From Hell To Veins

April 16, 2020

COVID-19 Lessons From The Polio Vaccine Scam

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Just like in the late nineteen forties, where the large pharmaceutical companies were paying doctors $25 dollars per polio reported case,  even if the child simply fell off their bicycle and hobbled in, it seems that the private / public Pharma lobby is ‘paying’ for positive COVID test results that are NOT.

Even to my surprise, sources that are 100% on board with this COVID operation have reported that they went to get COVID tested, then left BEFORE actually getting tested, only to receive a positive test result in the mail from the test clinic / center!

It gets worse.  One source reported that the clinic would pay the individuals $800 to accept the totally FAKE positive test result!


This Corona-‘Behavior Operation’ is history repeating itself.

During the early 20th century USA, labs across the country could NOT isolate any wild polio virus [using an electron microscope] that was crippling the effected children. In order to get more funding for a vaccine, the same industry that could NOT find a polio virus, paid doctors to over report polio cases. A kid would fall off his / her bicycle and limped into the clinic, that child would be reported to have polio.

It’s been documented that a doctors would receive $25 [from big agro / Pharma?] for each report. Of course actual polio went through the roof once kids got injected with it [live polio] and the same industry immediately reversed its reporting to zero polio cases. That’s how the CON is played.

Its been absolutely confirmed that there is certainly over reporting and FALSE reporting of COVID to bolster case numbers. Corporate globalist media keeps pounding the idea that a vaccine is the ‘silver bullet’. Which is highly debatable. Of course, the public does NOT get a say in this vaccine silver bullet narrative. These vaccines are going to be far more deadly than the polio vaccine ever was, although the CON is the same.

These new vaccines use technology that literally ‘opens up’ your cells from the inside out. [If you read THEIR literature] If you start ‘opening up human cells,’ the person that has this going on will be opening themselves up to any number of chronic diseases. Vaccine recipients will be dropping like flies from everything ranging from a common cold to cancer that they otherwise would have NEVER died from. Its in this broad spectrum of death that the all knowing wise scientists can use THEIR controlled media to deny that THEIR vaccines had anything to do with the rise in death post vaccination.

An HONEST Physician Explains HOW COVID-19 Is Being Over / Falsely Reported.

April 15, 2020

COVID 19 A ‘Forced Behavior’ Operation

Will We Say “NO” Before It’s Too Late.

As it becomes more and more clear that the powers who have planned this pandemic [See Event 201] are inflating death numbers to make THEIR pandemic CLAIMS more freighting than they really are.

CDC guidelines make reporting actual COVID cases a blurred line of including seasonal flu and pneumonia. The CDC who waves flu / pneumonia deaths in everyone’s face every year, shows in their own data that seasonal flu / pneumonia has more than significantly dropped this flu season. Where did it go?

What is really going on is a ‘Milgram experiment’ on how to get the slave population to agree to live in the most oppressive technological prison in anytime in history.  The average hoodwinked individual will say… “No, No, No! These pandemic measures are only temporary and life, as we knew it, will resume shortly.”  That statement is NOT shared by the corrupt powers behind this ‘planned-emic’.

If you listen to those unelected entities behind the latest ‘planned-emic’ [see EVENT201] THEY are recommending a high tech enslavement where everyday Joe and Jane sixpack around the world must be electronically tagged, and YOU will NOT be ALLOWED to live freely unless you obey ALL THEIR draconian demands.  That planned-emic passport, which THEY are demanding you must have, will be the enforcer.

You will be forced vaccines and other medications that will most likely be the root cause of shortening most peoples lives, and sterilization of the youth.

A lot of research has been paid for by the globalists, billions of every currency spanning over a century to understand how to get humans to willfully become a slave at minimum, to accepting a bullet in the back of the head best case.

We are all living in a huge Tavistock / Millgram experiment to see just how far the globalists can get the general public to accept a technological enslavement NEVER before imagined.

When asked “Can we beat this?” [virus] Dr. Deborah Birx refused to give a ‘YES’ answer, but instead, repeats “behavioral changes are needed” to “beat this”.  Is she talking about the virus or our unalienable freedoms?  She guilts the youth of USA that if they don’t comply, they will kill grandma.  Public shaming of YOU and ME is the ‘new normal’.

It must be noted that Dr. Deborah Birx is deeply entrenched with the corrupt Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation which was a major sponsor of EVENT201.

Arron and Melissa Dykes have produced a video [12 monkeys] on how this pandemic operation was preplanned for years, and in these ‘plans’, is the model on how to break us from our desire for freedom.  That model is to impose a Pavlov battery of quarantine / no quarantine SHOCKS over a two year period.   Obviously Gates Foundation’s very own Deborah Birx have NO intention to quickly eradicate the virus of the week.

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