From Hell To Veins

July 9, 2012

Big Pharma, Big Government, Big Curruption, BUSINESS AS USUAL.

Editor’s Note:

If you want to still insist on defending these crooks do it in silence.  Those of us exposing this on going corruption have repeatedly been right all along while, our detractors, stand there with egg on their collective faces once again.  Big Pharma, Big Government and of course their partner in crime Big Media (by trying to NOT report these types of revelations) keep going above and beyond the call of duty proving those of us screaming FRAUD, BRIBERY,FALSIFYING RESEARCH DOCUMENTS (STUDIES), RACKETEERING, AND OF COURSE ‘CONSPIRACY‘ have been right all along.  Of course, as usual, no one PERSON gets in any trouble.

Below is yet ANOTHER living testament to the VERY REASON why those of us who are still sane, choose ANOTHER PATH that is outside this CRIMINALLY INSANE path known as mainstream medicine.  Although Obama Banker bailout healthcare may put an end to ‘REAL’ health choices in America.

If you want to know why America is ranked 50th in health and longevity (the new ‘normal’) here’s a clue… IT AIN’T BY ACCIDENT.

Oh, by the way.  For those of you who use Dr. Wakefiled as your favorite punching bag, read the article below and learn how BOTH big pharma and big government treat AND threaten insider whistle-blowers.  Yeah, Dr. Wakefiled wasn’t the first NOR, will he be the last person whose gone through hell until, the house of fraudulent cards comes crashing down on the entire system.

Also, it should be noted that corporate whores such as Dr. Oz, Dr. Offit and Dr. Drew can push dangerous drugs and vaccines without worry of being thrown in Jail for conflict of interest that endangers the lives of the people they REFUSE to tell that they are ALL being paid by the very companies to push their dope onto the unsuspected.


Big Pharma criminality no longer a conspiracy theory: Bribery, fraud, price fixing now a matter of public record

(NaturalNews) Those of us who have long been describing the pharmaceutical industry as a “criminal racket” over the last few years have been wholly vindicated by recent news. Drug and vaccine manufacturer Merck was caught red-handed by two of its own scientists faking vaccine efficacy data by spiking blood samples with animal antibodies. GlaxoSmithKline has just been fined a whopping $3 billion for bribing doctors, lying to the FDA, hiding clinical trial data and fraudulent marketing. Pfizer, meanwhile has been sued by the nation’s pharmacy retailers for what is alleged as an “overarching anticompetitive scheme” to keep generic cholesterol drugs off the market and thereby boost its own profits.

The picture that’s emerging is one of a criminal drug industry that has turned to mafia tactics in the absence of any real science that would prove their products to be safe or effective. The emergence of this extraordinary evidence of bribery, scientific fraud, lying to regulators and monopolistic practices that harm consumers is also making all those doctors and “skeptics” who defended Big Pharma and vaccines eat their words.

To defend Big Pharma today is to defend a cabal of criminal corporations that have proven they will do anything — absolutely anything — to keep their profits rolling in. It makes no difference who they have to bribe, what studies they have to falsify, or who has to be threatened into silence. They will stop at nothing to expand their profit base, even if it means harming (or killing) countless innocents.

Let’s take a look at recent revelations:

GlaxoSmithKline pleads guilty to bribery, fraud and other crimes

It what is now the largest criminal fraud settlement ever to come out of the pharmaceutical industry, GlaxoSmithKline has pleaded guilty and agreed to pay $1 billion in criminal fines and $2 billion in civil fines following a nine-year federal investigation into its activities.

According to U.S. federal investigators, GlaxoSmithKline (…):

• Routinely bribed doctors with luxury vacations and paid speaking gigs
• Fabricated drug safety data and lied to the FDA
• Defrauded Medicare and Medicaid out of billions
• Deceived regulators about the effectiveness of its drugs
• Relied on its deceptive practices to earn billions of dollars selling potentially dangerous drugs to unsuspecting consumers and medical patients

And this is just the part they got caught doing. GSK doesn’t even deny any of this. The company simply paid the $3 billion fine, apologized to its customers, and continued conducting business as usual.

By the way, in addition to bribing physicians, GSK has plenty of money to spread around bribing celebrities and others who pimps its products. The company reportedly paid $275,000 to the celebrity doctor known as “Dr. Drew,” who promoted Glaxo’s mind-altering antidepressant drug Wellbutrin (…).

As the Wall Street Journal reports:

In June 1999, popular radio personality Dr. Drew Pinsky used the airwaves to extol the virtues of GlaxoSmithKline PLC’s antidepressant Wellbutrin, telling listeners he prescribes it and other medications to depressed patients because it “may enhance or at least not suppress sexual arousal” as much as other antidepressants do. But one thing listeners didn’t know was that, two months before the program aired, Dr. Pinsky — who gained fame as “Dr. Drew” during years co-hosting a popular radio sex-advice show “Loveline” — received the second of two payments from Glaxo totaling $275,000 for “services for Wellbutrin.”

Merck falsified vaccine data, spiked blood samples and more, say former employees

According to former Merck virologists Stephen Krahling and Joan Wlochowski, the company: (…)

• “Falsified test data to fabricate a vaccine efficacy rate of 95 percent or higher.”

• Spiked the blood test with animal antibodies in order to artificially inflate the appearance of immune system antibodies.

• Pressured the two virologists to “participate in the fraud and subsequent cover-up.”

• Used the falsified trial results to swindle the U.S. government out of “hundreds of millions of dollars for a vaccine that does not provide adequate immunization.”

• Intimidated the scientists, threatening them with going to jail unless they stayed silent.

This is all documented in a 2010 False Claims Act which NaturalNews has acquired and posted here:…

Millions of children put at risk by Merck

In that document the two virologists say they, “witnessed firsthand the improper testing and data falsification in which Merck engaged to artificially inflate the vaccine’s efficacy findings.”

They also claim that because of the faked vaccine results, “the United States has over the last decade paid Merck hundreds of millions of dollars for a vaccine that does not provide adequate immunization… The United States is by far the largest financial victim of Merck’s fraud.”

They go on to point out that children are the real victims, however:

“But the ultimate victims here are the millions of children who every year are being injected with a mumps vaccine that is not providing them with an adequate level of protection. …The failure in Merck’s vaccine has allowed this disease to linger with significant outbreaks continuing to occur.”

Merck’s mumps viral strain is 45 years old!

According to the complaint, Merck has been using the same mumps strain — weakened from generations of being “passaged” — for the last 45 years! The complaint reads:

“For more than thirty years, Merck has had an exclusive license from the FDA to manufacture and sell a mumps vaccine in the U.S. The FDA first approved the vaccine in 1967. It was developed by Dr. Maurice Hilleman, at Merck’s West Point research facility, from the mumps virus that infected his five year-old daughter Jeryl Lynn. Merck continues to use this ‘Jeryl Lynn’ strain of the virus for its vaccine today.”

A complete medical farce

This information appears to show Merck’s mumps vaccine to be a complete medical farce. Those who blindly backed Merck’s vaccines — the science bloggers, “skeptics,” doctors, CDC and even the FDA — have been shown to be utter fools who have now destroyed their reputations by siding with an industry now known to be dominated by scientific fraud and unbounded criminality.

That’s the really hilarious part in all this: After decades of doctors, scientists and government authorities blindly and brainlessly repeating the mantra of “95% effectiveness,” it all turns out to be total quackery hogwash. Utterly fabricated. Quackety-quack quack. And all those hundreds of millions of Americans who lined up to be injected with MMR vaccines were all repeatedly and utterly conned into potentially harming themselves while receiving no medical benefit.

Intelligent, informed NaturalNews readers, home school parents, and “awakened” people who said “No!” to vaccines are now emerging as the victors in all this. By refusing to be injected with Merck’s vaccines, they avoided being assaulted with a fraudulent cocktail of adjuvant chemicals and all-but-useless mumps strains over four decades old. They protected their time, money and health. Those who refuse to be physically violated by vaccines are, once again, turning out to be the smartest people in society. No wonder they also tend to be healthier than the clueless fools who line up to get vaccinated every year.

Merck fraudulently misrepresented the efficacy of its vaccine and contributed to the spread of infectious disease, says lawsuit

The faked vaccine efficacy numbers aren’t the only troubles Merck is now facing. Shortly after the above False Claims Act was made public, Chatom Primary Care filed suit against Merck. That document is available from NaturalNews at:…

It alleges that:

• [Merck engaged in] …a decade-long scheme to falsify and misrepresent the true efficacy of its vaccine.

• Merck fraudulently represented and continues to falsely represent in its labeling and elsewhere that its Mumps Vaccine has an efficacy rate of 95 percent of higher.

• Merck knows and has taken affirmative steps to conceal — by using improper testing techniques and falsifying test data — that its Mumps Vaccine is, and has been since at least 1999, far less than 95 percent effective.

• Merck designed a testing methodology that evaluated its vaccine against a less virulent strain of the mumps virus. After the results failed to yield Merck’s desired efficacy, Merck abandoned the methodology and concealed the study’s findings.

• Merck also engaged in “incorporating the use of animal antibodies to artificially inflate the results… destroying evidence of the falsified data and then lying to an FDA investigator… threatened a virologist in Merck’s vaccine division with jail if he reported the fraud to the FDA.”

• “Merck designed a testing methodology that evaluated its vaccine against a less virulent strain of the mumps virus. After the results failed to yield Merck’s desired efficacy, Merck abandoned the methodology and concealed the study’s findings. [Then] Merck designed even more scientifically flawed methodology, this time incorporating the use of animal antibodies to artificially inflate the results, but it too failed to achieve Merck’s fabricated efficacy rate. Confronted with two failed methodologies, Merck then falsified the test data to guarantee the results it desired. Having achieved the desired, albeit falsified, efficacy threshold, Merck submitted these fraudulent results to the FDA and European Medicines Agency.”

• “Merck took steps to cover up the tracks of its fraudulent testing by destroying evidence of the falsified data and then lying to an FDA investigator… Merck also attempted to buy the silence and cooperation of its staff by offering them financial incentives to follow the direction of Merck personnel overseeing the fraudulent testing process. Merck also threatened… Stephen Krahling, a virologist in Merck’s vaccine division from 1999 to 2001, with jail if he reported fraud to the FDA.”

• “Merck continued to conceal what it knew about the diminished efficacy of its Mumps Vaccine even after significant mumps outbreaks in 2006 and 2009.”

Obama administration has zero interest in actual justice

Another interesting note in all this is that under President Obama, the U.S. Dept. of Justice showed no interest whatsoever in investigating Merck over the False Claims Act filed by two of its former virologists. Despite the convincing evidence of fraud described in detail by insider whistleblowers, the Obama Department of Justice, led by gun-running Attorney General Eric Holder who is already facing serious questions over Operation Fast and Furious, simply chose to ignore the False Claims Act complaint.

When evidence of criminal fraud was brought before the U.S. Department of Justice, in other words, the DoJ looked the other way with a wink and a nod to the medical crimes taking place right under their noses. Who cares if tens of millions of children are being injected year after year with a fraudulent mumps vaccine? There’s money to be made, after all, and exploiting the bodies of little children for profit is just business as usual in a fascist nation dominated by corporate interests.

Pfizer sued by retailers over anticompetitive scheme

Adding to all this, Pfizer has now been sued by five U.S. retailers (pharmacies) who accuse the company of monopolistic market practices. According to the lawsuit, Pfizer conspired to prevent generic versions of its blockbuster cholesterol drug Lipitor from entering the market. This was done to protect billions in profits while making sure patients did not have access to more affordable cholesterol drugs. Pfizer sells nearly $10 billion worth of Lipitor each year.

According to the Reuters report on this lawsuit, Pfizer is being accused of (…):

• Obtaining a fraudulent patent
• Engaging in sham litigation
• Entering a price-fixing agreement to delay cheaper generics
• Entering arrangements with pharmacy benefit managers to force retailers to buy more Lipitor (chemical name is atorvastatin calcium)

No arrests or prosecution of Big Pharma executives

One of the most astonishing realizations in all this is that given all the criminal fraud, bribery, misrepresentation, lying to the FDA, price fixing and other crimes that are going on in the pharmaceutical industry, you’d think somebody somewhere might be arrested and charged with a crime, right?


To date, not a single pharmaceutical CEO, marketing employee or drug rep has been charged with anything related to all this fraud. In America, drug company employees are “above the law” just like top mafia bosses of a bygone era.

How insane is this, exactly? Consider this:

Imagine if YOU, an individual, went around town bribing doctors, falsifying data, selling a fraudulent product to the government, lying to regulators, engaging in anti-trade price-fixing and threatening your employees into silence. What would happen to you?

You’d probably wind up rotting in prison, the subject of an FBI investigation and a DoJ prosecution.

So why is it okay for a multi-billion-dollar corporation to carry out these same crimes and get away with it? Why are the CEOs of top drug companies given a free pass to commit felony crimes and endless fraud?

I’ll tell you why, and you’re not gonna like the answer: Because America has become a nation run by crooks for the benefit of crooks. It’s one big country club, and as comedian George Carlin used to say, “YOU ain’t in it!”

If Big Pharma would falsify data on vaccines, what else would the industry do?

I hope you’re getting the bigger picture in all this, friends. If these drug companies routinely bribe doctors, falsify data, defraud the government and commit felony crimes without remorse, what else would they be willing to do for profit?

Would they:

• Falsify efficacy data on other prescription drugs?
• Exploit children for deadly vaccine trials?
• Invent fictitious diseases to sell more drugs?
• Unleash bioweapons to cause a profitable pandemic?
• Conspire with the CDC to spread fear to promote vaccinations?
• Silence whistleblowers who try to go public with the truth?
• Give people cancer via stealth viruses in vaccines?
• Destroy the careers of medical scientists who question Big Pharma?
• Force a medical monopoly on the entire U.S. population via socialist health care legislation?

But of course they would. In fact, the industry is doing all those things right now. And if you don’t believe me, just remember that five years ago, no one believed me when I said drug companies were engaged in criminal conspiracies to defraud the nation — something that has now been proven over a nine-year investigation.

January 24, 2012

Big, Big Money Want’s “Vaccine Skepticism” Turned Into a thought crime!!

Editors Note:
I have NEVER asked readers to share any of my posts. This is the exception. PLEASE share this post with as many people you can!

I told you that the big money behind the vaccine industry CAN NOT CHALLENGE THE VACCINE SAFETY / ANTI VACCINE MOVEMENT WITH FACTS! We are kicking the vaccine industry’s hind end. SOPA, the bill to shut down websites like this one went down in flames (put on a shelf). So NOW, what do these slime devils in the vaccine industry want done with NO judge or jury to websites like this one and, their authors along with like minded doctors / science professionals, who are giving YOU the FACTS and, the REST OF THE STORY on vaccines? Since the vaccine cult / industry can not fight a FAIR fight, they are TRYING to take a page right out of ‘Fahrenheit 451’, ‘George Orwell’s 1984’, the old Soviet Union and Nazi Germany ALL ROLLED UP INTO ONE, by creating a BAZZAR LAW OUT OF THIN AIR to prosecute ANYONE who says ANYTHING negative about vaccines.

Like in the novel ‘Fahrenheit 451’ where books “not in lockstep with the state” were to be burned, these pro vaccines kooks want ALL vaccine websites and research BRUNED, DELETED from existence that do NOT give vaccines a glowing report. So much for REAL objective science OR, WHAT IS IT THEY ARE TRYING TO HIDE WHEN IT COMES TO VACCINES?

If deleting damning evidence against vaccines wasn’t crazy enough, these pro vaccine ‘crazies’ want people like me, doctors, scientists… ANYONE who exposes the chemicals, heavy metals, cancer viruses… that are in vaccines and, what they will do to a person once they get in the body, ARRESTED FOR THOUGHT CRIMES!! Anyone promoting trying to ‘burn’ or delete information and their authors arrested for ‘thought crimes’ needs to check themselves into a metal asylum.

For ANYONE who still believes that vaccines are for the ‘greater good’, LOOK WHAT KIND OF TYRANTS ARE BEHIND THE VACCINE INDUSTRY!. They can’t win an argument with facts so, they are desperate and, all of us who have exposed vaccines, HAVE ALSO EXPOSED THE NUT JOBS BEHIND THE VACCINES THEMSELVES.

To bad for them! The genie is already out of the vaccines vile and will NOT be put back in again.

Big Pharmaceutical Is Pushing National Socialists Agenda To Experiment Vaccines On Public By FORCE!

Also Related:
It’s Amazing how accurate I was back in 2009 when I wrote…
The Drug Story (A Parallel Universe To Climategate)

Speaking of vanishing from the internet…
Here is a link to ONE of the interviews with George Soros discussing his aiding and abetting the Nazis.

This was bragged about by George Soros himself and this ‘bragging’ was posted all over the internet back in the late nineteen nineties. These self damning revelations have been removed and are very hard to come across today. HOWVER, not ALL records of this have been destroyed and it will resurface once again.

Soros Mouthpiece Calls On Google To Police “Conspiracy Theories”

Stanford scholar wants search engines to flag global warming, vaccine skepticism as thought crimes

Paul Joseph Watson For ALL sourced links
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Former fellow of George Soros’ Open Society and current Stanford University scholar Evgeny Morozov has called on Google and other search engines to become thought crime enforcers, by providing warnings about websites that contain “conspiracy theories” such as the belief, held by a majority of Americans, that global warming is not primarily man-made.

Morozov, whose biography confirms him as a well-connected insider, decries in a Slate piece how the Internet is a useful tool for “People who deny global warming” as well as “the anti-vaccination movement,” calling on Google to provide a “socially responsible curated treatment” that would marginalize such beliefs by amending search results.

His solution is to, “Nudge search engines to take more responsibility for their index and exercise a heavier curatorial control in presenting search results for issues like “global warming” or “vaccination.” Google already has a list of search queries that send most traffic to sites that trade in pseudoscience and conspiracy theories; why not treat them differently than normal queries? Thus, whenever users are presented with search results that are likely to send them to sites run by pseudoscientists or conspiracy theorists, Google may simply display a huge red banner asking users to exercise caution and check a previously generated list of authoritative resources before making up their minds.”
Morozov describes the potential that such a move will be judged as Google “shilling for Big Pharma or for Al Gore” as “a risk worth taking”.

This represents a similar argument to Cass Sunstein’s “cognitive infiltration,” an effort by Obama’s information czar to slap government warnings on controversial websites (including those claiming that exposure to sunlight is healthy). In a widely derided white paper, Sunstein called for political blogs to be forced to include pop ups that show “a quick argument for a competing view”. He also demanded that taxes be levied on dissenting opinions and even suggested that outright bans on certain thoughts should be enforced.

Giving companies like Google, which has grown to virtually become the gatekeeper of the entire Internet itself and is already engaging in SOPA-like acts of censorship, the power to denote which political and scientific positions are acceptable and which are fringe “conspiracy theories” is an insult to free thinking and smacks of Chinese-style thought control.

Morozov’s argument is also completely undermined by the fact that the two so-called fringe “conspiracy theories” he forwards as being in need of Google’s thought crime control, skepticism about global warming and the dangers of vaccines, are views held by millions of Americans and are not “fringe” at all.
According to the most recent polls, less than half of Americans now believe that global warming is caused by human activity, a number that has been slipping for the past several years.

In addition, polls show that a quarter of Americans, some 75 million of them, believe that vaccines are unsafe and can cause autism. To characterize this as a minority conspiracy belief is like labeling Catholicism as a doctrine of a tiny fringe.

At best, views about global warming and the safety of vaccines can be described as being split, but to claim that skepticism over man-made climate change and the dangers of inoculations are “kooky” fringe conspiracy beliefs, as Morozov does in his article, is brazenly inaccurate and exposes the agenda-driven bias of his rhetoric.

This is further illustrated by the reader comments, which almost universally deride Morozov and attack his argument as being a thinly veiled demand for Internet censorship.

“The day Google starts doing things like this is the day I find a new search engine,” writes one.
“So, you are a supporter of internet censorship? Only of information that you disagree with, of course. So I assume Slate and NAF did not support the recent action regarding SOPA?” adds another.
Morozov’s rhetoric is merely one aspect of the wider move to turn the Internet into an echo chamber of establishment propaganda, drowning out alternative voices to the benefit of large pharmaceutical companies who make billions from selling risky vaccines and scientific bodies whose very survival depends upon the global warming myth being upheld.

It represents another effort to win an information war the establishment is currently losing, as Hillary Clinton herself admitted, by not just creating a new Orwellian Internet Ministry of Truth, as Bill Clinton demanded, but by ascribing this role to the very gatekeeper of the Internet itself – Google.

January 8, 2012

UK’s FOIA Uncovers Vaccine Coverup / False Accusations Of Parents

Editors Note:
In the UK, mother of MMR vaccine injury victim Katie Stephen was determined to uncover the TRUTH about the MMR vaccine that injured her daughter. Using the UK’s version of the ‘Freedom Of Information Act’ this mother not only uncovered that the MMR vaccine was indeed DANGEROUS but, she uncovered the FACTS that the UK government known of those dangers and allowed the vaccine to keep it’s license anyway. If that wasn’t bad enough, she also discovered that PARENTS WE FALSELY ACCUSED for the injuries caused by the MMR vaccine AS A WAY TO DISTRACT FROM THE REAL CULPRITS OF THESE CHILDREN’S DIMISE CAUSED BY THE VACCINE!

It is important to note that the powers that be and, the drug companies, have pulled similar garbage here in the United States. The truth concerning the polio vaccine and SV-40 cancer virus is BUT ONE example in similarity to this latest discovery in the UK.

This report ALSO exposes the corruption at UNICEF. UNICEF has its ‘founders’ roots entrenched deeply into the ‘eugenics religion’. UNICEF is one of the most corrupt globalist created wrecking balls on humanity, window dressed as a ‘loving & caring’ organization. Super eugenists Bill an Melinda Gates fund and direct this corrupt cesspit of an organization.
Freedom Of Information Request Reveals Major Government Vaccine Conspiracy

By Christina England | January 3rd, 2012

Sometimes the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act provides us with a little gem. Thanks to Wendy Stephen the mother of MMR victim Katie Stephen. [1] sending in a FOI request on an unrelated topic, I am now able to prove that Munchausen by Proxy expert Prof Roy Meadow was involved in government meetings discussing vaccinations and adverse reactions for a total of 5 years, from 1987 – 1991 inclusive. These meetings were held during the most crucial period in vaccination history when the MMR vaccine Pluserix was being used. The meetings were with the ARVI (Adverse Reactions to Vaccinations and Immunizations), CSM (Committee for the Safety of Medicine), the ARVI and the JCVI (Joint Committee for Vaccination and Immunization) and finally the CSM and the ARVI. Shortly after this time accusations of MSBP soared especially after parents complained that their child had been injured by a vaccine.

(Pluserix was introduced in 1988 and banned in 1992)


Before I provide the details of exactly what we have discovered and what this discovery means, I will give a brief history. Psychologist and autism expert Lisa Blakemore-Brown was and still is one of the most influential professionals the world has ever seen when it comes to vaccines being linked to falsely labeling parents with Munchausen by Proxy; the problem is few really recognized her true genius and of those who did, some, sought to destroy her career and reputation.

As early as 1995/1996 Blakemore-Brown suspected two powerful and influential men, Dr David Southall and Professor Roy Meadow were involved in researching adverse reactions to vaccines. She believed that they then used their knowledge and influence to falsely accuse parents of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (MSBP) after a vaccine injury had occurred.

(Munchausen by Proxy is a diagnosis given to a mother or care giver who appears to be presenting a healthy child to the medical profession saying that their child is ill.)

Due to paperwork that I now have and my own research I have been left in little doubt that Blakemore-Brown was right on all counts.


A short while back I exposed what Southall had been up to.[2] I proved with evidence that Southall had been writing papers on children dying after vaccines as early as 1987 and between 1993 and 1995 Southall was consultant health advisor to UNICEF in the former Yugoslavia. This was just after Pluserix was banned in the UK whilst keeping the UK license. UNICEF was one of the vaccines takers after the ban.

Meadow rose to fame in 1977 when he wrote a controversial paper on Munchausen by Proxy for the Lancet. The paper entitled ‘The Hinterland of Child Abuse’ [3] gives two highly suspect case studies as “evidence” of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy existence. The paper was deemed problematic by many because the second case study describes a child presenting with excessive sodium in the blood. During Meadow’s discussion he discloses that this child was force-fed 20 g of sodium, with difficulty, by himself and his colleagues. Sadly the child died!

In 2005 Blakemore-Brown revealed papers that she had received through FOI (Freedom of Information) which proved that Prof Meadow had been involved in meetings with ARVI, a sub group of the JCVI devised to specifically look at adverse reactions to vaccines.[4] This was in 1987, 1988 and 1989.

The papers I now have prove that he was involved in many more.

Wendy Stephen’s emailed me several documents on an unrelated topic including documents entitled ‘Annual Reports 1989, 1990 and 1991’[5] when I searched through them I noticed that Meadow’s name cropped up again and again. Intrigued I delved deeper and was surprised to discover just how many meetings this man had attended. I was particularly interested because up until this time I had only seen Meadow’s name in meetings held during 1987, 1988 and 1989.


The years 1989, 1990 and 1991 were crucial years in UK’s vaccination history because the MMR vaccine, Pluserix, was being used. The Pluserix vaccine containing the Urabe mumps strain manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline had been banned in Canada under the name Trivirix in 1988. Suddenly that same year with the new name Pluserix it was introduced into the UK by the JCVI. Four years later however, in 1992 it was banned in the UK after it was revealed that children developed many life threatening adverse reactions after receiving this vaccine. [6]

During the meetings that Meadow attended the committee’s discussed the wide range of adverse reactions that children were suffering after being given this vaccine. These included mumps, deafness, seizures meningitis, encephalitis and death. Despite life threatening adverse reactions the committee members decided the vaccine would keep its UK license even though they were banning its use in the UK.

A UK license attached to a drug or vaccine is very prestigious and is a recommendation that the drug or vaccine is safe. This gives a green light to other countries and organizations wishing to buy the product. The various committees felt that taking away the Pluserix license would cause mass panic around the world and for this reason the license was kept in place. This dangerous vaccine was then shipped for use in the third world where it remains today. Among its buyers was and still is UNICEF.


It had been clear from the paperwork that I had already seen that Meadow had been involved in meetings with the ARVI [7] but then it had seemed that he had disappeared, or so I thought. It now materializes that he definitely did not because this new paperwork reveals exactly what he was up to right until Pluserix was banned in the UK.

In 1987 Meadow was involved in ARVI meetings and a joint CSM and JCVI meeting. [7]
In 1988, 1989 he appears in ARVI meetings and also in CSM meetings.[8]
In 1990 he appears in a joint meeting between CSM and ARVI [9]
In 1991 he is found in a joint meeting involving the JCVI and ARVI [10]
After that it appears that he disappeared completely from the vaccine committees.

Another interesting fact is that leading up to Meadow’s involvement he wrote a large number of papers on the topic of MSBP and again immediately after.[11]

To demonstrate just how sinister the nature of these meetings was, it is best that you understand exactly what was being said at this time. I suggest that you read the paper by Lucija Tomljenovic, PhD entitled ‘The vaccination policy and the Code of Practice of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI): are they at odds?’ because she reveals the true extent of what was being discussed. [12]


So why was an expert in MSBP involved in meetings on the adverse reactions to vaccines, unless, of course, he was brought in to be used as ‘misdirection,’ by the UK government? Misdirection is a tool often used in magic to take the audiences attention away from one area and focus it on another for split seconds however, ‘Common Purpose’ [13] uses misdirection as a tool to misdirect their subject’s minds. ‘Common Purpose’ for those who do not know is where powerful organizations like governments and pharmaceutical industries use Neuro-Linguistic Programming NLP a form of brainwashing, to get the majority of people to think, act and behave in a certain way, the example in this case to get the general population to believe that vaccinations and drugs are good and will benefit their health. I feel I should add that NLP used in the correct way is good and has helped people to get over fears and phobias.


Another fact revealed in the documents that I found particularly interesting is that the Annual Reports list all the conflicts of interest of each committee member involved in regulating the safety of vaccines and medications. Listed is every committee except the JCVI in the UK in 1990. The documents do include members of the CSM and the ARVI. [5]

It is interesting to see in black and white just who has conflicts of interest with which drug company. I found the chairman of many of the meetings Professor A.W. Asscher exceptionally interesting because he had 25 conflicts of interest including links to Glaxo the manufactures of Pluserix. Mind you he wasn’t alone with conflicts of interest linking with Glaxo.

Listed among members with conflicts of interest is Meadow. The Annual Reports prove that not only was Meadow involved at this crucial time in vaccine history but that Meadow declared various conflicts of interest.

In 1989 Meadow declares a personal interest of shareholding with Beecham and Boots and a non personal declaration of departmental grant from Ferring. In 1990 he declared that he owned shares in Boots and a consultancy in Ferring. In 1990′s declaration there’s no mention of Beecham. By 1991 he had lost the Ferring conflict but still had Boots.

I believe that the real reason that Meadow wanted to keep the shares in Boots above all else was that it was around this time that Glaxo was desperate to merge with Boots. [14]

It is interesting to note here that in 1989 SmithKline Beckham merged with Beecham to form SmithKline Beecham plc. Glaxo Wellcome and SmithKline Beecham later merged to form GlaxoSmithKline. The headquarters of the Company were then moved to England. To expand research & development in the US, SmithKline Beecham bought a new research center in 1995. Another new research centre at New Frontiers Science Park in Harlow was opened in 1997.

In 2000, Glaxo Wellcome and SmithKline Beecham merged to form GlaxoSmithKline. [15]


Unsurprisingly, after the mid 1990’s MSBP rates soar [16] in the UK and around the world. Amazingly in 1998 Meadow was knighted for his services to children.

Lisa Blakemore-Brown complained again and again about what she could see unfolding but her words fell on deaf ears.

In September 1998 an article in ‘The Scotsman’ written by Stephen Breen he reveals that Lisa Blakemore-Brown had been convinced that mothers had been wrongly accused of having MSBP in at least 3 cases. Breen explained that she had complained to the General Medical Council and the Department of Health and asked for a public inquiry. The only evidence of this article ever existing is in COSA Newsletter November-December 1998 – MENZ Issues. [17]

Breen wrote-

“British psychologist Lisa Blakemore-Brown is convinced mothers have been wrongly accused of having MSBP in at least three cases. She has complained to the General Medical Council and asked the Department of Health for a public inquiry.”

(The Scotsman (29 Sep 1998). ‘Witch hunt’ warning in abuse scandal, by Stephen Breen)”

This was written in 1998 and at a time when MSBP accusations were at their peak. Behind a great many of the cases going through the courts again and again were two professionals, Dr David Southall and Prof Roy Meadow. In fact it was cases involving MSBP that got both of these professionals struck off the medical register. Neither stayed struck off for long though because both were reinstated just a short time after. The question on many peoples lips is just who protects these two men?

In 2009 Meadow’s finally did the decent thing and resigned. Please read what Blakemore-Brown had to say. [18]

These latest revelations further prove without doubt that Lisa Blakemore-Brown was right all along to suspect that Meadow and Southall were heavily involved in vaccination adverse reactions and then used their power and influence to lock up innocent parents accusing them of abusing their children.

I hope that in writing this it may help Lisa Blakemore-Brown may get justice for the atrocities that she has suffered and that it may help any cases that she is still involved with involving Dr David Southall and Prof Roy Meadow.

Sadly we no longer see Ms Blakemore-Brown in such a prominent role because she had her career and her reputation almost totally ruined by those in authority as part of this major cover up. I personally believe that she carries on beavering away behind the scenes but only time will tell.

The loss of such a brilliant and talented professional has affected so many families with children with Autism and ADHD. Not only do we not have funding or support from our local authorities but we have also lost the support and understanding of a professional who had dedicated her entire life to helping support the many families who suffer.

Before I get hundreds of emails saying that this is all one great big conspiracy theory, I urge readers to look up the original definition of conspiracy. The meaning of the word conspiracy is:

1. An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act.
2. A group of conspirators.
3. Law An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.[19]


1. MMR Victim Refused Compensation For Not Being Disabled Enough

2. The truth of what lay behind the attempted assassination of Lisa Blakemore-Brown’s career

3. Meadow Roy – Lancet ‘The Hinterland of Child Abuse’

4. Meadow’s meetings with ARVI

5. Annual Reports 1989, 1990, 1991

6. The Urabe Atrocity

7. CSM and JCVI 1987

8. CSM in 1988 and 1989

9. CSM and ARVI 1990

10. JCVI and ARVI 1991

11. What is, and what is not, ‘Munchausen syndrome by proxy ?

12. Lucija Tomljenovic, PhD entitled ‘The vaccination policy and the Code of Practice of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI): are they at odds?’11

13. Common Purpose

14. THE MONOPOLIES COMMISSION Beecham Group Limited And Glaxo Group Limited (Now a wholly owned subsidiary of Glaxo Holdings Limited) 1972

15. GlaxoSmithKline History Wikipedia

16. Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy/Factitious Disorder By Proxy William R. Long, M. Div., Ph. D., J. D.; July 12, 2008

17. Breen Cosa Newsletter Nov – Dec 1998 Vol 5 No 8 – ‘Accusations of Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy is the new witch hunt’

18. SIR ROY MEADOW REMOVES HIMSELF FROM THE GENERAL MEDICAL COUNCIL REGISTER By Lisa Blakemore Brown Psychologist,%20Blakemore%20Brown.pdf

19. The Free Dictionary – Conspiracy

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