From Hell To Veins

November 19, 2010

Eugenicist Bill Gates To Create Mobile Global Database For Population Control.

Editor’s Note:
The PR firm behind Bill Gates eugenics program chooses to engage in the hegelian dialectict (example: We have to destroy the village to ‘SAVE’ it.) in order to hoodwink the general population into thinking “saving lives = population control” If I have to offend someone by saying, one has to be awfully stupid to even remotely buy into such a notion, then so be it. Because, obviously NOT SAVING LIVES contributes to ‘eradicating’ (the solution) the so-called over population ‘problem’.

But, this is how the game is played. Why? Because population control is the #1 religion among the same ‘THEY’S’, the GLOBALISTS, who are authorizing government down your pants and onto your private parts in order to give up your liberties (travel) for safety.

So what Bill Gates is proposing, after we remove the hegelian dialectict mask that his PR firm has put over this, we find a self policing electronic nanny state to track and tracing every new born to ensure they DON’T fly under the radar and that THE CHOICE of not being vaccinated is the business of the trackers.

In the future, you can guarantee such a ‘tracking system’ will be REQUIRED in order to qualify for MANDATORY government ‘ENFORCED’ health care in America. But, it won’t stop there. Bill Gates admitted the ‘cell phone’ idea is a weak one at best so, the obvious NEXT STEP would be to ‘implant’ newborns in a much more efficient satellite tracking system that vaccine pushers can ‘scan to update’ the ‘human’ cattle’s shots. Such a system is already in place it’s just NOT mandatory ‘YET’ to have to participate in at this time. Promoting this system is exactly what Bill Gates is doing in his speaking tours.

But give Bill Gates credit where credit is due. He tells you straight to your face that VACCINES ARE FOR POPULATION CONTROL PURPOSES (Which is the very fact in which I started this blog to begin with). However, Gates uses the phrase “saving lives” to… A.) Dumb down those who simply and, mindlessly. buy into his bull and… B.) Justify this ALREADY IN PLACE SYSTEM, all of course in the name of population control. Otherwise known as Eugenics. Which the globalists giggle and call ‘saving lives’.
Bill Gates: mobile health technology will save lives, help overpopulation.

WASHINGTON -– Bill Gates, co-chair and trustee of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, gave a keynote address yesterday at the mHealth Summit, an annual gathering that focuses on improving health care through mobile technology.

Gates told an audience of more than 2,000 that if we could register every worldwide birth on a cell phone, we could ensure that children receive the proper vaccines. He also said the key to controlling population growth is to save the lives of children under 5; and the next big thing in technology is robots.

Gates said computing technology has been great for health care, and there are plenty of opportunities to use the cell phone in clinic settings. Although he noted that some places which need mhealth technology the most may not be able to fully benefit from it.

“We have to approach these things with some humility,” he said. “There’s not Internet connections back there. Often [patients are too sick] for some cell phone thing to do something for them.”

Gates said the key health care metric that we as a society should be trying to improve is one that is in the front of his mind all the time–the number of children who die before age 5. Today, he said the number is 8.5 million; in 1960 it was 20 million.

“About one-third [of that improvement] is by increasing income,” he said. “The majority has been through vaccines. Vaccines will be the key. If you could register every birth on a cell phone—get fingerprints, get a location—then you could [set up] systems to make sure the immunizations happen.”

Read rest of article:

Read counter article of why vaccines are a fraud but, why they are well suited to spread disease and death. Population control.

November 17, 2010

RVF vaccine causes liver disease, death

Editor’s Note
I am right at the moment involved in a ‘preliminary’ investigation on the viral strains and, viral strain sequencing of vaccines given to the animals we later eat. Particularly pork and ask, can viral matter from vaccines withstand heating to later ‘recombine’ with viral matter from the latest live viral DNA vaccines that ‘just so happen to be’ in the latest flu shots? My guess is YES using altered lab DNA / RNA and Nano technology. See Nano vaccines.

My reasoning for doing this is to find out why, right after these pandemic live flu virus vaccines have made their way into the veins of the population (the last two flu seasons), do we see an increase in H3N2 cases AND H1N1 mutation. Why has the spread of H3N2 from hogs occurred so easily this year from people visiting or involved with county fairs? If the ‘true’ viral sequencing of vaccines for both people and hogs were made public would it prove the rise in pandemic A/H1N1 and H3N2 cases are in fact vaccine in origin?

RVF vaccine causes liver disease, death.
Source: Natural News

Wednesday, November 17, 2010 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

(NaturalNews) Many governments are pushing a new livestock vaccine for Rift Valley Fever (RVF), a serious and deadly virus that infects both humans and animals, and that spread across various regions of Africa earlier this year. But a recent study shows that the vaccine itself causes serious liver problems as well as abortions in pregnant animals, which are the same problems caused by the virus itself. Consequently, researchers are advising many farmers not to use the vaccine in their livestock.

The study, which took place at the Animal Health Research Institute in Egypt, evaluated the effects of the RVF vaccine on experimental goats. Since the injection is designed for such animals, researchers expected to observe considerable benefits from the vaccine. But they discovered that it basically causes the same harm as the virus itself, rendering it ineffective.

According to the report, RVF is transmitted by mosquitoes to both humans and animals. And it causes liver problems and death, just like the vaccine. But that has not stopped many media outlets from urging farmers to vaccinate their animals anyway, including even their pregnant animals (…).

Like the H1N1 / swine flu vaccine that was pushed heavily last year, the RVF vaccine contains a “live attenuated” strain of the disease right in the syringe. So injecting it into animals exposes them to the exact same live virus that the vaccine is touted as preventing, which typically causes the same harmful symptoms and side effects.

Whether alive or dead, the disease strains formulated in vaccines often do little to actually prevent disease. Drug companies mix these straings with dangerous, immune-destroying chemicals and preservatives as well, which compromise health. Thousands, if not millions, of people are injured every year by vaccines, but the vast majority of them continue to be pushed on populations as supposed safe and effective ways to prevent disease (…).

For more reading and linked sources click on link provided above.

November 12, 2010

Swine H3N2 Cases In Illinois (Vaccine Originated?)

In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.

-Prince Philip From his book “If I Were An Animal”

See population reduction documentation (limited to the voluminous ‘academic’ publications NOT yet posted on this blog)

Editor’s note:

Well, well. It looks like the World Health Organization, Dr. Henry L. Niman and Jeff Rense are hot on the trail of a ‘possible’ H3N2 swine pandemic in Illinois and Pennsylvania.

See my related post on the latest H1N1 mutations occurring that this blog said WOULD occur.

I posted this message on the message board today:

Here is an update to this on going combo vaccine situation.

(Universal) Vaccine pusher Dr. L Niman reported on his website and on the Rense radio program that he got a ‘text alert’ from the WHO that the H3N2 virus has now popped up in the US.

Ultra pharma insider Dr. Niman goes on to say the viral strain is rare on his website but stops short of saying it was put into the seasonal flu vaccines issued here in the US.

When I brought up this combo vaccine announcement by big pharma to the attention of the anti vaccine community the day the manufacture announced it, I warned that if these DNA lab viruses were injected into the population we would see them emerge and mutate. No major revelation here but, you notice I’m not invited onto ANY so-called alternative radio programs to discuss this. Funny how that works.

However, Jeff Rense has a fella on his radio program priming the pandemic hysteria pump without asking the mother of all questions. Where did these viruses originate from? If you ‘blindly’ listen to Dr. Henry L Niman he will tell you this “rare” A/H3N2 virus just popped up out of the clear blue sky , AND THAT IS WHY “WE MAY HAVE A MAJOR PANDEMIC ON OUR HANDS”. Quoting Dr. Niman from his website.

These lab viruses created and put into the seasonal flu vaccines certainly could do exactly what they were intended to do, mutate into a pandemic. We all know what the final solution is, don’t we? However, I am going to be the lone voice on the net HOPEFULLY raising awareness that these ’emerging viruses’ that people like Prince Phillip and Dr. Henery L Niman call “elegant”, originated from the very vaccines both would love to inject the population with.

Below is the link to the CDC telling you the ‘new’ H3N2 viral (Perth) strain was indeed put into the seasonal flu vaccine. So, please let’s NOT deny that fact. A different strain of H3N2 was actually put into last years H1N1 vaccine. Funny, no mention or fan fare by the media during the hyping of last years H1N1 vaccine that the ‘other’ swine viral strain was even included in the shot!

As bio engineer / biotech stock trader Dr. Niman will attest to, the A/H3N2 virus is indeed rare. Funny, it has emerged in the US right after the FACT it has been introduced into the veins of the US population with these new flu vaccines.

Now, we are suppose to simply trust the same cast of characters who brought us the debunked and totally fraudulent H1N1 crisis when they tell us that in no way could the newly emerging viruses originate from the very vaccines that carry the actual virus. I don’t trust them or there front men posing as the ‘alternative’ voice on ANY level. These are the same people who created a African polio epidemic with their vaccines and, of course, their answer was to inject even more people with the same deadly vaccine!!! That is exactly what I believe is happening right here in the US with these damn pandemic viral laced flu vaccines.

I am going to be vigilant on these emerging viruses and will continue to point the source of them BACK TO THE VACCINE MANUFACTURES. Something you are NOT hearing anywhere else unfortunately. Not even the so called alternative talk radio.

So, before the mass ‘pandemic hysteria’ happens and we are told over and over via our HDTV’s by a never ending parade of ‘officials’ / ‘experts’ that the ONLY way out of this next wave of pandemics is to stand outside our front doors and let the nice men and women in uniform inject us (for our own good) with the latest vaccine that never was tested. Before that happens, let’s instead do this NOW rather than later Let’s ask HERE AND NOW where this RARE virus could have originated from that infected the first people in Illinois and Pennsylvania to begin with.

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