From Hell To Veins

December 22, 2013

There is No Such Thing as a Safe Vaccine and there Never Will Be

Vaccines: The Greatest Con Job On Earth (since 1790’s)

Every Year the vaccine pushers tell the public… “The Flu vaccine is ineffective and may give you the flu” out of one side of their mouth while, out of the other side, saying… “You need to get a flu shot to prevent the flu.” Ladies and gentlemen that is called ‘MIND CONTROL’, the kind a sleazy used car sales man could only dream of having.

It should be said first and for most that Dr Suzanne Humphries should be thanked for her courage in this day and age where, doctors who do NOT sellout and take payola from their big pharma pimp daddies like some sleazy DJ at a radio station who’s getting paid under the table by the equally sleazy recording industries, get the full wrath of the corporate media that, not only takes money from big pharmaceutical but, is heavily invested into big pharmaceutical. Doctors who do NOT play ball and tow the corporate bottom line, also have medical boards to go after them like the days of the religious zealots with witch burnings and inquisitions. We as a society should NOT be tolerating this outrageous sickening behavior in our so-called modern society.

Let’s step back in time and really put some perspective on what Dr Suzanne Humphries is saying. If you think Dr Suzanne Humphries is a ‘radical quack’ who does not know what she is talking about especially, people in the medical profession who believe this about Dr Suzanne Humphries, you have no clue about the profession you work in.

Dr Suzanne Humphries is in very good company in what she is saying which, mirrors what medial giants such as Dr. Charles Creighton debated successfully in the last century concerning vaccine science. Dr. Charles Creighton most famous quote was… ‘Vaccines will one day be looked at by the world the same way we look at blood letting today.

Dr. Charles Creighton was both a scientist’s scientist and, a doctor’s doctor. It’s very important when we discuss vaccines in our so-called modern society that, we understand in Dr. Charles Creighton’s era with medical professionals, there were two camps in America. The first camp you had truly ‘independent’ medical scientists, doctors, medical schools and laboratories. In the other camp you had a very sketchy group who were, like today, taking money from both big pharma and big oil companies. This second group won out, thanks mostly to John D Rockefeller’s oil, railroad money and political muscle. He who wins the war writes the history books. In this case ‘medical’ history.

Looking back in time American medical professionals were divided when it came to vaccine science. By the late 19th century the smallpox vaccine had killed so many people in Europe that their population refused to be ‘forced’ vaccinated even though the punishment for NOT taking the smallpox vaccine was imprisonment. History shows us which camp in America was behind vaccines and which were not. Read the very thoroughly documented and sourced book… ‘The Drug Story’

Medical giants such as Dr. Creighton sited the carnage in Europe as proof on human guinea pigs that the smallpox epidemics stopped as soon as people stopped taking the vaccine. Dr. Creighton and other colleagues of that time, sited all the European deaths caused by that continent’s smallpox vaccine programs as irrefutable proof that vaccines not only do NOT work preventing the very diseases they are ‘supposed to be preventing but, are extremely hazardous to the welfare of the population in general.

Our modern medical schools, are no longer independent from the same big pharma vaccine pushers that our American independent medical professionals of Dr. Creighton’s era were up against. Medical schools have completely omitted from their textbooks all the death and suffering brought on by the smallpox vaccine programs in Europe (1790’s – 1880’s) but, instead present the smallpox figures POST IMMUNIZATION PROGRAM AND SELL IT TO MEDICAL STUDENTS AS A VACCINE VICTORY!!!! Turning the reality of what actually happened upside down on it’s head. It’s for underhanded tricks like this by the big pharma run medical schools why, we as a society, have to know the REAL history of vaccines. This brings us to the polio cure whopper of a hoax.

The Smallpox vaccine disaster is not the only vaccine tragedy that has been rewritten by the Medical Industrial Complex, the polio cure hoax is the mother of all ‘tall tails’ disseminated into our society.

The truly evil people behind vaccines were certainly in a panic when their holiest of grails, getting their snake oil into the veins of EVERY human being on this planet took a hit when the smallpox vaccine scam went down in flames. This, in the day and age where people saw what these smallpox vaccines did and, weren’t so easy to bullshit like people have been today. Then came polio, just in time like the calvary to save vaccines but, there to was a problem.

Scientists in the age of the electronic microscope and with tremendous funding by both the federal government and big pharma COULD NEVER ISOLATE ANY of the so-called wild polio viruses that was blamed for crippling so many children in America.

Troubles for the vaccine pushers at big pharma started to mount when good and well meaning scientists started to ask logical questions that ANY real ‘objective’ scientist would ask. Questions like… “Why can we not isolate a polio virus (with an electron microscope!) when we have so many people PRESUMEDLY stricken with it.” The second big question that was asked… “why has what was known forever as a normally MILD SUMMER VIRUS, all of the sudden, causing mass epidemics of paralysis for the first time in human history and why concentrated primarily in North America?

These were two big glaring questions that were becoming a big problem for the vaccine agenda. Many scientists were putting together the evidence that what all these children and, some adults were being crippled from was NOT the polio virus at all but, they were being chemically poisoned. Chemical poisoning has the very same earmarks as polio. Including the slow crippling to the point where someone would have to be put on what is called a ventilator today or what was known as an ‘iron lung’ back in those days.

Big pharma which is tied to the billfold of big petroleum and all the political muscle behind both were NOT going to allow these scientists to let the cat out of the bag that, all these crippled people were NOT polio victims BUT instead, had been crippled due to the pesticides being used at the time by big agro.

The money and political muscle was used to ridicule these scientists and their federal funding stopped. If you worked for a big pharma laboratory you were taken off the work and worse. This history is in fact, taught in big pharma run medical schools today, only to ridicule those scientist’s findings and NEVER informing the medical student of the FACTS that led all the other scientists to the chemical poisoning conclusion.

As a matter of fact, ANY medical student can easily research this themselves, Jonas Salk NEVER did isolate ANY wild polio strain. All three of his polio strains used in his vaccines where lab produced which, has to this day, given rise to multiple strains of ‘LAB’ produced polio viruses that never even existed before, with some of those now ‘weaponized’. The weaponized version that was produced by the Bill and Malinda Gates foundation, just within this decade, crippled over 40,000 children alone in India.

Because of all these lab created polio viruses being injected into the veins of so many children, there is more polio now than ever before and most of it under about 10 different names.

Polio has not been eradicated by vaccination, it is lurking behind a redefinition and new diagnostic names like viral or aseptic meningitis…….According to one of the 1997 issues of the MMWR, there are some 30,000 to 50,000 cases of viral meningitis per year in the United States alone. That’s where all those 30,000 – 50,000 cases of polio disappeared after the introduction of mass vaccination“—Viera Scheibner

What FACTS had been kept out of all the media PR hype that lead to the RELIGION of the polio cure was 1.) all the cases of polio caused by the vaccines and 2.) over a hundred million polio vaccine victims infected with the SV-40 cancer virus. (Meaning that there were 39 OTHER viruses in Sulk / MERCK’s polio vaccine!) However, cancer rates being traced back to the polio vaccine is an entire topic into itself and has been covered extensively at this blog. If you take all the Hollywood fanfare out of the polio cure public relations and marketing schemes (The Media had a lot of their stock invested into the vaccine manufacture MERCK) you’ll very easily see the polio cure was NO cure what-so-ever but a complete disaster. So much so that the same big pharma created medical institutes like the CDC in 1964 had changed the criteria for polio and labeling ALL polio cases as aseptic meningitis to mask the fact big pharma infected even more children with polio than they went into the polio campaign infected with polio.


December 10, 2013

New York City Secedes From Union

One of the bedrock foundations of a totalitarian state is when the individual loses the right of self-determination.  Without question, the most basic right of any human being is the right to determine what one puts into ones own body and what goes into the body of their child.

New York has over time, become one of the most authoritarian states in the world and just recently mayor Bloomberg has done his part to completely secede New York City from EVERYTHING this republic ONCE stood for.

Like so many despots before him, NYC mayor Bloomberg believes he alone (acting as the judge, jury and executioner of the state) can determine what is best for you and your children.  However,  even the mass killer communists and national socialists didn’t go  as far as Bloomberg by telling the people of NYC what they MUST put into their OWN veins.

New York state has degenerated so far down into the cesspit that these New York  pimp-daddy bureaucrats for their big pharma masters have taken away the individual right to reject vaccines based on SOUND logic such as avoiding all the heavy metals, stealth and cancer viruses that are well documented to be in vaccines. The inserts in many of the vaccines clearly states in black and white ‘MAY CAUSE DEATH!’.

The state of New York has taken away the ‘right’ to ‘object to vaccination for sound ‘conscientious’ reasoning. i.e. may cause death and, have on purpose, made vaccine exemption a ‘religious’ objection debate. They are such despots in New York that even religious objections have become nothing more than inquisitions by the state, plain and simple.

SEE VIDEOS BELOW (This is an out right inquisition by the state of New York nothing more nothing less.) This is NOT American.

This Bloomberg issuing laws that usurp the US constitution is NOT about vaccines. It’s a self determination issue. plain and simple.
Protest Planned Against Last-Minute Bloomberg Push for Mandatory Flu Vaccines.

Autism advocates are set to protest tomorrow against a quiet effort by Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s administration to require annual flu vaccinations for all New York City schoolchildren under 5 years of age.

On Wednesday, with just three weeks to go until he leaves office, Mr. Bloomberg’s controversial Board of Health is set to vote on new rules that would force children as young as six months old to be immunized each year before December 31 if they attend licensed day care or pre-school programs.

“Young children have a high risk of developing severe complications from influenza. One-third of children under five in New York City do not receive an annual influenza vaccination, even though the vaccine safely and effectively protects them against influenza illness,” the Health Department said in a statement. “This mandate will help protect the health of young children, while reducing the spread of influenza in New York City.”

The Board’s members are all mayoral appointees and controversial initiatives–from smoking bans to regulations on soda cup sizes–have historically sailed through with little opposition, angering a small, but vocal group of advocates who claim the vaccinations are potentially dangerous.

“The Bloomberg administration is wildly exaggerating the benefit of the flu shot and we think they are wildly underestimating the risks involved with it,” said John Gilmore, the executive director of the Autism Action Network, speaking more broadly than the controversial claim that links vaccines to autism.

“There are risks associated with every medical procedure,” he said, citing allergic reactions, toxic mercury used as a preservative and questions as to whether the Board’s move is legal given state government jurisdictions.

Mr. Gilmore’s organization is helping organize tomorrow’s protest. And though he doesn’t expect the Board’s vote to go his way, he hopes the rally will get Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio’s attention, potentially opening the door for a reversal once he takes office in January.

“This is basically to put the mayor-elect [on alert], make him aware that this is an issue that he’s going to have to deal with it. It’s not going to go away,” said Mr. Gilmore said, criticizing the way the Bloomberg administration has pushed the rules through. “He is kind of doing this in a stealth fashion. He just proposed this about 6 weeks ago. I don’t think there was any announcement.”

According to a Board of Health notice made public in September, influenza results in 20,000 hospitalizations and 30 to 150 deaths in children under 5 nation-wide each year.

Under the proposed rule, which had a public hearing in October, the vaccinations would be required “unless the vaccine may be detrimental to the child’s health, as certified by a physician licensed to practice medicine in this state, or the parent, parents, or guardian of a child hold genuine and sincere religious beliefs which are contrary to the practices herein required.”

December 7, 2013

Katie Couric Gets Attacked For Doing Her Job.

Gardasil Vaccine Facts

One thing the pharmacological Industrial Complex does NOT like, is when one of THEIR paid for media reps goes rouge and spills the beans on just how dangerous vaccines are.

This attack on a journalist doing her job should make people pause and think for one moment and, ask themselves this one question. Why would Katie Couric get attacked so hard for exposing Gardasil facts where, had this simply been yet another drug gone bad, there would have been very little backlash, even by the very drug companies that virtually own all the major news media?

I personally get many, many teen girls and mothers of teen girls with personal horror stories reaching out to me through this blog, after taking this pure garbage into the veins. This is NOT an isolated case and it’s criminal that, we as a society, even tolerate for one second this nonsense.
Katie Couric Attacked for Highlighting Gardasil Deaths

Interview was like high noon to the establishment media vampires
December 6, 2013

The establishment media was thrown into a tizzy when Katie Couric on Wednesday used her daytime TV platform to interview distraught mothers who blamed their daughters’ deaths on the HPV vaccine Gardasil.

Following her December 4 episode, scores of publications went into PR mode in defense of Big Pharma, launching vicious coordinated attacks on Couric for daring to question the vaccine’s efficacy.

Vaccine Disinformation: Katie Couric on HPV and Jenny McCarthy on Autism,” the Washington Times dutifully spewed out. “Has Couric Lost Her Cred on HPV?” asked a writer at the Daily Beast, as if the TV personality ever had “cred” on vaccines to begin with. And the Atlantic Wire did its part with a headline that read, “Katie Couric Feeds the HPV Vaccine ‘Controversy.’”

“We guess ABC will do anything to bring Katie out of its ratings hole, because the HPV vaccine has been proven to be absolutely safe for girls,” the Wire wrote. According to them, stories about people who died after receiving the vaccine mean it’s “absolutely safe.”

gardkillsThe outraged publications, in addition to Gardasil manufacturer Merck, advised their readers to look to the CDC and the FDA for their health info – the same CDC that earlier this year memory holed (including on Google’s cache system) pages dedicated to the history of the polio vaccine – a vaccine “contaminated” with a cancer-causing primate virus that was distributed to some 10 to 30 million Americans. Why the CDC wouldn’t want to display this information is anyone’s guess.

To the vaccine advocates’ dismay, Couric also invited Dr. Diane Harper, a professor at the University of Louisville and leading HPV expert, to provide insight into why she did a complete 180 on the vaccine.

“Why initially did you think this was such a positive development for cancer prevention?” Couric asked.

“I was very excited initially because I thought, ‘Yay! We have a vaccine. This could be really important, especially in countries that don’t have any screening with it,’” Harper said. “But then I started looking at what isn’t covered, and I looked at the fact that Gardasil doesn’t last long enough to prevent cervical cancer and HPV infections are something that women continue to get throughout their lifetime.”

Harper continued: “The other thing that, in looking through CDC data as well as other published data, is that HPV is most often sexually transmitted, but between the age of birth and 11 years of age, 10 to 15 percent of these children are already infected with these high risk types. So it isn’t that you’re completely negative until you’re 11 years of age and then you’re at risk. There is an underlying infection rate already that’s there.”

An internationally recognized HPV expert actually speaking out on the dangers of a vaccine? Make no mistake, this info was like high noon to the establishment media vampires.

Here are some additional links on how Gardasil is “absolutely safe”:

Young woman’s ovaries destroyed by Gardasil: Merck ‘forgot to research’ effects of vaccine on female reproduction

Girl severely damaged by Gardasil recounts horrifying medical ordeal while doctors call her a liar

Gardasil vaccine dangerous, completely useless at preventing cervical cancer

Uncovered FDA Documents Reveal 26 More Gardasil Deaths

Time for the Truth about Gardasil

213 Women Who Took Gardasil Suffered Permanent Disability


December 3, 2013

If HPV vaccines were consumer goods would they still be on the market?

Now, I wrote this very same article and asked the very same question back in 2009.

This is a great article that not only exposes the mental illness in our society,  that is, to be conned into injecting lethal garbage into our young girls NOW `boy’s veins but, it also clearly demonstrates that we live in a society where the welfare and common good of the PEOPLE are trumped by corporate interests.

This article is a textbook definition of a fascist society.


If HPV vaccines were consumer goods would they still be on the market?
by Stephen TunleyThe latest statistics from the USA’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) statistics concerning the serious side effects and deaths associated with HPV vaccines such as Gardasil make for chilling reading.

In summary a single investigation of the VAERS database, widely accepted as being 10-100 times under reported about, shows the following

  1. 148 deaths recorded after HPV vaccinations,
  2. Over 3,000 hospitalizations and
  3. More than 6,000 who did not recover from the new medical conditions experienced after HPV vaccines.

The picture is not pretty and were you to add a zero or two to these numbers to account for under-reporting, the picture is frightening indeed. It’s important to note that the statistics are for events occurring primarily in the USA; not taking into account other countries, which have faced very similar health issues.

In the case of Gardasil for some reason the same safety issues that govern say; automobiles, baby equipment, tires, peanut butter and more do not apply. Vaccines appear to be subject to very different standards, standards where it is quite acceptable to have deaths, life threatening and life changing illness associated with your product. Standards where reports made to anyone from the manufacturer, to the regulator(s), to the so-called experts result in scant investigations by those who have worryingly close ties to the industry which they are supposed to be investigating.

To put this in perspective, imagine if Gardasil were a car associated with the same level of deaths (to date over 148) and tens of thousands of serious adverse events; would the car still be on the road? I do not think so.Consider Toyota in January 21, 2010 recalled 4.1 million vehicles sold in the U.S. and Europe to fix faulty accelerator (gas) pedals which had a tendency to get stuck, causing unintended acceleration. In November the previous year 5.3 million cars were recalled as they believed that ill-fitting floor mats-had a tendency to trap pedals. In total, Toyota has recalled more than 9 million cars worldwide for pedal-related flaws. That’s nearly the same as the total number of all vehicles sold in the U.S. in 2009. The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee announced plans to investigate

whether the Japanese-based automaker had needlessly put the public at risk.What committee is reviewing the considerable health issues that surround HPV vaccines? To date, the answer is none.

If Gardasil were a baby sling, it would have been pulled from the market after just 3 deaths as was the case with the Infantino baby sling – one million were recalled in March, 2010.

More than 400,000 drop-side cribs made by Simplicity in the USA were recalled in July 2009 after an 8-month-old child in Houston suffocated.Yet many tens of thousands of serious adverse reactions and over 148 deaths temporally associated with Gardasil do not appear to issue a single raised eyebrow amongst those charged with overseeing safety, by this I mean in the USA the FDA, in Europe the EMA, and the TGA in Australia!

In 1982 Tylenol recalled 31 million bottles of the product after 7 Deaths. I resisted putting ‘just’ before 7 but it sure puts the issues to do with Gardasil into perspective!

So why is Gardasil treated differently? The fact is it should not be. It’s a product just like Tylenol or Toyota. Consumers pay for it (directly or via tax imposts) and it should be governed by the same rules as any other product i.e. it should be a product fit for use and if it’s not then it should be recalled immediately.

I cannot imagine any person of sound mind going ahead and purchasing a baby sling from Infantino if they knew it had caused, or could cause, a single death, yet they will merrily march their daughters, and now sons, to the local medical center and have them vaccinated with a vaccine that has demonstrated considerable and very serious health issues associated with it?But it gets worse. Gardasil has not only far too many deaths and serious health issues associated with it, there is no proof that it works!

Lack of proven efficacy:

  • HPV vaccines have not been proven to prevent even one case of cervical cancer.
  • HPV infections are only one of several risk factors contributing to the development of cervical cancer.
  • When detected, HPV infections are easily managed and rarely proceed to cervical cancer.
  • At least 50% of sexually active men and women are exposed to HPV at some point in their lives.
  • 90% of these infections clear on their own within two years without incident.
  • Those exposed to vaccine relevant HPV types may experience an increased risk of precancerous lesions if vaccinated.
  • HPV vaccines would have to be effective for at least 15 years to prove effective at preventing cervical cancer.
  • Yet, HPV vaccine efficacy begins to wane at 5 years!
  • Symptoms experienced after HPV vaccinations are lasting longer than 5 years in some girls.
  • Pap screening has already been proven to be a safe and effective means of controlling cervical cancer. It’s also very inexpensive and causes no significant health issues. No one has died from a PAP smear.
  • 11% of the population has been exposed to HPV regardless of sexual status according to Dr Diane Harper a researcher who was involved in the safety and efficacy trials for the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine – Gardasil, in a paper published in the Journal of Vaccines & Vaccination that “We do not know how long the vaccine will last, the HPV types covered by the vaccine are limited, and the very safe alternative of PAP screening with early detection and treatment is a proven successful program. Gardasil is not likely to extend a woman’s life in countries with cytology (PAP) screening…”

Potential Safety Issues:

  • In the September 2008 FDA closing statement on Gardasil it was noted that 73.3% of girls in the clinical trials developed “new medical conditions” post vaccination. 17 girls died on the clinical trials. (No inert placebo was used during the vast majority of clinical trials, which means the vaccines were proven no more dangerous than the active ingredients in the control solution.)
  • Recombinant HPV DNA L1 gene DNA fragments possibly attached to the aluminum adjuvant, were discovered in 100% of samples tested Gardasil in 2011. To date there has been no serious investigation as to potential health impacts. The FDA simply declared the ‘expected’ presence of residual DNA is not a safety factor. No documentation was provided in support of this. The fact HPV vaccines were approved by Governments worldwide based on manufacturers’ assertions that the vaccines contained ‘no viral DNA’ was ignored completely [5] , [6] The possibility of recombinant HPV DNA fragments being attached to aluminum adjuvant particles was also ignored.
  • One of the antigens used in Gardasil was discovered in the central nervous system samples from two girls who died after being vaccinated with Gardasil. No cause of death was identified upon autopsy in either case. [7]
  • HPV-16 L1 gene DNA fragments of vaccine origin apparently attached to aluminum adjuvant particles were discovered in postmortem blood and spleen samples of a girl who died 6 months Gardasil Effective injections. [8] , [9]
  • It was discovered that the naked HPV 16 L1 gene fragments bound to aluminum particles by ligand exchange in Gardasil-have acquired a non-B conformation. This conformational change may have stabilized the HPV 16 gene fragments in Gardasil preventing their normal enzymatic degradation in vaccine recipients.[10] , [11] Non-B DNA conformations and their relationship to diseases has been studied since the 1960′s. Based on current scientific knowledge, the human genetic consequences of these non-B DNA structures are approximately 20 neurological diseases, Approximately 50 genomic disorders and several psychiatric diseases.[12] , [13] The impact of injected foreign non-B DNA on human health is totally unknown.

Note – the above was taken from this article –

In recent years there has-been a tremendous and as yet uninvestigated rise in Chlamydia, which is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that can affect women and men, following the introduction of HPV vaccines. If left untreated, chlamydia can causes pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) in women, all of which can lead to chronic pain and infertility. Chlamydia may have no symptoms, but can easily be treated with antibiotics. (See the charts below for information from the United States following the introduction of HPV vaccines in late 2006, early 2007.)


Now for the good news, the manufacturer of Gardasil, Merck have sold hundreds of millions of vials of Gardasil resulting in billions of dollars of revenue from the product worldwide and now are working on a vaccine for…. Yep – you guessed it – Chlamydia!

So the company that is plausibly linked to a product that has (for some reason as yet unknown) has led to a rise in pretty serious STD, will at some stage launch a vaccine to fight it. Now that’s an integrated marketing strategy if ever I saw one.

But wait there’s more … sadly a lot more.

In the USA the regulator that oversees products like Gardasil – the FDA -is largely funded by virtue of the fees it charges Pharma and others to approve the product it regulates. This is the same position in Australia, where the TGA is along similar lines Funded.

In the USA the senior agency to the FDA is the NIH All which is in fact a share holder in the patent behind Gardasil and benefits from its success via the receipt of increasing patent income.

One more thing and it’s a big one. If your baby or automobile product is defective and proved it led to a single death, the manufacturer can be taken to court, sued and if the case proven, liable for considerable damages.

This is not the case with vaccines where the ability to sue the manufacturer was removed by the creation of the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program in 1988. This leaves those damaged by vaccines to apply for compensation under VICP, which is funded by a tax on each vaccine administered.

Now, the powers that be add insult to injury. If the injury experienced after a vaccine is not listed on the very limited table of injuries and occur within the time frame listed, it is up to the consumer to find experts who can prove their injury was caused or exacerbated by the vaccine. When it comes to HPV vaccines, the consumer is on their own because there are NO injuries listed on the VICP injury table – these vaccines are too new to have established a track record for damages.

Contrast this to a normal court case where it would be up to the manufacturer to prove their product did NOT cause the damage.

Sadly, the same is true in many other countries where the ability to sue a vaccine manufacturer is limited, or has been removed by statute.

HOWEVER, there is one country where government health officials appear to actually be concerned about what happens to their citizens after vaccinations. Interestingly, Japan has recently stopped recommending the continued use of HPV vaccines until a safety investigation has been completed.

So there you have it. One set of rules for vaccine manufacturers and a completely different set of rules for everyone else.

It’s time for this farce to stop. There is absolutely no basis that supports Gardasil is a product fit for use. It does not do what it purports to do, damages far too many that receive it, leads to some pretty horrible health effects and consequences . Yet the manufacturer stands above being sued by virtue of legislation.

This product must be recalled and recalled now. A truly independent review of what happened and why needs to be conducted with the ability to amend / repeal legislation, overhaul the regulators, and ensure the disclosure of conflicts that exist between the manufacturer so called independent experts and the regulators.

In the meantime, as a parent wake up, do the research before you vaccinate – or your child could be one more ignored VAERS statistic – is that the future you want for them?

Stephen Tunley is the director of SaneVax, Inc. where this first appeared

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