From Hell To Veins

March 22, 2012

The Cancer Report

This is how big pharma / big government operates. Do you keep wanting to be CONNED by them?

Got cancer? Go to right hand column and click on ‘Got Cancer?’
This documentary explains the Rockefeller influence on the health care industry, and particularly how safe alternatives have been silenced in favor of chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. Going back to the early twentieth century, this movie explains how it all got started, and why we are in our current health care predicament. It then provides cures for those suffering with cancer.

March 16, 2012

American Academy of Pediatrics Backs Mandatory HPV Vaccine For Boys: My Response.

Editors Response:

I’ll make this REAL SIMPLE.

Below, I’m going to share a correspondence between a 17 year old Gardasil shot VICTIM and myself.

UNFORTUNATELY FOR YOUR CHILD, if you want to play ‘Russian roulett’ with your boy(s) that’s your business. However, you may want to think twice after hearing what this young lady had to say because, once you pull the trigger and inject that poison into his veins, THERE AIN’T NO REWIND BUTTON THAT COMES WITH ANY VACCINE.

Here is an excerpt from… WILL YOU HEAR MY STORY?


Thank-you much for reading my story.

“I have indeed associated with many girls who have been effected by the vaccine but I had to stop since when I got to know some of them they were dying and I couldn’t take it since I still have no idea what I have, so I became scared. It was very overwhelming since I was just turning into a teen and was active and healthy and rarely got sick…

There’s your frigg’n study!

Below is the link to her TRUE story.

A ‘REALITY’ the American Academy of Pediatrics not only REFUSES TO TELL THE PEOPLE THEY ‘MARKET’ GARDASIL TO BUT, A REALITY THEY DENY, DENY, DENY! Just like they’ve denied their financial ties to the very drug companies that produce the very vaccines they PUSH YET, HAVE BEEN COUGHT LYING WITH THEIR GUBBY LITTLE HANDS IN THE BIG PHARMA COOKIE JAR. In essence, they ARE a part of the drug companies themselves. Of course they want a profit share from a ‘mandatory’ vaccine that doesn’t even work. BUYER BEWARE!!!

UPDATE: 8-20-12
In light of the AAP backing ‘MANDATORY’ HPV vaccines, I just want to also dovetail another aspect of ‘mandatory’ vaccines into what will be called ‘normal everyday life’ in the near future.

Just recently, I had someone comment on my article ‘No Vaccines? No Healthcare!!‘ claiming that when this health care TAX is fully implemented in 2014 (USA), you are NOT going to be required to have ALL ‘mandatory’ vaccines as a part of your ‘legal responsibility’ of maintaining your ‘law enforced’ health care tax. Only the very naive would ever make such an assumption. Especially in this day and age.

Being current on ALL ‘mandatory & recommended’ shots will only be the beginning of this so-called healthcare TAX nightmare.
American Academy of Pediatrics backs mandatory HPV vaccine for boys

(NaturalNews) One by one, all the three- and four-letter organizations that hold perceived positions of authority on health and medicine are endorsing the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines Gardasil (Merck & Co.) and Cervarix (GlaxoSmithKline) for virtually everyone. This week, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the same group that has said all 16-year-olds should get HIV tests, is now recommending that all boys 11 years and older be given HPV vaccines.

Following the lead of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Canadian National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI), both of which also recently endorsed Gardasil for boys, the AAP has invented various reasons why boys, who cannot even develop cervical cancer because they do not have cervixes, should get the shot. These include its supposed ability to prevent genital warts and anal cancer, as well as stop the spread of HPV to girls.

None of these alleged reasons for boys needing the shot are true, however, as neither Gardasil nor Cervarix has ever been proven to prevent genital warts or anal cancer. In fact, Gardasil has never even been proven to prevent cervical cancer, or the vast majority of the HPV strains that supposedly afflict women everywhere (

The truth of the matter is that most HPV strains end up resolving on their own. And HPV infection has never been definitively linked to cervical cancer in the first place, a fact that even the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has admitted ( And yet so-called medical professionals across the country and in Canada are now openly endorsing HPV vaccines for everyone, despite their extensive and proven history of causing permanent health damage and death.

But then again, at up to $500 a pop for the three vaccine series, it becomes abundantly clear why there is such a heavy push to get everyone vaccinated — billions of dollars in new profits are up for grabs if the vaccine industry can get both sexes vaccinated with HPV. And those heavily promoting it are surely getting a nice piece of the pie for using their influence to take advantage of the public trust.

“Gardasil is possibly the most dangerous vaccine on the market with the potential to injure, maim, or even kill the children who receive it,” wrote Dr. Gary Null, Ph.D., and Nancy Ashley, V.M.D., in a recent piece on Gardasil. “We have to get the message out to as many people as we can and flood our legislators with notice that this vaccine is dangerous, should not be given to anyone, and at the very least cannot be mandated for school attendance” (

March 9, 2012

Vaccine Fraud Exposed On Big Pharma Backed TV Show ‘ The Doctors’.

Dr. Travis Stork’s response to audience doctor / researcher was RECKLESS, UNPROFESSIONAL, CHILDLIKE and is absolute PROOF why HIS profession is failing the United States with a CAPITOL F.

In the video I posted below, Dr. Travis Stork’s BULL on vaccine safety was called out FOR NOT BEING ACCURATE and, the researcher in the audience, RIGHTLY TOLD HIM TO HIS FACE THAT… “THE REST OF US ARE GETTING SICK AND TIERED OF THESE SO CALLED HEALTH PROFESSIONALS, READING OFF OF BIG PHARMA PROPAGANDA WITHOUT HAVING THEIR FACTS STRAIGHT”. Dr. Stork did NOT act like a professional and DEBATE THE FACTS PRESENTED TO HIM, he instead, carried on like a CHILD screaming “STOP PICKING ON ME”!!!

The U.S. citizen spends more money BY FAR, lining the pockets of doctors like Travis Stork and, depending on which figure is published by which international organization, America is ranked as low as 50th world wide for health and longevity!! All this BULL about how wonderful vaccines are by this TV show’s big pharma front doctors and yet, America ranks down there with Romania in infant mortality!! Please give me a frigg’n break!! They NEVER mentioned that to the audience.

This Doctor Stork DEMONSTRATES the reason WHY his profession is SO SCREWED UP. If he really cared about health, as he claims, he wouldn’t even be on the show because he would be challenging his big pharma pimp daddies who pay his coin and, we ALL know how long he would be on TV if he EVER did that.


In TRUE fairness to this profession, the public has to become more responsible and PROACTIVE as well. The public in fact has, to some degree, by READING THE INGREDIENTS IN VACCINES and now, even pro vaccine parents no longer want to inject this garbage into the veins of their kids. DUH!! WHY AREN’T DOCTORS LIKE STORK PICKING UP THE BALL AND CHALLENGING BIG PHARMA INSTEAD OF GETTING ALL SELF RIGHTEOUS? If you really DO care Dr. Stork, SHOW ME! Don’t cry me a river!

The video begins and ‘The Doctors’ pediatrician claims meningitis IS a “vaccine curable disease” when #1) meningitis is ONE of the ‘reclassifications’ of what USED TO BE CALLED polio. #2.) meningitis was virtually UNKNOWN on U.S. college campuses. NOW, since the college meningitis vaccine campaigns, meningitis is NOT ONLY NOT ‘CURED’ but, is NOW a nemesis on college campuses.

The show’s doctor CALIMS, with NO proof, that vaccines are responsible for wiping out disease. THIS IS PURE FICTION. In 1964 Walt Disney created the ‘Carousel of Progress’ for the world expo in NY city. NEVER WERE VACCINES EVEN MENTIONED TO HAVE “WIPED OUT DISEASE BECAUSE, IT WAS WELL KNOW IN THE SCIENCE COMMUNITY THEY DID NOT. Infrastructure such as clean water, trash / sewage removal and refrigeration along with better nutrition across the Untied States is what drove down disease long BEFORE the first vaccine programs were even introduced to the mass population. Deadly diseases like Scarlet fever, Yellow fever, Typhoid and Tuberculosis were were ALL wiped out this way with NO vaccine programs in the US.

Mass vaccine programs were FIRST SOLD as ‘precautionary measures’ THAT GAVE A ONE TIME SHOT LIFE TIME PROTECTION. Unlike today, where the same vaccine sales people (pushers) tell you that your child keeps needing booster shots until they are out of STATE / FEDERAL control, otherwise known as school.

Vaccines Didn’t Cure Polio After All?
(for all sourced links)

Smoke, Mirrors, and the “Disappearance” Of Polio … Unbeknownst to most doctors, the polio-vaccine history involves a massive public health service makeover during an era when a live, deadly strain of poliovirus infected the Salk polio vaccines, and paralyzed hundreds of children and their contacts. These were the vaccines that were supposedly responsible for the decline in polio from 1955 to 1961! But there is a more sinister reason for the “decline” in polio during those years; in 1955, a very creative re-definition of poliovirus infections was invented, to “cover” the fact that many cases of “polio” paralysis had no poliovirus in their systems at all. While this protected the reputation of the Salk vaccine, it muddied the waters of history in a big way. Even during the peak epidemics, unifactorial poliovirus infection, resulting in long-term paralysis, was a low-incidence disease that was falsely represented as a rampant and violent crippler by Basil O’Connor’s “March Of Dimes” advertising campaigns. – Vaccination

Free-Market Analysis: This is a great article (excerpted above) about vaccines because it gets at issues that have always puzzled us. The main one is the claim the “naturopathy” community makes that vaccines did NOT (and do not) cause a downturn in various kinds of illnesses.

The video we’ve attached, which pertains to vaccines and autism (we’ve written about this a lot) is very interesting, too. There is no doubt that as the Internet (what we call the “Internet Reformation“) reveals more about what has really gone on to promote vaccines, people will get more and more skeptical – not just of vaccines as they relate to autism but about the medical industry itself.
The Western medical industry is increasingly being revealed as a conduit for pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines. In the meantime, homeopathy, acupuncture and naturopathy are making big comebacks. The idea that one can treat a disease by disguising or attacking the symptoms is increasingly questionable, in our humble view.
Surely, as this very public debate winds on it becomes clear that the vaccine-cures-all meme is an evident and obvious dominant social theme. We’re used to discovering this sort of thing by now. Whenever we push hard at our belief system we discover another area where it seems promotions overwhelm science.

The power elite that evidently and obviously runs the world uses a number of fear-based promotions to frighten middle classes into giving up wealth and power to supra-national organizations. Vaccines are a great methodology for reinforcing the idea of authoritarian health care.
The idea is that only government science and government power can provide people with appropriate health care. But this is simply not true. Some vaccines, in fact, may be tolerable or perhaps necessary, but it is increasingly obvious that many of them have serious side effects for a percentage of the juvenile population. Here’s some more from the article:

Unbeknownst to most doctors, the polio-vaccine history involves a massive public health service makeover during an era when a live, deadly strain of poliovirus infected the Salk polio vaccines, and paralyzed hundreds of children and their contacts. These were the vaccines that were supposedly responsible for the decline in polio from 1955 to 1961! But there is a more sinister reason for the “decline” in polio during those years; in 1955, a very creative re-definition of poliovirus infections was invented, to “cover” the fact that many cases of “polio” paralysis had no poliovirus in their systems at all. While this protected the reputation of the Salk vaccine, it muddied the waters of history in a big way.

Even during the peak epidemics, unifactorial poliovirus infection, resulting in long-term paralysis, was a low-incidence disease[2] that was falsely represented as a rampant and violent crippler by Basil O’Connor’s “March Of Dimes” advertising campaigns. At the same time as Basil O’Connor was pulling in 45 million dollars a year to fund the Salk vaccine development, scientists started to realize that other viruses like Coxsackie, echo and enteroviruses, could also cause polio. They also discussed the fact that lead, arsenic, DDT, and other commonly-used neurotoxins, could identically mimic the lesions of polio. During the great epidemics in the United States, the pathology called polio was reversed by alternative medical doctors who attested to great success, using detoxification procedures available at the time – yet they were categorically ignored[3]. Now it is admitted in the medical literature that other viruses can cause polio, yet few people on the street have any idea.

March 6, 2012

Media Blackout On Bill AB 2109 Threatening Vaccine Rights

Even if you do NOT live in California they are ‘trial ballooning’ this crap law to FORCE vaccinate the people that don’t want these crap vaccines. Trial ballooning laws in California is how they force these laws down our throats across the country AND, BECAUSE SO MANY PEOPLE REFUSE TO PUT THIS CRAP INTO THEIR KIDS VEINS THE CORPORATE MEDIA IS MUM BECAUSE THEY KNOW IT WILL CAUSE A FIRESTORM. Not just in California BUT accross the country as well. HELP CALIFORNIANS STOP THIS LAW FROM GETTING PASSED!

On Feb. 23rd, 2012, an assembly bill (AB 2109) was submitted to the California Legislature by state assemblyman and pediatrician, Dr. Richard Pan (D-Sacramento), which will make it harder for parents to refuse to vaccinate their children. The bill is sponsored by the California Medical Association (CMA), the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the California Immunization Coalition.

Right now in California if a child is enrolled in school their parents are legally required to have them vaccinated. However, exemptions may be obtained by parents who object for religious or philosophical reasons if they sign the portion of the immunization record that says immunizations are contrary to their beliefs and that they understand that in the case of an outbreak of a ‘vaccine-preventable’ disease the child may be temporarily excluded from attending school/child care institutions “for his/her protection.”

If Bill AB 2109 passes, by July 1st, 2013, parents who wish to opt out will be required to bring with them on the day of enrollment a written statement from a medical doctor or conventional “health care practitioner” that states they have been informed of the benefits and risks of vaccines and the communicable disease they are said to prevent. The parent would also be required to submit a written statement that indicates that he or she received the information from the health care practitioner.

As first reported by Dr. Tim O’ Shea in the Feb. 23rd Doctor Within Newsletter:

This bill, if passed, would require parents to obtain the signature of a “health care practitioner” for a personal beliefs/religious exemption. MDs, nurse practitioners, and physician’s assistants can sign. Naturopaths and chiropractors cannot. The signature will need to be obtained on a separate form provided by the Department of Public Health which states that the health care practitioner has provided risk and benefit information to the parent.
Thus far, there has been virtually no mainstream media coverage of Bill AB2109. This is a curious fact, considering that if it passes it will be illegal not to submit your children to a medical procedure without the explicit permission of the conventional medical system. Is this not the very antithesis of the meaning of health freedom, in a country that prides itself on its freedom-loving, Constitutionally underwritten principles? As Dr. Tim O’ Shea explains:

Let’s remove the word vaccination from the whole discussion for a minute here. Let’s pretend this whole issue isn’t about vaccines at all, but rather about any other medical procedure. Got that picture?
OK so then tell me, what kind of political system, or medical system anywhere on earth would presume to make it a law for you to obtain permission to opt out of any medical procedure, which decisions are completely your choice in the first place? Permission not to get medicine? See what I’m getting at here?
If Dr. Tim O’ Shea’s predictions are correct and California falls, like Washington state recently did with the loss of their philosophical exemptions, the rest of the domino states are likely to follow suit in the next 2 years.

In other words, this stealthily submitted and barely noticed bill is setting a dangerous precedent and may represent the beginning of the end for philosophical and religious vaccine exemptions in the United States — with mandatory vaccinations likely following close behind. Now that children, according to the CDC immunization guidelines, are required to have an increasingly suspect 60 vaccines by age 6 (with dozens of additional vaccines in the developmental pipeline) how can we stand by idly while their health and health rights, and those of all future generations, are being serious jeopardized and legislated away into oblivion?
Please help to spread the word about Bill AB 2109 now, before it is too late.


Dr. Tim O’ Shea’s Feb. 23rd Newsletter

March 1, 2012

Hep B Vaccine Damages The Liver It Is Supposed To Protect

Editors Note:

The Hep B vaccine is ANOTHER one of those EXTREMELY toxic vaccines floating around out there. I know PRO vaccine doctors who won’t even give this one to THEIR infants. I certainly could devote an entire blog just to this one dangerous vaccine.
Hep B Vaccine Damages The Liver It Is Supposed To Protect
For ALL sourced links:

According to Hippocratic tradition, the safety level of a preventive medicine must be very high, as it is aimed at protecting people against diseases that they may not contract.” ~ Marc Girard, Autoimmune hazards of hepatitis B vaccine.

Startling new research published in the journal Apoptosisindicates that hepatitis B vaccine, which is designed to prevent Hepatitis B virus-induced damage to the liver, actually causes liver cell destruction.

In the study titled “Hepatitis B vaccine induces apoptotic death in Hepa1-6 cells,” researchers set out to “…establish an in vitro model system amenable to mechanistic investigations of cytotoxicity induced by hepatitis B vaccine, and to investigate the mechanisms of vaccine-induced cell death.”

They found the hepatitis B vaccine induced a “loss of mitochondrial integrity, apoptosis induction, and cell death” in liver cells exposed to a low dose of adjuvanted hepatitis B vaccine. The adjuvant used was aluminum hydroxide, which is increasingly being identified as a contributing cause of autoimmune disease in immunized populations.

The discovery that the hepatitis B vaccine damages the liver (hepatotoxicity) confirms earlier findings (1999) that the vaccine increases the incidence of liver problems in U.S. children less than 6 years old by up to 294% versus unvaccinated controls.

Another study published in the journal Hepatogastroentology in 2002, observed that Hepatitis B vaccination was statistically associated with gastrointestinal reactions including: hepatitis, gastrointestinal disease and liver function test abnormalities in comparison to other vaccine control groups.


This, however, is only the tip of the iceberg…

In a revealing study published in June 2011 in the journal Molecular Biology Reports, researchers demonstrated that hepatitis B vaccine alters the expression of 144 genes in the mouse liver within 1 day of vaccination, 7 of which are related to inflammation and metabolism. The authors noted:

“Pharmaceutical companies usually perform safety testing of vaccines, but all requirements of the World Health Organization and drug pharmacopoeias depend on general toxicity testing, and the gene expression study of hepatitis B vaccine is not done routinely to test vaccine quality.”
Could the gene-expression altering affects of hepatitis B vaccine be one reason why there are over 60 serious detrimental health effects associated with the vaccine as documented in the peer-reviewed and published biomedical literature, including sudden infant death?

Other potential mechanisms of action behind hepatitis B vaccine’s dangerous side effects, are as follows…

Hepatitis B vaccines may contain Hepatitis B Virus polymerase as a contaminant, which may trigger an auto-immune process against the myelin (protective coating on the nerves) in some vaccinated subjects. SOURCES: PMID: 16176857, PMID: 15908138
Hepatitis B vaccine may induced autoimmune demyelinating disease through the molecular mimicry that exists between the vaccine antigen, Epstein-Barr virus and human myelin. SOURCES: PMID: 17630224 PMID: 16295528
Why Are They Vaccinating Infants For Hepatitis B Virus?

The real danger here is that universal vaccination against Hepatitis B virus may be causing far more harm than good. It is actually our youngest — infants — who are most at risk of being irreparably harmed, as the CDC’s vaccine schedule requires Hepatitis B vaccination at birth, 1-2 months, and then again at 3-6 months of age.

Universal hepatitis B vaccination was recommended for U.S. newborns in 1991, despite contradictory safety findings. Perhaps not coincidentally, the prevalence of autism today is 1500% higher than that occurring in the period immediately before their introduction. While there is no such thing as a “genetic epidemic,” in the traditional inheritable sense of the word “genetic,” there is such a thing as environmentally induced gene-expression changes, as described above. In other words, vaccine adjuvants (e.g. mercury and aluminum) and vaccine antigens are capable of profoundly affecting the stability of the genetic infrastructure upon which our health depends.

According to one review published in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health in 2010, male newborns vaccinated with hepatitis B prior to 1999 had a 3-fold higher risk for parentally reported autism. Why before 1999? On 8/27/99 the CDC, in tacit acknowledgment of the profound neurotoxicity associated with the use of thimerosal (organomercury), approved the first thimerosal-free hepatitis B vaccine. Sadly, even after the removal of mercury (which was replaced by another neurotoxic agent aluminum hydroxide), autism prevalence is still several orders of magnitude higher than it was before the CDC’s increasingly overwhelming vaccine schedule (60+ by age 6) reached its present-day proportions.

Another glaring problem with Hep. B vaccine in infants is that Hepatitis B virus is only transmitted through blood or semen by those who are infected, which are two routes of exposure an infant — certainly not one born in a hospital — should ever be exposed to; unless, of course, the mother is a carrier, and therefore can transmit it vertically to her offspring. But hospitals can and should screen mothers for Hepatitis B preemptively, therefore making it unnecessary to vaccinate every infant blindly. In addition, there are no randomized controlled trials that have assessed the effects of hepatitis B vaccine during pregnancy for preventing infant infection, despite the fact that pregnant women are being given the vaccine for exactly this reason.1 There is also research indicating that immunization for Hepatitis B does not guarantee protection against becoming infected with it; i.e. it may not truly fall within the category of a vaccine-preventable disease.2

NOTE: For additional research on the under-reported, minimized and/or actively ignored adverse health effects associated with routine vaccination, visit the Vaccine Research Archive. For the research on Hepatitis Vaccine only, visit the Hepatitis B Vaccine page.

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