From Hell To Veins

December 29, 2020

It Will Be ‘SOLD’ To The Diminishing Public As An Over Population Byproduct

By Using YOUR OWN DNA / Track & Trace / mRNA technology / Big Data, Thinning ‘The Heard’ Will Be… “Just Like Playing A Video Game”. Genocide Will Be ‘SOLD’ To The Diminishing Public As An Over Population / Climate Change Byproduct. “You brought it onto yourselves!” – The Cry Of The Oppressor


Let’s ‘hypothetically’ say [for the sake of argument] that there ARE certain individuals that OWN many of the planet’s resources and do NOT wish to share those with rest of us AND, want to own what little the rest of us HAVE on this planet. I don’t think one has to go too far out on a limb to understand that, especially when the ‘super elite’ have obsessed for over a century how they want to reduce OUR numbers.

Of course those who cheer on these oligarchs for radical population reduction, NEVER are willing to throw themselves in front of a bus, or jump off a skyscraper, no, that’s YOUR job to die for THEM.

Using your own DNA to kill you with. You’ve Got To Love The Irony In That

As I have posted at this blog for many years and have told others many years before this blog, I attended a Club Of Rome symposium in 1988 on how to use vaccines for population reduction and control. The lecture centered around scientific breakthroughs on using a person’s own DNA against “the host candidate”. Also, For obvious reasons, covered in great detail and urgency was to gather EVERYONE on the planet’s DNA. The third leg of the lecture was on the need to create a world wide medical database that EVERYONE would be “forced” onto. With ALL three legs of this population reduction ‘system’ in place, those running this house of horrors could in fact decide “who was essential and who was not”. Their words back in 1988 and… “this system could eliminate ALL non essentials like playing a video game” As I have ALSO based this blog on from its beginning, this genocide operation according to these lunatics would happen when the time was right to “stage a pandemic” to run the population reduction operation and use narratives like… “All the dying going on is YOUR OWN FAULT for over populating the planet”

Moving Forward To Doomsday

Let’s face it. in 2020 it’s NOT a stretch to see this all unfolding BUT, in 1988, it really did NOT sound like a very realistic goal. What first got my attention was almost immediately after I had attended this symposium were calls from many places [high and low it seemed] to get everyones DNA and over the years, as it turns out, ALL of the various places that take you and your children’s DNA, ‘share’ that information [obviously easily ending up in a large database]. The next thing that got my attention was a character named Dr. Eric Pianka. Yes, this academic was making the academic circuit cheering on the death of 90%+ of humanity [getting standing ovations I might add] but what really got my attention was his insistence that such a sudden reduction would be the result of [drumroll please…] over population. This is the very same nonsense excuse those giving this symposium said that they would use on a dumbed down public.

The very next thing that got my attention was old man Rockefeller’s boy toy Bill Gates becoming this ‘poster child’. NOT just for the bioweapon itself, vaccines, but this doomsday fear porn narrative of a ‘great pandemic’ “just around the corner!!”. Then came all the warmups to where we are today. i.e h1n1, Ebola…

I Deal In FACTS. Trust The Deadly Science

So, in 1988 scientists from very well funded private laboratories who moonlight on the side for giant Pharma corporations AND, various militaries [yes more than just one country], try to explain in layman’s terms how your own DNA will turn your own body into a weapon against itself. It went something like what we are seeing with these mRNA vaccines.

This is the final piece to the puzzle that has recently got my attention. Spike protein. Now, if you can NOT face what I am saying and you want to bury your head in the sand called “just conspiracy THEORIES”, just one last question. Why would you ever trust even the most benevolent people, with the ABILITY to have you on a track and trace medical system that can take a piece of your own DNA, which is then put into a concoction calling itself a vaccine made just for you, that can produce a spike protein based off of your own DNA [which they obviously will have] that will give rise to your body producing this protein that your immune system will attack thus killing you dead as a doorknob? Are you really that stupid ?

Many doctors from every walk of life have explained WHY THEY ARE ALARMED by this technology masquerading itself as a vaccine, and how it could obviously kill the host over time. This doctor is just one of dozens [if not more] who have been ‘intentionally’ silenced on this ‘spike protein’ issue.

Dr Larry Palevsky explains the technology of the so-called vaccine and how cells producing your own DNA can kill you.

Now I believe they will NOT give out this technology UNTIL everyone is on a track and trace big data system, and that the actually roll out will be in a very low key setting i.e. MANDATORY flu shot.

Which brings up another point with mRNA vaccines.  

As it turns out in the animal studies when developing this technology, that wild forms of viruses that this technology was supposed to protect them from, ended up killing the test animals far down the road.  These were viruses that could NEVER have killed the lab animal without the help of this technology.  

Because WE have absolutely no clue what ‘spike proteins’ will be unpacking themselves within our body’s,  something as simple as a common cold could end up killing a person with this technology inside them.  It’s no wonder WHY doctors / scientists in the know about this technology, do NOT under ANY circumstance want to inject themselves with this mRNA garbage. 

A Bioweapon Engineered For Denial

Considering that this bioweapon being called a ‘vaccine’ takes a certain amount of time before it ‘goes off’ on its host, makes it the perfect bioweapon of choice by the globalists.  In the animal studies when developing this weapon, the effects of the body either attacking itself or,  death from a normal virus load turned deadly did not happen right after taking in the weapon.   A myriad of different ways of dying as seen in the animal trials lends itself to a number of ‘plausible denials’ that people are dying from whatever ‘new strain’ to simply being loaded down with tumors.   It’s going to be interesting to see how much death the duped public is going to go along with; along with, the ‘official narratives BEFORE they can see that life as we knew it took a REAL dive after we were ALL forced onto this vaccine world order.

December 21, 2020

UK ‘Trial Balloons’ Freedom Passport

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You’ve got to hand it to the globalists, their PR spin doctors would call YOUR dungeon a 5 star hotel. Yes, didn’t you know? One needs a passport to freedom. Well, looking at all the comments, this freedom passport ‘trial balloon’ proves that people [mainly in the UK I guess] are NOT yet this dumb down to put up with such nonsense. However, you know how globalists work, at first you don’t succeed try, and try, and try, and try…. again.


Firms start work on ‘freedom passports’: Documents allowing people who have tested negative for Covid-19 to enter pubs, schools and workplaces are under development

  • Two firms awarded Government contracts for exploratory work on a new app 
  • The Dep of Health said no decisions had been made on introducing the passport
  • The contracts envisage a system under which people are assigned a QR code

UPDATE: 01/18/21

Freedom passport trial balloon crashes down like Hindenburg on globalists.

December 18, 2020

So WHY Are THEY Showing Adverse Reactions To COVID Vaccines?

If You Wanted To Know WHY The Globalists Are ALLOWING Adverse Reactions From COVID Vaccine… Here is WHY. 

BioButton Vaccine Tracker

As I laid out in my ‘Moving Forward’ with regards to this globalist COVID operation @ I said that “we are in phase I” of a multi step total control and population reduction operation.  The phase of this operation we are currently in is what I call ‘Mask Training’ the population to not only take the shots but ALSO, ‘Mask Train’ the population to equally volunteer ‘themselves’ to be placed on a ‘track and trace program.  I call Mask Training, “behavior modification training” put together by corporations / NGO’s working with the globalists on how to ‘train’ the population into accepting their own slavery and eventual culling under the guise as always safety. #DoYourPart

Now that the globalists have shown adverse reactions to their rather harmless vaccines PROBLEM.  Their behavior modification [Mask Training] SOLUTION is to volunteer yourself to be monitored for adverse COVID vaccine reactions.  The CLAIM is… “don’t worry the tracking is only for six weeks”.  There are a number of reasons to believe that the ‘vaccine tracking’ they want EVERYONE to ‘volunteer’ to opt into, will be later a mandatory vaccine tracking joined to contact tracing which THEY already have up and running.  Then onto the very vaccine certification system Bill Gates et al are drooling over.   

The globalist controlled CDC’s very own V-safe self reporting app begs the unsuspecting ‘normy’ to want to take this reporting to the next level.

You know when the globalists are going to use something against you, they deny, deny, deny.  The intelligence run media and their FAKE fact checking debunking ‘PR spin machines’ have been frantically trying to distance Bill Gates from the ‘Tattoo ID’ and his repeated insistence on ‘vaccine passports’. 

While the Intelligence run press / social media hacks kicks, screams and insists that Billy boy Gates is not pushing a “vaccine certificate” / “passport”. he clearly is  @ 34:18 during his always emfamous Ted Talks, that we’re all NOT supposed to be looking to deep into.

The video below documents ALL of the digital ‘passport’ technology Gates and other population control freak globalists have invested huge sums of cash and time into.

So, ‘Mask Training’  [behavior modification] of the unsuspecting apathetic public into the vaccine passport / certificate world order of slavery by using  ‘POSSIBLE’ adverse reactions to the COVID vaccine is certainly one way to motivate the first heard of cattle toward the boxcar that will eventually take us all down the tracks in.


Today’s Links From Yesterday…

COVID Bribes

Running Off World Health Operatives

Bill Gates et al Crimes

Dr Naomi Hunter Says..

Problem for NWO:  HOW do you defeat 7 billion people without shooting and bombing everyone?


December 15, 2020

2017, In Preparation For This COVID World Order…

[Update 02 /19 /21:] VaxxTracker  Is an open resource YOU can use it will NOT ‘ghost’ your injury report.  Also, it is EXTREMELY important that you DOCUMENT all vaccine injuries in the days, months, even years after someone you know has taken COVID vaccines.

Back in 2017, I posted that WE THE PEOPLE needed to get ahead of the mandated globalist vaccine agenda, and create OUR OWN per to per, vaccine injury / death reporting system OUTSIDE big government and industry. I highly stress that WE ALL participate in this SELF reporting system that WE create ourselves, so that we can share ALL of the illness and death that is ahead of this population reduction agenda with everyone near and far.

Vaccine Injury / Death Reporting System

This reporting will not just be a one time event that happens right after the first two TRAINING VACCINES. These first vaccines is most likely to train the public to GO ALONG WITH putting themselves on a vaccine buy / and sell identification system. You must NOT be foolish enough to be put on such a draconian system, freedom in the realist of terms will be your price for doing so.

However, there will be a lot of people who will. These people will be very close to you. You need to be there for their foolish mistake when they are told it is now ‘mandatory’ to take a “harmless” vaccine AFTER they have signed onto to this vaccine buy / sell track and trace system. That’s when the proverbial shit will hit the fan. At some point THEY [see EVENT 201 / Dark Winter] will gin up another pandemic. With many, many people on a track and trace mandatory buy / cell vaccine passport to exist bioweapons posing as vaccines can be given and many deaths could plausibly be blamed on the ginned up pandemic zeroing in on as the globalists call us ‘NON-essentials’. Such a ESTABLISHED reporting system could very well bring the entire house of horrors crashing down on these globalists heads, resulting in FREEDOM.

The ONLY thing you have to do moving forward from this day is to document ANY side effects you may suspect could be from their vaccines, and death obviously. You also must spread the word to other people to at least keep tabs on effects from all these vaccines heading their way.

December 12, 2020

We Have Arrived. The Very Day I Warned ALL Of You About Over 20 Years Ago.

This page will remain posted as a time capsule:

Important Notice: In the days, months, years after someone you know has taken these bioweapon vaccines, YOU must document and REPORT ALL deaths, disease, and injuries from them on ‘unofficial’ NON government platforms, AFTER you have reported them on official channels. As death and injury has ALREADY piled up from these COVID bioweapon vaccines, the ‘official response’ has been deny, deny deny. Also, it is important that you SHARE their COVID vaccine death, injury, disease misfortune with EVERYONE close to you, out on the street. Do NOT let the government, industries running this COVID operation try to ignore what THEY did to them! Click HERE to report. Also, it is of extreme importance that you SAVE ALL DOCUMENTATION for your own records

Update: World’s Lead Vaccine Developer Echos My Warning

Moving Forward

Relevant Updates To This 12/12/20 Time Capsule Will Be Posted Below

If you had read my Bio when I started this blog, I told you this day, which we are ALL living in would come. For those of you who just don’t get it. I had attended a symposium by the Club of Rome over 30 years ago on the subject of using vaccines for lowing and controlling populations. I made it abundantly clear that the vaccine agenda was the most powerful agenda in the world, by the leader’s of the world’s leaders, that would drive ALL other globalist agenda’s. Do you get it now? I also explained that those helping these leaders of leaders would NOT be spared OUR fate. That was made abundantly clear as well.

I explained [according to THEM] the steps needed to achieve this goal of theirs… [a] Create a world digital medical system of track and trace. [b] get everyone’s DNA [paramount] [c] FORCE everyone on this medical platform. [d] Use global manmade pandemic.. i.e. COVID 19, 20, 21… to mask their genocide behind. [e] use a lifetime of vaccines to keep population numbers at set level. [paramount]. Are you starting to get a clue?

In all this time, was I EVER invited to discuss this by ANYONE in the so-called alternative media? Of course not. Think about that for a moment as well. Never the less, I am posting this NOW for the historic record on December 12th 2020, BEFORE the so called first round [“D-DAY”] of many vaccines to come.

For what it’s worth, this is how I ‘strongly’ feel it’s all going to come down moving forward. 

This is JUST phase I

Actually sitting in a room full of these lunatics over 30 years ago [how time flies] hearing them discuss this very day we are ALL living in, I don’t believe they want to kill very many people in this first wave of vaccines.  I believe this entire… “vaccines must be frozen” jive may ultimately be true but, for right now, is just a cover.  To cover what people are most likely getting is a seasonal flu vaccine at best,  saline in most cases.  

I believe that THEY [get a clue see EVENT 201 / Dark Winter] know people are going to be highly suspicious of their garbage, and THEY need to gain the majority of the sheeple’s trust.  So, I rightly predicted pr stunts like Obama getting a shot, giggling about conspiracy theories on ALL major networks.  In the UK, grandma is getting her saline shot on national TV worshiping ‘science’ on her knees.  This will be the bulk of the phase I vaccine operation.


Now that no major swaths of the population died, comes the second phase of this vaccine operation.  [A] To scorn everyone who refuses a vaccine 24/7 on one hand [via the intelligence run media].   In the other hand [.B], use the same propaganda channels to wave FAKE COVID mass deaths [by anti-vaxxers of course] at the public to demand [as if you and me are making these demands] that [C] LAWS must be put into place to make sure EVERYONE must take the second round of the COVID vaccines. And oh by the way, isn’t it just out of dumb luck that the jails [in USA] were emptied in 2020 because of COVID, that they just might come in handy for vaccine refuseniks?   THEY may even want those who did NOT get the first round take two doses of COVID vaccines.  Also, NO major deaths in this phase as well.  At this time THEY will make you use your Trump Operation Warp Speed vaccine ‘card’ to get into public areas. Herding the human cattle onto the global digital medical platform that I had long told you was coming.


I strongly believe that once the general population has been MASK trained to use their vaccine cards, LIKE FOOLS, to gain public access is when the REAL mRNA vaccines will be given out in a VERY LOW KEY manner.  The ultra cold vaccines have been ‘normalized’ and don’t raise red flags by anyone in the health profession.   

THEY have been planting in everyone’s head that these vaccines don’t have lasting power so, additional flu shots will be needed TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC.  So, in order to UPDATE your NOW, Biden vaccine card [I’ve got the cool app giggle giggle] to get public access, you will be required to get a “HARMLESS” seasonal flu vaccine…  “Don’t worry, “remember how everyone was so worried about the COVID vaccines giggle giggle”… will really be blasted out on all media platforms. 


The globalist controlled narrative will go something like this…  “We have to take this new virus serious [wave FAKE deaths at public]…  Biden is asking states to FORCE flu shots to protect the public”.   As people start dying later from the REAL mRNA vaccines, that they were told was JUST “seasonal flu shots”, [mask training] the globalist controlled intelligence run media will be waving REAL bloody shirts at the public and whipping up pandemic hysteria like it’s the apocalypse.   And like this video…

… take people from their homes when they feel sick [at some point down the road] after receiving the REAL mRNA vaccine, and put them all in CDC green zone death camps.  Don’t worry says the totally discredited Snopes, these ‘Green Zone’ “Shielding” zones would NEVER become lockdown gulags. Right?  I figure that if no one stands up and says “NO!!!” it will all be here around this time next year.  

For what it’s worth from the guy who has bat 1000 on this, a little bit of advice… RESISTANCE better be the ‘NEW NORMAL’.

Update: 9/14/21 Phase III And Final Of COVID Depopulation Now In Infant Stage [LINK]

Relevant Updates To Time Capsule:

Introduction: Club of Rome 1988 Stated Plan

[Update 01;15/21] ‘Everyone’ must be ‘forced’ onto a medical track and trace dossier. Trump signs CARES ACT giving life to the ‘Vaccination Credential Initiative’ paving way for building vaccine passport [mandatory] tied to digital wallet [buy / sell] tied to medical dossier.

[UPDATE: 01-21-2021] The FIRST Vaccine Track And Trace [i.e Vaccine passport] Brick Has Been Laid. Biden signs executive order [e] making MANDATORY vaccine identification apart of international travel into USA.

[Update 02/03/21] ‘Everyone’ must be ‘forced’ onto a medical track and trace dossier. Switzerland and Germany ready to ratify their citizens in the very vaccine track and trace dossier the Club of Rome spoke of in 1988, NOW under the flagship ID2020.

Use global manmade pandemic to mask their genocide behind

[Update 02/06/21] The ever clairvoyant opportunist and architect of EVENT 201, Bill Gates, floats out upcoming “bioterrorism events”. Although, I believe we are currently living through one.

Empty Jails / Yellow Star Citizen Treatment For Vaccine Refuseniks

[Update 08/03/21] They Want to Arrest and Jail All Unvaccinated Adults!

[Update 04/15/21] FDA Chief Warns US Will “Struggle” To Reach Herd Immunity As Vaccine Refusals Rise [BS]

[Update 02/08/21] The dictator mayor in Tampa Florida didn’t even wait for the vaccine green light to start wanting to jail people.

COVID Operation Phase I Gaining The Public Trust

[UPDATE: 01-18-2021] Billions spent in ‘buying’ the public’s trust. Information Warfare

Artificial Scarcity

[UPDATE: 02-25-2021] The globalists are slowly moving us out of the [Phase I] artificial scarcity phase

[UPDATE: 01-15-2021] At the time I wrote this blog post in December 2020, I should have included the globalist use of ‘artificial scarcity’ to drive demand on experimental medical treatment falsely labeled as a ‘vaccine’.]

COVID Operation Phase II War On The Vaccine Refuseniks

[UPDATE: 06-17-2021] USA Pentagon launches terror propaganda campaign on the non vaccinated

[UPDATE: 08-10-2021] Economic Sanctions [act of war] on the NON vaccinated [non bioweaponed]

COVID Operation Phase II Vaccine Passports / Employment Enforcements / State Sponsored Terrorism / Extortion To Mask / Vaccinate

[UPDATE: 04-26-2021] No Tourists to EU Without Vaccine Passport

[UPDATE: 04-03-2021] Hawaii Unveils COVID Passports For Inter-Island Travel 

[UPDATE: 03-28-2021] Psychopath NY Gov. Cuomo fast-tracks vaccine passport class system in NY.

[UPDATE: 03-23-2021] Judge Uses Extortion / Kidnapping To Force Mask / Vaccinate Mother

[UPDATE: 03-02-2021] Psychotic Genocide Driven New York Governor Pilots COVID Passport

[UPDATE: 02-25-2021] Spanish Region to Make COVID Vaccine Compulsory

[UPDATE: 02-26-2021] The Creation Of Vaccine Refusenik Second Class Citizens Paving Way For Passport World Order

[UPDATE: 02-19-2021] Hawaii uses incentivizing vaccine passports to bypass bogus quarantine laws

[UPDATE: 02-19-2021] Surprise surprise, globalist UK companies threaten employees with vaccination

[UPDATE: 02-11-2021] Same Conflict Of Interest, Pharma Bought Paid For Media Who Screamed “Conspiracy Theory” On ‘Vaccine Passports’ is NOW pushing for them.

[UPDATE: 02-02-2021] Mandatory Vaccine Track Trace / Mandatory employee vaccines: [Violates both federal and state laws BTW]

[UPDATE: 02-03-2021] Denmark Track And Trace Vaccine Passport [Violates International Laws]

[UPDATE: 02-02-2021] Public / private partnerships [AKA Fascism] aligning to usher in the vaccine / track and trace world order. [i.e Starbucks / Kaiser Permanente / U.S. Military]

[UPDATE: 02-06-2021] Vaccine Passports in penal colony Australia soon to be FACT NOT fiction if no one down under stands up.

[UPDATE: 02-13-2021] Intelligence run Pharma paid for corporations playing ‘media’, say “conspiracy theory” Yet, globalist leaders want vaccine track and trace passports a reality.

OMG!!! New Strains Narrative: Never Ending Vaccines

[UPDATE: 04-04-2021] Fear Du Jour: Vaccine-Evading Variants

[UPDATE: 03-03-2021] Dictators Gates / Fauci Ready The USA COVID Cult Of Obedience For Shot #3

[UPDATE: 02-25-2021] Pfizer to study if 3,4,5… doses of Covid-19 vaccine can boost immunity against variants. On the road to annual MANDATORY vaccines

[UPDATE: 02-25-2021] California new OMG!!! ‘devil strain’. Run for your life!!

[UPDATE: 02-19-2021] Vaccine lobbyist Oxford professor, ‘normalizing’ the ‘never ending vaccination’ culture.

[UPDATE: 02-09-2021] Unelected EVENT 201 Johnson & Johnson’s CEO says slaves must be on a ‘never ending vaccine’ existence.

[UPDATE: 02-09-2021] Never ending mandatory vaccines. Event 201’s Johnson & Johnson lead narrative.

[UPDATE: 02-011-2021] Reuters leads ‘fear porn’ alert ‘new strain’ narrative = more vaccines Pfizer stock sinks [for now]

[UPDATE 12/29/20] It only took two days after I posted this 12/12/20 time capsule , for the ‘official’ new strain to be rolled out. There will be more ‘new stain’ shenanigans ahead here’s why

[UPDATE 01/06/21] New COVID ‘Super Strains’ Could Disrupt Life Again]

[UPDATE 01/06/21] Bill And Melinda Gates Funded ‘Chicken Little’ Sky Is Falling ‘Nextstrain’ NOT-SO open sourced website.

[UPDATE 02/08/21] Ah Shucks! You’ll need another vaccine for that ‘super strain’

Forced Vaccination / Quarantine / Death Camps:

[UPDATE 04/01/21]

[UPDATE 03/05/21] California Governor To Force Vaccinate Latinos

[UPDATE 02/08/21] Quarentine / Death Camps: Canada’s PM Trudeau [Pinochet] fights legal battle behind scenes to make ‘disappear you’ COVID camps a reality.

[UPDATE 02/15/21] Israeli PM floats out a law idea to put vaccine refuseniks on lists Nazi Germany style.

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