From Hell To Veins

April 24, 2021

The Tyrants Of The 21st Century Are NOT Individuals, They Are ‘Committees’ Full Of Tyrants.

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Globalist oligarch tyrants who hide behind their funded institutions, corporations, organizations, foundations, lettered agencies, bought and paid for politicians and courts, hate humanity unlike ANY tyrant before them. It should be no surprise why THEY would erect a ‘Ten Commandment’ Stonehenge monolith in a state run park in the state of Georgia, with the #1 commandment being the killing of 90+% of this planet’s population. With a world wide mass vaccination program underway to steer the population into that genocide first commandment, there are no short supply of individuals who will gladly sellout the 90+% of human beings if it means saving their own ass.

Coordinated ‘committees’ of would be tyrants under the names of ‘Dark Winter’, Event 201 ‘dictate’ to all of the oligarch controlled entries, that I listed above, ‘there roll’ in this new technocratic dictatorship. The majority of the world’s population does NOT get a say in this.

In the grotesque manner of the ‘tyrants by committee’, the globalists are forming their usual ‘steering committees’ of unelected tyrants to put forth the ‘LAWS’ of their oligarch overlords. The culling of the population must be organized. ALL the bought and paid for shills at the top must know their part moving forward. That’s how the NEW dictatorship runs itself from the top down.

Again, in the most egregious of ways the tyrants by committee have chosen ‘The professor of the myth’ himself, Philip Zelikow, to lead a commission of lies on the COVID operation and how to ‘steer’ the population into a bio health security dictatorship. The oligarchs will use this deceitful committee anchored by oligarch controlled so-called ‘experts’ to create a boilerplate, or blueprint for their bought and paid for politics class, to pass laws NO ONE had a say in. Absolutely NO representation in the extreme, when it comes to dictatorship by committee.

Civil disobedience needs to be the next NEW NORMAL for humanity or, it’s going to be reduce population to 90+% with a whimper.

James & James break down this farce of a committee that makes the law of the land


April 19, 2021

Free Non Masking India Targeted By Globalist Terror ‘Science’ Machine

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As ONLY this blog reported. While the COVID ‘casedemic’ was ‘supposedly’ ravaging hardcore pro mask pro lockdown states and countries, mask free, lockdown free India was NOT seeing any significant COVID ‘cases’ let alone deaths.

As India’s ‘NORMAL’ pre 2019 existence was starting to draw attention and totally discrediting the globalist terrorist narrative about THEIR EVENT 201 preplanned planned-emic, the globalist have turned their scientific terror machine onto India. Unfortunately for the globalists, Indians by and large don’t sit around isolated by themselves watching globalist corporate fear porn on the TV 24/7. They actually get out and converse with one another and note… “COVID is having zero effect on all of us”. Even super strain scares have zero effect on this population. The globalists have a real tiger by the tail in getting a scared ‘western’ response from this very large population. Who, by the way, have had to deal with disease for a better part of a century [due to lack of infrastructure and large population] so, a mild COVID bug really doesn’t send them running for a shot with their hair on fire.

Here is someone doing research on India corresponding with India commenting below…

Great blog article. Here is my article on how India beat the coronavirus. Unfortunately there is a new. spike in the 2 most vitamin d deficient states: Maharashtra and Delhi. The spike started at exactly the same time as the vaccine roll out and the curve mirrors exactly the curve of vaccinations. Is this a coincidence? Make sure you allow notifications because I’ve been working on the story of India state by state for the past month with the help of several correspondent in India. It’s going to be a doozy!

One Other Person [Dr. Naomi Hunter] Commented…

“Reminds me of back when GWB [George Bush] was in office.

US govt. went to the then President of Indonesia demanding that we allow “homeland security” police state to be set up in her country.

President of Indonesia said:  “WE DON’T HAVE A PROBLEM WITH TERRORISM HERE.”

HUGELY COINCIDENTALLY SHORTY AFTER THAT A HUGE MINI-NUKE LIKE EXPLOSION WENT OFF IN A NIGHTCLUB IN BALI.  Blast so powerful it clean stripped concrete off of rebar that was encased in reinforced concrete–which C4 cannot even do.  Also it melted cars in the area and literally turned humans into charcoal remains.

The globalists will MAKE SURE that anyone HAS whatever problem/crisis the globalists CLAIM you have.

April 17, 2021

100 Israeli Doctors Pen a Letter Opposing Injecting Children With Experimental Vaccines

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The Jerusalem Post

Some 100 medical professionals have expressed opposition to vaccinating children with the coronavirus vaccine and separating between vaccinated and unvaccinated people.

“We believe there is no room for vaccinating children at this time [due to] caution, modesty, the understanding that ‘haste is from the devil’; the recognition that we do not understand everything about the virus and the vaccine against it; and the first commandment of medicine: ‘First, do not harm,’” they said in a letter to the Health Ministry on Sunday.

They acknowledged that the Pfizer vaccine has prevented serious coronavirus infection and mortality in children. But they said children do not usually experience severe symptoms from the coronavirus, and the long-term possible side effects of the vaccine, even if rare, would only be known after years of study.

It is also unclear how long immunity from the vaccine lasts, which variants it works against, how often booster shots will be needed and what the far-reaching implications of the periodic immunization on the immune system and the evolution of the virus could be, they wrote.

The prevailing view among the scientific community is that the vaccine cannot lead to herd immunity, meaning there is no justification for vaccinating children, they added.

Some Israeli health officials have said the vaccination campaign has provided Israel with herd immunity in recent weeks.

The authors of the letter said vaccinating children is not appropriate at this time because putting even a few children at risk of unknown side effects is not worth the protection it will afford them against a disease they say is not dangerous to children.

At-risk populations should be vaccinated, and a return to routine should occur under an almost complete vaccination of the population, the signatories wrote. But children should be allowed to return to routine without needing the vaccine, and separations between vaccinated and unvaccinated people should be removed, they added.

The “risk of the vaccine is not zero,” Prof. Itamar Grotto, former deputy director-general of the Health Ministry, told Army Radio on Monday. “We need to tell parents that the vaccine is recommended and good, but also leave more space for their considerations.”

“According to my personal opinion, the entrance of children to various locations should not be dependent on showing a green pass,” he said.

Prof. Shlomo Vinker, chief medical director of Leumit Health Care Services, said the authors of the letter should remember that infection rates in Israel are only falling because of the massive vaccination campaign. Nine children had died from the coronavirus, and 120 children had entered intensive-care units, including 60 had suffered cardiac syndromes, he told Army Radio on Monday.

“It’s important to know the facts,” he said.

April 4, 2021

I Long Told You Vaccine Drug Cartel Lobby Most Powerful On Earth.

I Have Long Told You That The Vaccine Drug Cartel Lobby Is The Most Powerful On Earth, And Their COVID Work Is An Act Of All Out War On ALL Of Humanity.

Lead physician [ Dr. Peter McCullough] in world on treatment for COVID describes how millions were given a death sentence by those running the COVID operation in government and industry. What Dr. Peter McCullough does not realize, is that he is discussing an act of war on the people of the entire world who were kept from information that could have saved their lives. He also says herd immunity has already reached 80% and no vaccine is needed. See video.

 Dr. Peter McCullough

See Video And Here

John D Rockefeller said “competition is a sin”. The Rockefeller foundation / institutes should be put in front of a WE THE PEOPLE trial, far removed from ANY of their influence. Event 201.

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