From Hell To Veins

April 30, 2010

WHO Issues Warning About Corruption Of Pharmaceutical Industry


I have to issue a ‘reality check’ to the corrupt Rockefeller created and run World Health Organization. MANY, MANY of us have been ‘issuing warnings’ about the corrupt pharma industry since it’s inception. Read the ‘Drug Story‘. It was first written in the 1930’s (revised through the 1940’s) and is even MORE relevant today then it was when it was first written. To the WHO, DON’T try and warn some of these people. Not even the World Health Organization calling the ‘kettle black will keep these people from running out and allowing these corrupt corporations to pump contaminates into their veins! Or that of their children. They won’t even listen to you WHO, but of course, those at the WHO already know that.

WHO issues warning about corruption of pharmaceutical industry

Friday, April 30, 2010 by: David Gutierrez, staff writer
Natural News

(NaturalNews) The World Health Organization (WHO) recently issued a fact sheet warning about the corruption and unethical practices that are endemic to every step of the pharmaceuticals business.

“Corruption in the pharmaceutical sector occurs throughout all stages of the medicine chain, from research and development to dispensing and promotion,” the fact sheet reads.

The medicine chain refers to each step involved in getting drugs into the hands of patients, including drug creation, regulation, management and consumption. According to WHO data, unethical practices such as bribery, falsification of evidence, and mismanagement of conflicts of interest are “common throughout the medicine chain.”

The fact sheet also highlights other forms of corruption specific to particular steps in the chain. For example, clinical trials may be conducted without proper regulatory approval, royalties may be collected through manipulation or disregard of the patent system, and products may be registered with incorrect or insufficient information. Drugs may be produced through substandard or counterfeit methods, leading to products that are less effective at best, and hazardous at worst. Corruption can also occur during the drug inspection process, allowing such shoddy products to be given a government seal of approval.

Once drugs have been produced for the market, corruption can occur via the selection of non-essential drugs for different governments’ lists of “essential” medications. Unethical marketing strategies — both legal and illegal — are common throughout the drug business. Vendors may collaborate with pharmaceutical companies and doctors might be unduly influenced to dispense drugs to gain the greatest profit rather than to produce the greatest benefit for the patient.

This corruption can have serious consequences, the WHO warns.

“Medicines are only beneficial when they are safe, of high quality, and properly distributed and used by patients,” the fact sheet says.

Most obviously, corruption in the drug business can divert medicines away from where they are most needed, while the production of substandard pharmaceutical products can be dangerous to patients’ health.
“Diverted, counterfeit and substandard medicines have been identified in markets of both rich and poor countries,” the fact sheet says.
“Such practices lead to patient suffering and have direct life or death consequences.”
Corruption in the drug business also wastes public resources and “[erodes] public and donor confidence in public institutions.” In Third World countries, as much as 89 percent of health care spending is lost to corruption, while unethical practices cost First World countries an estimated $12 billion to $23 billion a year. Worldwide, this amounts to a loss of 10 to 25 percent of all drug procurement spending, or nearly $190 billion.

The WHO notes that corruption is so widespread in part because medicines pass through a large number of intermediaries before they reach the patients who need them. Each extra step provides an opportunity for corruption to take place, ultimately driving up the cost of the medicine or diverting it toward the wrong recipients.

Corruption is especially hard to fight because most cases go unreported. The WHO attributes this both to fear of retaliation on the part of whistleblowers, and also the institutionalization of corruption “to the point where people feel powerless to influence change in their countries.”

According to the WHO, countries most likely to be plagued with corruption in the pharmaceutical industry are those without “appropriate legislation or regulation of medicines; enforcement mechanisms for laws, regulations and administrative procedures; [or] conflict of interest management.”

“A lack of transparency and accountability within the medicines chain can also contribute to unethical practices and corruption.”

Corruption has real health impacts, the fact sheet emphasizes. For example, countries with more corruption have higher child mortality rates than other countries with similar health standards.

As part of its efforts to reduce unethical practices in the medicines chain, the WHO launched the Good Governance for Medicines program in 2004. This program helps countries evaluate their vulnerability to corruption, then plan and implement programs to reduce it.

April 29, 2010

Vaccines, Population Control, JP Morgan Chase / Goldman Sachs And Big Pharma Corruption.

My Commentary:
Here at Hell To Veins I have been covering these same allegations and have provided the links. Here is yet more info with links.

Via E-mail Newsletter From: Tetrahedron, LLC
Health Science Communication for People Around the World


Release: No. 6-CHASE-39
Date Mailed: April 29, 2010
For Immediate Release
Contact: Art Thompson–949-715-2217;

Profitable Depopulation Plot Links JP Morgan-Chase and Goldman Sachs to Vaccination Contaminations and BigPharma Corruption

A medical investigation into suspicious outbreaks and propaganda used to sell drugs and vaccines has exposed investment bankers at JP Morgan-Chase (JPMC) and Goldman Sachs (GS) for plotting to shock/stress, frighten, poison, and kill billions of people most profitably–pharmaceutically–according to the Editor-in-Chief of Medical Veritas journal. (Refer: )

While researching a powerful Partnership for New York City (PFNYC), (Refer:, Wall Street’s wealthiest industrialists, Harvard-trained public health expert, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, and investigative journalist, Sherri Kane, discovered shocking evidence of a conspiracy to commit global genocide by generating diseases and death to advance profitable pharmaceutical depopulation.

medical journal
Population planners at the highest levels of government and industry conspired to spread diseases, vaccines, drugs, and death most profitably, according to research published in the latest issue of Medical Veritas.

In a related Special Report posted on YouTube, Dr. Horowitz urged humanitarian organizations and activist groups worldwide to issue investigations, alerts, civil complaints, and criminal charges to stop the pharmaceutical depopulation plot because it risks genetic inheritance, new pandemics, and the possible extinction of the human race.

“Corruption in the drug industry is rampant and transparent,” Dr. Horowitz explains, “Investment bankers at JPMC and GS, who acquired controlling interests in the largest drug firms during mergers and acquisitions, have placed ‘depopulation’ near the top of their list of geopolitical priorites. Their depopulation agents are now in top positions of government, finance, and industry.

The depopulation plan is supported by the world’s wealthiest people, including Bill Gates, who admittedly funds vaccinations to reduce global populations by 10-15%. Leading population planners and economic developers advance identical plans to cull the world’s population to 1 billion.
(Refer: )

“Killing 6-out-of-7 people globally, most profitably, requires planning and an unprecedented conspiracy to commit genocide by applying advances in genetic biotechnologies exclusively available and affordable to drug companies controlled by the investment bankers,” Dr. Horowitz adds.
web page

The doctor points to the fact that US Treasury Department officials previously operated JPMC and GS on behalf of majority stock holders and their partners in pharmaceutical companies heavily represented in the PFNYC and the trade organizations that negotiate multi-billion dollar government purchases of drugs and vaccines.

Researchers, including vaccination contamination expert Dr. Viera Scheibner, reports in the current issue of Medical Veritas that polio virus vaccines are produced in African green monkey kidney cell cultures routinely contaminated with transmissible cancer viruses.

By reviewing drug company patents, Dr. Horowitz learned that the makers of H1N1 swine flu and rotavirus vaccines use the same cultures risking recombinations, genetic mutations, and unstoppable transmissions of deadly agents threatening new pandemics.

“This best explains why public health officials are preparing for vaccine-transmitted H1N1s cloned in monkey cells to recombine with bird H5N1s currently circulating. This threatening and most deadly recombination of flu viruses, officials herald may happen in the Fall,” Dr. Horowitz warned.

Besides the inadequacies of safety testing new vaccines without using placebo controls, it is this issue of reliability of information that concerns more than half of the medical physicians polled since they became aware that the entire medical industry has been hijacked by Wall Street’s pharmaceutical profiteers. Now they are learning from famous people, like Gates, that the world’s wealthiest people are administering vaccinations for depopulation.

“I love vaccines,” Gates stated at a TED conference in February, 2010, while lecturing on ways to reduce global populations to stem environmental pollution.
Bill's Mug
The links between the directors of major drug companies, mainstream media moguls, and investment bankers at JPMC and GS are so obvious and incriminating, and the dispersion of unsafe vaccines so common and disturbing, only profitable depopulation as a planned outcome of pharmaceutical investments can explain the current situation.

“Complete censorship was the only option officials have had to prevent a meltdown in public opinion about medicine and the pharmaceutical industry,” said Ingri Cassel, a leading vaccine risk awareness activist. “This explains why news of this vaccination depopulation plan has been neglected by the special-interest-influenced media.”

Investigating conflicting pharmaceutical interests influencing news coverage, Sherri Kane, previously a writer for FOX News in Los Angeles, learned that the majority shareholders in FOX, TimeWarner, News Corp., and the Wall Street Journal, are heavily invested in GlaxoSmithKlein and Merck’s CSL Laboratories, both makers of risky drugs and vaccines.

Lloyd Blankfein, the CEO of Goldman Sachs, became a major shareholder in AstraZeneca following his direction of the company’s acquisition of the H1N1 FluMist maker, MedImmune. Blankfein has also leveraged ABC-Disney following their merger with money he raised through GS investors. This resulted in Dr. Oz’s heavy promotion of H1N1 vaccines on ABC last year, when officials learned that the vast majority of Americans were unwilling to risk the exposure.

Rupert Murdoch and Lloyd Blankfein co-chair the PFNYC, founded by CHASE principal, World Bank ambassador, and America’s leading energy industrialist and medical monopolist, David Rockefeller. The PFNYC was chartered by the Royal Family of England–a majority share holder in General Electric–the world’s largest company–that controls NBC/Universal/Comcast, and MSNBC with Bill Gates.
web page

The PFNYC was pledged to play a central role in reconstructing Ground Zero following the 9/11 attacks, according to Kathryn Wylde, President & CEO of the Partnership and current Director of The Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The organization compiled the economic report on the damage done, advanced financial plans for reconstructing the World Trade Center, and advised leading financiers regarding reconstruction investments.

According to 911-Truth movement directors, Wylde and other members of the PFNYC are implicated in the treasonous attacks that scientific evidence says involved thermitic explosives used in controlled demolitions.

These allegations and PFNYC connections to 9/11 events implicating investment bankers at Goldman Sachs are additionally scrutinized in a new feature-length film produced by Dr. Horowitz. PHARMAWHORES: The SHOWTIME Sting of Penn & Teller premieres in theaters across North America this summer. (Quicktime and MP-4 downloadable versions are available through

The PFNYC is co-directed by Jeffrey B. Kindler, the Chairman and CEO of Pfizer–the world’s largest drug company. Kindler stewards Pfizer through multi-billion dollar acquisitions also involving JPMC and GS financing.

The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), the drug industry’s main trade organization, is also directed by Kindler. PhRMA officials engage White House and Pentagon officials in private negotiations determining pricing for stockpiles of drugs and vaccines.

Dr. Horowitz views this covert administration of multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical contracts as symptomatic of the industry’s corruption. The “corporate shell game” is played using mergers and acquisitions directed by the same people. Their creation of the PhRMA trade organization provides the illusion of their legitimacy and fair competition. Price fixing occurs behind closed doors, explaining why prices vary so widely internationally.

Another gross example of corrupt government pharmawhores sucking Wall Street’s slime, is Congressman Henry Waxman’s (D-CA) treason against the American people for sneaking dietary supplement regulation language into ‘The Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009,’ (H.R. 4173).

For years, Waxman has attempted to pass legislation restricting consumer access to nutritional supplements on behalf of BigPharma. The FDA, largely controlled by BigPharma, contends regulating vitamins, minerals, herbs, homeopathics, oils, colloidal silvers, and more natural products protects consumers.

During health care reform negotiations with PhRMA, Waxman feigned concern that drug companies were driving too hard a “bargain” on pharmaceutical prices, but still voted in favor of the cartel’s freedom to set their own limits.

Most telling and ironic, PhRMA’s official negotiator to whom Waxman complained, “PhRMA should contribute more than PhRMA wants to contribute,” was Billy Tauzin, the former congressman who held Waxman’s job as chair of the Energy and Commerce committee.


Academic Research On Population Reduction Global Policies

April 27, 2010

H1N1 Is A LAB VIRUS Intentionally Created As A Bioweapon.

For those who chime in on occasion ‘claiming no facts’ are given on this blog here’s a homework assignment for you. Yes, you will NEVER learn a damn thing if ALL your information comes in nifty little 30 second sound bites from your mainstream news channel, bogus documentaries by ‘Frontline’ and glossy ‘Time’ magazines that won’t give you ALL the facts just one side of the story.

Below are ALL the links for you AND I to research to make sense out of our crazy world we’re forced to deal with.

UPDATE: 01-26-12
Labvirus dot com ‘wordpress’ had the most ‘documentation’ AND chronology on the weaponizing of the h1n1 flu strain. Unfortunately, Labvirus was ‘censored’ due to a ‘QUESTIONABLE’ wordpress violation. A video got leaked out and Labvirus posted it. The bottom line is that the labvirus link NO LONGER exists.

I will contact the author of the NEW labvirus on all the documentation and see if a new page was created OR if all that documentation was lost.

At any rate. Since this entry was posted the corporate lame stream media has had NO CHOICE BUT to report the multitude of laboratories creating weaponized influenza viruses. So, in light of all the news stories on weaponized influenza that have surfaced, it’s not too hard for ANYONE with two brain cells to rub together to figure out that the h1n1 governments around the world WERE TRYING TO SELL THE PUBLIC into taking vaccines was most likely a weaponized virus as well.

Until I get word from Labvirus as to what happened to the h1n1 repository they once had I’ll do my best to post a verity of links to similar data.

H1N1 Is A LAB VIRUS Intentionally Created As A Bioweapon

The Vaccine War (A Comment)

Frontline’s Vaccine War.

It’s ALL The Internets Fault!

I had a couple of major issues with the Frontline video segment called ‘The Vaccine War’.

First of all, it was ‘presented’ as a ‘balanced’ documentary but, it was NOT. Very deceptive to say the least. Frontline, like so many other ‘mainstream’ news outfits, ‘ALLOWED’ the big pharma vaccine pushers like Dr. Offit to push their ‘dogma’ while NOT allowing medical professionals such as Dr. Blaylock to challenge their claims. You see, Frontline did their part to give the ‘illusion’ that ALL medical professionals are ‘pro vaccine’ while only a hand full of NON professional advocates are anti vaccine. Dr. Blaylock has said he has personally challenged Dr, Offit in a FAIR public debate on Offit’s 100,000 vaccinated (shots per one child) claim and many other vaccine ‘myths’ being spread by these so-called professionals. Dr. Offit agreed then chickened out at the last minute. What are doctors and other pro vaccine scientists afraid of? As it turns out, Dr. Wakefield has ALSO challenged Dr. Offit to a public debate and here Dr. Offit remained silent. But why should Dr. Offit put himself in a ‘challenging’ situation when he is getting plenty of UNCHALLENGED airtime on prime time TV / Radio and print? By the way, this is the same doctor (Offit) who created the RotaTeq vaccine that Merck purchased for millions of dollars that has the pig ‘cancer’ virus Merck REFUSES to take out! Is it really any wonder why Offit does NOT what to have to answer questions in a ‘public forum’?

Having Dr. Blaylock challenge the ‘herd immunity’ pseudo science claim would have alone blown wholes through these pro vaccine pusher’s claims of the effectiveness of vaccines. This brings up my other big issue. It seemed quite clear that the Frontline piece was also ‘created’ to ALLOW these ‘unchallenged’ vaccine pushers to use the internet as their #1 enemy. Which is true, HOWEVER and this is a BIG however, the internet ALLOWS other medical and scientific professionals to challenge the dogma of the pro vaccine oracle of big pharma where MSM outfits like ‘Frontline’ will NOT give them their ‘FAIR’ say.

In the name of ‘balance’, Frontline should have at least challenged the pro vaccine doctors claims (they challenged the anti vaccine group in this piece). when they ‘claimed’ the Redskins cheerleader ‘made up’ her illness. Because such vaccine related injuries are not only well known but named as gillian’s brae disease. Where the effects are ‘usually’ but, not always, temporary. These doctors / spokespersons are WELL AWARE of this but, led the audience who may not know these FACTS to believe this was an internet stunt. This unprofessional ‘stunt’ by these so-called medical professionals should NOT have been allowed to go unchallenged. It should have been reported by Frontline that internet is ALSO used by those near and dear to big pharma to discredit ALL professionals who have a different take on vaccines than the ones sold as religion by the same ‘oracle’ of big pharma.

I should also mentioned that the documentary was essentially ‘stuck in the 90’s’ with it’s research. For instance, MUCH of the info today on the dangers of vaccines is light years head of anything, ‘PRO VACCINE’ himself, Dr, Wakefield was doing in the 1990’s.

The Herd Immunity Pseudo Science Fraud.

Last but NOT least, why did Frontline chose NOT to tell their general audience the FULL story of vaccines where the vaccines spread the disease itself and how drugs companies are very rarely held responsible for their actions?

Here is but ONE case of many, many such cases.

Polio Vaccine Victim Wins Lawsuit Against Big Pharma

Where was Frontline in presenting these important facts on vaccines?

April 19, 2010

Vaccine Ready To Market Springboards Fear Mongering For Mild Virus.

Is this NOT what defines terrorism? Will vaccines hot off that vat such as this become mandatory?
Vaccine Near, So Fear Mongering Starts Over Another Mild Disease
by Heidi Stevenson
19 April 2010
Gaia health

Have you ever heard of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)? In all likelihood, you haven’t, though you’e probably had it. You or your parents most likely called it a cold. Now though, there’s an RSV vaccine on the horizon, so the fear mongering is starting. Of course, to back up the fear, a study was done to give the impression that the disease is terrible. It was funded by vaccine promoters.

The Lancet has just published the study, which was financed by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Health Organization (WHO). The WHO is now being examined for its handling of the swine flu so-called pandemic. They stand accused of being in bed with pharmaceutical corporations to promote the use of vaccines. One of the Gates Foundation’s primary goals is to promote vaccines.

So, it should come as no surprise that the study’s results refer to RSV in terms that imply a severe problem. The article refers to its “global burden”. Because it’s a mild disease in normally healthy people, it focuses on developing nations. The study’s result was, of course, a foregone conclusion:

“The development of novel prevention and treatment strategies should be accelerated as a priority.”
Hint: That means focus on vaccinations, not on poverty, the real issue behind most deaths from minor illness.
The fear mongering has already started. BBC News has reported on HSV, describing it as “the single largest cause of lung infection in children”. That sounds so very terrible, but the reality isn’t necessarily so bad. After all, if you have a chesty cough, you have a lung infection. Do you automatically panic over it? Usually, such infections are referred to as the common cold.

RSV is a common disease at all ages. Unlike most viruses, which provide lifetime immunity after infection, only limited immunity occurs. It’s usually a mild disease, generally called a cold. In those with weakened immune systems, such as premature babies, it can be a serious disease, even leading to death. However, that happens in only a minuscule percentage of cases.

The Lancet focused on a single year, 2005. The authors reported that, worldwide, 66,000-199,000 children under age 5 died from RSV that year. This was misreported by BBC as simply 200,000 deaths in children under 5 worldwide, with the claim that it’s an annual figure, though the study was clear in pointing out that it referred only to a single year. Only 1% of these deaths occur in industrialized modern nations. The rest happen in the developing world, where malnutrition, lack of water, and poor sanitation are rampant. In other words, health is already compromised.

Rather than focusing on the most obvious issue relating to deaths from RSV, poor health from lack of the basic needs, the goal is to trot out a new vaccine. To have it accepted requires that people in the wealthier nations see it as a good thing—and that requires developing a hefty fear of the disease.

Big Pharma is brilliant at manipulating the media and creating false impressions through the use of phony grassroots groups and bribing researchers and doctors. They’ve already started to create an atmosphere of fear around the respiratory syncytial virus and its cold-like symptoms.

Once the vaccine is routinely administered to small children in industrialized nations—at enormous profits, of course—it can be pushed on impoverished people elsewhere. Of course, one must question who will bear the cost—but there can be little doubt. The WHO’s budget ultimately comes from the wealthier countries, and that means you and me.

Through all of this, consideration for safety will be nonexistent among the producers of the vaccine or the mainstream media or government agencies pushing it or mainstream medicine administering it. Those who express safety concerns will be marginalized, as always. Bit by painful bit, the truth will come out. But how long will it take? The experience of the last hundred years suggests that no amount of ill health or lives damaged will curtail Big Pharma from making its profits.

April 15, 2010

Operation BIM: Cytokine Storm Protection From H1N1?

Special thanks to

My commentary:

This science makes MUCH MORE SENSE than vaccine science. BIM technology gives your body the tools to TO ALLOW IT’S OWN HEALING mechanisms to fight viruses NATURALLY. Instead of the insane ARCHAIC idea of simply introducing the viruses themselves into a healthy body. Hopefully this technology will see the light of day. If the claim is true, big pharma won’t be happy and, will do EVERYTHING in it’s power to shut it down and sweap it under the carpet. It’s a scientific fact that the best way to combat both viruses and ‘bad bacteria’ (to date) is to destroy it MECHANICALLY. That is, by tearing a part a viruses electrons and neutrons. Which again, makes MUCH MORE SENSE then shooting up healthy bodies with nasty viruses. I know for a fact Investment companies such as Morgan Stanley was going to invest heavy into super nano silver technology because the patents are well tested as a much better alternative to the archaic 200 plus year old vaccine pseudo science. However, as soon as the investment companies jumped on board super silver nano state-of-the-art technology the FDA (which is really big pharma ‘playing’ government) threatened to out law the technology and product in the USA. That’s an absolute ringing endorsement by big pharma the product kicks vaccines butt up one side and down the other for destroying viruses!

April 13, 2010

Rockefeller Founded W.H.O. Appoints H1N1 Cover-Up Committee

My Commentary:

It sure seems that corruption and vaccines go hand and hand. The new definition of ‘ACCOUNTABILITY’ is ‘LET THE CROOKS POLICE THEMSELVES’.

James Corbett
The Corbett Report
13 April, 2010

WHO Appoints H1N1 Cover-Up Committee

Reports that the WHO is appointing an ‘independent’ committee to investigate its own conduct in the H1N1 panic of 2009 has been tempered by the fact that one of the committee’s members, John Mackenzie, was in fact one of the advisors who urged the WHO to declare a pandemic in the first place. He also has ties to vaccine manufacturers, making him part of the very charge being investigated: that the WHO relied on advisors with a financial interest in declaring a pandemic regardless of the facts on the ground.

Evidence continues to mount that the WHO declared a pandemic for the relatively mild H1N1 outbreak last year in order to trigger billions of dollars of automatic vaccine contracts for the benefit of WHO advisors with connections to Big Pharma. In the face of growing opposition and a loss of credibility due to the conflicts of interests among key WHO advisors, WHO Director Margaret Chan called Monday for a “frank, critical, transparent, credible and independent review of our performance” before entering a closed-door meeting with the “independent experts.” No photographers were allowed inside and press was allowed only occasional access to the meeting.

Hopes for a genuinely independent investigation into the scandal were quickly dashed, however, when it was discovered that one of the group’s members, Professor John Mackenzie of Curtin University in Australia, was a member of the very panel that advised the WHO to declare the H1N1 pandemic. In fact, Mackenzie is already on record with his assessment of his own actions: “I think we did everything right,” he told Der Spiegel earlier this year.

Clues to the likely findings and recommendations of the group in Geneva can be derived from other comments Mackenzie made to the German paper: “The system of pandemic levels needs to be revised,” he was quoted as saying. “We need to fine-tune phase 6 so that the severity of the disease is also taken into account.” Analysts are expecting the review to find that the WHO was a victim of fog of war and loose definitions for a pandemic and that no individual will be held responsible for the billions of dollars that have been spent around the world on vaccines that governments are now giving away and may ultimately have to throw out.

Also at issue is why the WHO changed its definition of a pandemic virus just as it was considering whether the emerging swine flu may fit that critera. A definition available on the website before the panic specifically listed “enormous numbers of deaths and ilness” as a criterion for declaring a pandemic. By April, the definition had been changed to specifically allow for “mild” pandemics.

The cover-up committee is being formed ahead of the final report of the ongoing Council of Europe investigation into the scandal. Just last month, the Council released a draft report of its investigation into the affair, delivering a blistering critique of the WHO and its motives for declaring the H1N1 pandemic:
Some members of these advisory bodies evidently have professional links to certain pharmaceutical groups – notably through receiving extensive research grants from the big pharmaceutical groups – so that the neutrality of their advice could be contested. To date, WHO has failed to provide convincing evidence to counter these allegations and the organisation has not published the relevant declarations of interest taking such a reserved position, the Organisation has joined other bodies, such as the European Medicines Agency (EMEA), which likewise, have still not published such documents.
-“The handling of the H1N1 pandemic: more transparency needed”

The Council of Europe committee inquiry was spearheaded by Wolfgang Wodarg, the former chair of the Council’s health committee who made waves last year for saying that the WHO faked the pandemic to make money for vaccine manufacturers. The committee is expected to be quite critical of the WHO, leading many to speculate that the WHO-sanctioned group in Geneva is an attempt to get ahead of the damage and issue a limited hangout on the issue.

The independent group is expected to finish its meeting on Wednesday. No word yet if they will address the fact that flu vaccines actually increase the risk of contracting H1N1, or what the effect might be if a vaccine-pushing WHO ignores this information.

The H1N1 panic started last March, with the WHO estimating as many as two billion infections and millions of deaths. Newly released data shows that the 2009 flu season was actually much less deadly than the regular flu season.

The E.U.’s Investigation On The Who’s H1N1 Vaccine fraud.

April 12, 2010

Pfizer: “Too Big To Nail”

Filed under: HOME — nwqfk @ 3:15 -06:3004
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My Commentary:
If this story, CNN revels in, doesn’t scream corruption from the rooftops I don’t know what else does? The FEDS solution to this corruption is to have Pfizer ‘Police’ itself! Yeah, that’s rich, and why do we even have an FDA? So, my question to the vaccine cult is as follows… “So, when the largest vaccine manufacture says it’s vaccine are ‘SAFE AND EFFECTIVE’, you’re ACTUALLY GOING TO STILL BELIEVE THEM? For those who actually believe this allowed corruption is perfectly acceptable you and Pfizer need to live on your own island and leave the rest of us alone!

Feds found Pfizer too big to nail
By Drew Griffin and Andy Segal, CNN Special Investigations Unit
April 2, 2010 4:44 p.m. EDT
CNN’s Special Investigations Unit reveals internal company documents on Bextra and Pfizer’s health care fraud. Watch at 3 p.m. ET Saturday on CNN.

(CNN) — Imagine being charged with a crime, but an imaginary friend takes the rap for you.

That is essentially what happened when Pfizer, the world’s largest pharmaceutical company, was caught illegally marketing Bextra, a painkiller that was taken off the market in 2005 because of safety concerns.

When the criminal case was announced last fall, federal officials touted their prosecution as a model for tough, effective enforcement. “It sends a clear message” to the pharmaceutical industry, said Kevin Perkins, assistant director of the FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division.

But beyond the fanfare, a CNN Special Investigation found another story, one that officials downplayed when they declared victory. It’s a story about the power major pharmaceutical companies have even when they break the laws intended to protect patients.

Big plans for Bextra

The story begins in 2001, when Bextra was about to hit the market. The drug was part of a revolutionary class of painkillers known as Cox-2 inhibitors that were supposed to be safer than generic drugs, but at 20 times the price of ibuprofen.

Pfizer and its marketing partner, Pharmacia, planned to sell Bextra as a treatment for acute pain, the kind you have after surgery.

But in November 2001, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said Bextra was not safe for patients at high risk of heart attacks and strokes.

The FDA approved Bextra only for arthritis and menstrual cramps. It rejected the drug in higher doses for acute, surgical pain.

Promoting drugs for unapproved uses can put patients at risk by circumventing the FDA’s judgment over which products are safe and effective. For that reason, “off-label” promotion is against the law.

But with billions of dollars of profits at stake, marketing and sales managers across the country nonetheless targeted anesthesiologists, foot surgeons, orthopedic surgeons and oral surgeons. “Anyone that use[d] a scalpel for a living,” one district manager advised in a document prosecutors would later cite.

A manager in Florida e-mailed his sales reps a scripted sales pitch that claimed — falsely — that the FDA had given Bextra “a clean bill of health” all the way up to a 40 mg dose, which is twice what the FDA actually said was safe.

Doctors as pitchmen

Internal company documents show that Pfizer and Pharmacia (which Pfizer later bought) used a multimillion-dollar medical education budget to pay hundreds of doctors as speakers and consultants to tout Bextra.

Pfizer said in court that “the company’s intent was pure”: to foster a legal exchange of scientific information among doctors.

But an internal marketing plan called for training physicians “to serve as public relations spokespeople.”

According to Lewis Morris, chief counsel to the inspector general at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, “They pushed the envelope so far past any reasonable interpretation of the law that it’s simply outrageous.”

Pfizer’s chief compliance officer, Doug Lanker, said that “in a large sales force, successful sales techniques spread quickly,” but that top Pfizer executives were not aware of the “significant mis-promotion issue with Bextra” until federal prosecutors began to show them the evidence.

By April 2005, when Bextra was taken off the market, more than half of its $1.7 billion in profits had come from prescriptions written for uses the FDA had rejected.

Too big to nail

But when it came to prosecuting Pfizer for its fraudulent marketing, the pharmaceutical giant had a trump card: Just as the giant banks on Wall Street were deemed too big to fail, Pfizer was considered too big to nail.

Why? Because any company convicted of a major health care fraud is automatically excluded from Medicare and Medicaid. Convicting Pfizer on Bextra would prevent the company from billing federal health programs for any of its products. It would be a corporate death sentence.

Prosecutors said that excluding Pfizer would most likely lead to Pfizer’s collapse, with collateral consequences: disrupting the flow of Pfizer products to Medicare and Medicaid recipients, causing the loss of jobs including those of Pfizer employees who were not involved in the fraud, and causing significant losses for Pfizer shareholders.

“We have to ask whether by excluding the company [from Medicare and Medicaid], are we harming our patients,” said Lewis Morris of the Department of Health and Human Services.

So Pfizer and the feds cut a deal. Instead of charging Pfizer with a crime, prosecutors would charge a Pfizer subsidiary, Pharmacia & Upjohn Co. Inc.

The CNN Special Investigation found that the subsidiary is nothing more than a shell company whose only function is to plead guilty.

According to court documents, Pfizer Inc. owns (a) Pharmacia Corp., which owns (b) Pharmacia & Upjohn LLC, which owns (c) Pharmacia & Upjohn Co. LLC, which in turn owns (d) Pharmacia & Upjohn Co. Inc. It is the great-great-grandson of the parent company.

Public records show that the subsidiary was incorporated in Delaware on March 27, 2007, the same day Pfizer lawyers and federal prosecutors agreed that the company would plead guilty in a kickback case against a company Pfizer had acquired a few years earlier.

As a result, Pharmacia & Upjohn Co. Inc., the subsidiary, was excluded from Medicare without ever having sold so much as a single pill. And Pfizer was free to sell its products to federally funded health programs.

An imaginary friend
Two years later, with Bextra, the shell company once again pleaded guilty. It was, in effect, Pfizer’s imaginary friend stepping up to take the rap.

“It is true that if a company is created to take a criminal plea, but it’s just a shell, the impact of an exclusion is minimal or nonexistent,” Morris said.

Prosecutors say there was no viable alternative.

“If we prosecute Pfizer, they get excluded,” said Mike Loucks, the federal prosecutor who oversaw the investigation. “A lot of the people who work for the company who haven’t engaged in criminal activity would get hurt.”

Did the punishment fit the crime? Pfizer says yes.

It paid nearly $1.2 billion in a criminal fine for Bextra, the largest fine the federal government has ever collected.

It paid a billion dollars more to settle a batch of civil suits — although it denied wrongdoing — on allegations that it illegally promoted 12 other drugs.

In all, Pfizer lost the equivalent of three months’ profit.

It maintained its ability to do business with the federal government.

Pfizer says it takes responsibility for the illegal promotion of Bextra. “I can tell you, unequivocally, that Pfizer perceived the Bextra matter as an incredibly serious one,” said Doug Lankler, Pfizer’s chief compliance officer.

To prevent it from happening again, Pfizer has set up what it calls “leading-edge” systems to spot signs of illegal promotion by closely monitoring sales reps and tracking prescription sales.

It’s not entirely voluntary. Pfizer had to sign a corporate integrity agreement with the Department of Health and Human Services. For the next five years, it requires Pfizer to disclose future payments to doctors and top executives to sign off personally that the company is obeying the law.

Pfizer says the company has learned its lesson.

But after years of overseeing similar cases against other major drug companies, even Loucks, isn’t sure $2 billion in penalties is a deterrent when the profits from illegal promotion can be so large.

“I worry that the money is so great,” he said, that dealing with the Department of Justice may be “just of a cost of doing business.”

China vaccine scare revives product safety fears.

My Commentary:
What product on ANY market can get away with what the vaccine product get’s away with? Whether it’s Africa, North America, Europe and now China the carnage continues, and so to do the lame excuses by the vaccine cult. Now it’s all China’s fault and never the fault of the vaccine and it’s manufacture’s. Funny that the vaccine manufacture’s PRODUCE MOST VACCINES IN CHINA!

China vaccine scare revives product safety fears
Saturday, 10 April 2010
Four years ago, Qiang Qiang was a healthy boy. Now, he is epileptic and has trouble keeping up at school – problems that emerged after a vaccination against Japanese encephalitis.

The seven-year-old is one of dozens of youngsters in the northern Chinese province of Shanxi whose parents believe their children may have suffered serious side effects from vaccines in the country’s latest public health scare.

“His teacher at school tells us he is dumb, that he has short memory and cannot follow classes,” his father Gao Changhong told AFP.

“We have spent nearly 60,000 yuan (8,800 dollars) to try to cure him, and we really hope the government will take this situation seriously.”

A Chinese state media report last month said four children had died and more than 70 others in Shanxi fell ill after they received shots against illnesses such as hepatitis B and rabies between 2006 and 2008.

The China Economic Times report blamed vaccines that had been exposed to excessive heat and should have been destroyed.

The report quoted Chen Tao’an, a whistleblower at Shanxi’s Centre for Disease Control (CDC) where the vaccines were being handled, as a key source.

China’s health ministry initially investigated reports of bad vaccines in Shanxi in 2008 and found no problems.

But a probe of the latest allegations indicated issues with “management” of the vaccines, though the shots themselves were not faulty when first produced, the health ministry said Tuesday.

It however insisted that the vaccines were not responsible for the four deaths.

According to the World Health Organisation, vaccines that are exposed to high temperatures can lose their effectiveness and trigger reactions.

Shanxi’s CDC admitted in a press briefing in March that its former director had been dismissed following irregularities in his ties with the vaccine firm at the heart of the scandal. But it has insisted its shots were safe.

The allegations have triggered yet another health scare in a nation regularly plagued by food and medicine-related product safety concerns.

In the past few weeks alone, authorities have ordered inspections of cooking oil nationwide after reports said up to one-tenth of China’s supplies contained cancer-causing agents.

Peddlers in the central province of Hunan have also reportedly been found soaking dry soybeans in green dye and selling them as fresh green beans.

And according to state media, a drug firm in the eastern province of Jiangsu has been accused of using an additive in a rabies vaccine that allowed it to meet inspection standards at a lower cost but compromised its potency.

The State Food and Drug Administration has admitted that “inferior materials” were used in producing the rabies vaccines. It said the firm had been ordered to halt production and some employees were suspected of criminal activity.

The parents of the children in the Shanxi case are convinced their children were harmed by faulty shots.

Wang Mingliang lost his baby son after he received a vaccine against hepatitis B. Xiao’er soon began suffering from spasms and breathing difficulties – he died months later.

“We spent more than seven months trying to get him well, from Western medicine to traditional Chinese medicine, and none of it worked,” he told AFP.

“None of the hospitals we went to managed to find a cause for his illness, and that’s when we started suspecting the vaccine.”

China has launched a high-profile product-safety blitz in recent years after a string of scares.

But scandals have continued, including revelations that the industrial chemical melamine was added to milk supplies in 2008. At least six babies died and 300,000 were sickened as a result, according to the government.

April 9, 2010

The ‘Little Gal’ Beats Big Bad Pfizer Over GM HIV Contamination Suit!

My Comentary:
Talk about attacking the messenger! The cards were stacked against Becky McClain as Pfizer. OSHA and big media were all piling on the woman who WOULD NOT BACK DOWN. Sadly, the suit itself is ONLY in regards to her right to blow the whistle on the recklessness by Phizer concerning contaminating their staff with genetically modified HIV viruses. If this is how they treat their staff AND CAN GET AWAY WITH IT, just think how they are contaminating you EVERY DAY! This is no big deal to Phizer a million + in dollars is chump change to them and they know they will NEVER actually be held accountable for the contamination itself.

From: The Raw Story Click for ALL links.
By Daniel Tencer
Friday, April 2nd, 2010 — 4:51 pm

In what is being hailed as a major victory for workers in the biotech and nanotech fields, a former scientist with pharmaceutical firm Pfizer has been awarded $1.37 million for being fired after raising the alarm over researchers being infected with a genetically engineered “AIDS-like” virus.

Becky McClain, a molecular biologist from Deep River, Connecticut, filed a lawsuit against Pfizer in 2007, claiming she had been wrongly terminated for complaining about faulty safety equipment that allowed a “dangerous lentivirus” to infect her and some of her colleagues.

The Hartford Courant describes the virus as “similar to the one that can lead to acquired immune deficiency syndrome, or AIDS.” Health experts testified that the virus has affected the way McClain’s body processes potassium, which they say causes McClain to suffer complete paralysis as often as a dozen times per month, the Courant reports.

McClain’s lawsuit (PDF) asserted that Pfizer had interfered with her right to free speech, and that she should have been protected from retaliation by whistleblower legislation.

Pfizer challenged her assertion, claiming McClain only started complaining about safety problems once her employment was terminated, the Associated Press reports. Pfizer also claimed to have investigated McClain’s claims about safety violations and found them to be untrue, according to the New London Day.

On Thursday, a jury in a US District Court in Connecticut disagreed with Pfizer, granting McClain the $1.37 million, as well as punitive damages, meaning the total amount could be much greater.

The Web site says the ruling is being “considered the first successful employee claim in the biotech and nanotech industry.”

Workers’ rights advocates are pointing to the McClain lawsuit as “evidence that risks caused by cutting-edge genetic manipulation have outstripped more slowly evolving government regulation of laboratories,” reports the Courant.

McClain’s lawsuit says she was exposed to the experimental virus repeatedly between 2002 and 2004, and when she lodged complaints about it, her supervisor said he would “falsify her future performance reviews and he told her they would be negative, and he threatened her in an aggressive fashion following the plaintiff’s repeated complaints regarding safety. He forcibly backed the plaintiff into a wall during one encounter.”


A report at CNN about a separate legal matter involving Pfizer states that the Department of Justice considered Pfizer to be “too big to nail” in an investigation of the company’s illegal marketing of the painkiller drug Bextra.

CNN reports that, if Pfizer had been prosecuted over the drug, the company would have been excluded from doing business with Medicaid and Medicare. But because federal officials considered the company too big to be exempted from working with the government health programs, a dummy corporation — Pharmacia & Upjohn Inc. — was set up, and that dummy corporation then pleaded guilty to the crime.

“P&UCI sold no drugs and had no real employees, and its creation was simply a figleaf to allow a Pfizer entity to take the rap without harming Pfizer itself,” explains Jim Edwards at the Bnet business blog.

Pfizer is the world’s largest drugmaker, with annual revenue around $44 billion.

Ex-Pfizer Worker Cites Genetically Engineered Virus In Lawsuit Over Firing

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