the National Immunization Survey (3). Calls to your home will be coming soon if you have young children or even teenagers. These calls will most certainly begin with a nice voice at the end of the line asking questions and perhaps even exhibiting true and deep concern regarding the health of your child. In some cases, the actual operator/survey taker might even feel that they are performing a righteous task for the good of the nation and your children. That is the farthest thing from the truth.

So what is the vaccine agenda all about and why is the CDC “ramping-up” their efforts to vaccinate every American? The notion that vaccines are about preventing disease is the first mistake most people make. This might have been the case back when Jenner originally noted that milk maids exposed to cow pox were seemingly unaffected by the more lethal small pox, but this agenda changed dramatically in the early 1900s. In fact, the change in the underlying reasoning for vaccination was so dramatic and fantastically disturbing that even many of the citizens considered to be “awakened” to the globalist agenda cannot comprehend its diabolical nature. Perhaps this is a defense mechanism, I’m not sure, but you must understand the medical history of the past 100 years to truly see what is going on and where we are headed.

What most American’s in this country call “traditional” medicine today started with the Flexner Report of 1910 (4). Flexner was called on to research and write this report by the Rockefeller and Carnegie eugenics organizations that were also working with the early European Eugenics societies (5). The immediate agenda of this report was to control the citizens and ultimately the population numbers (through the eradication of minorities and the mentally deficient). The way to do this was to turn profits and attention away from the healing traditions of nutrition and homeopathy and swing it 180 degrees towards the petroleum and pharmaceutical industry agenda of sickness, indebtedness and death. The first casualties where the medical schools of the early 1900s: before the Flexner Report, there were 650 medical schools across the United States teaching the true healing arts. By 1918 there were 50 left. These remaining schools were the ones that dropped to their knees and offered to worship at the altar of eugenics, the Rockefeller and Carnegie religion.

Why the history lesson? Because we have to understand that the modern vaccination policies of the western world have never been about healing and protecting the citizens. Most of us understand that things are moving at an increasingly accelerated pace regarding the placement of the New World Order government and vaccines play a crucial role in this agenda. Reports of FEMA camps, TSA checkpoints on our streets and in our shopping malls, commercials encouraging neighbors to turn each other in to the authorities for violations or concerns are daily occurrences now. A strong, healthy and smart citizenry is the most dangerous threat to tyranny and vaccines are a major part of the NWO solution to this problem.
The increase in autism, asthma, juvenile diabetes, juvenile arthritis, ADD, ADHD, Primary Immunodeficiency Syndrome, the staggering numbers of cancers among our children and more, are caused by the industrial medical complex, creating a need for pharmaceuticals that turn our children into walking, sometimes talking, little drug addicted zombies that can be assured to simply walk into the FEMA camps without any hesitation whatsoever. Add to this, the recent heavy push within the CDC to ensure that young adults are getting their booster shots and the elderly are getting their flu / pneumonia and shingles vaccines (6) and you have a populace that will willingly give up their freedoms for relief from the maladies caused by their new masters.

NORC’s involvement with the CDC in the push to vaccinate every American citizen is extremely concerning. The very fact that NORC is a Chicago University based organization simply cannot be coincidental. Our socialist Commander-in-Chief and the horribly corrupt nature of Illinois politics have to play a factor. Further investigation into NORC and their affiliations illustrates the eugenic nature of the vaccine agenda as if we were once again reading from the Rockefeller/Carnegie, eugenics inspired, Flexner Report.
NORC’s “selected Clients” page on their website(7) reads like a Who’s Who of the corporate greed and eugenics movement. Firms and organizations like; The Bill and Malinda Gates Foundation, JP Morgan Chase Foundation, Kaiser Family Foundation, AMA, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, U.S. Dept. of Justice and interestingly enough, foreign partners such as Deutsche Invest und Entwicklungsgesellschaft (DEG), George Soros’ Open Society of Europe, The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development as well as The Global Development Network.

Even if you haven’t looked closely into the numerous vaccine controversies, if you have a fundamental understanding of the New World Order and what they have in store for us, the CDC’s partnership with NORC and their need for ensuring that every American get vaccinated should be enough to do exactly what the woman in the above video clip did when they come to your doorstep: Tell them to &^%$ off and slam the door!

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