From Hell To Veins

May 29, 2021

India’s Population Has Had Enough With The Covid Clown Show.

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As I reported in February, India’s population was carrying on with their lives as if it was prior to the COVID operation that is… mask-less, social distancing-less, lockdown-less and yes… COVID-less as well. This gaping whole in the globalist narrative that the entire world was seeing mass death from COVID had to be dealt with by the great reset money masters. So, lights, cameras, ACTION!!! The globalist scientific technocrats armed with disease spreading death shots calling themselves vaccines, and their bought and paid for media, used everything from gas leaks [sabotage?] to showing footage of people sleeping in the streets and claiming “LOOK!!! LOOK!!! SEE!!! SEE! THEY ARE ALL DEAD!!!! to get any curious onlookers back into a fear based mind set. Of course when what little duped Indians lined up for their COVID treatments being called vaccines, it caused a surge in COVID cases. No big surprise. We’ve seen this all over the world. Also no big surprise, the globalist medical terror machine sprang into action pointing all the cameras at India’s rise in COVID cases as India’s COVID vaccine program began. Oh no!! We have an India COVID strain. Yeah, right. Here’s the rub.

Take Your Shots And Shove It!

India has been the VICTIM of the pharmaceutical industrial drug cartel complex for decades and most of the population has a HEALTHY distrust of this industry. “Once I ran to you. Now I run from you!” As reported by Great Game India, Indians would rather jump into a river than take a genetically modified DARPA developed injection. Smart, smart smart.

Globalists Attack ALL Scientists / Doctors Who ‘Really’ Care And Really Heal

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Doctor Hoffe is yet one more medical professional the globalists have targeted for being honest and having the integrity to heal his patients outside the technocratic dictatorship. See video hear his BRAVE story.

The COVID Jab[s], a Genocidal Weapon of Mass Destruction

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SHARED ARTICLE…by Kelleigh Nelson

Eugenics and Covid-19

Investigation reveals both the Gates family and their foundation have documented ties to reinvented eugenics movements of the modern age.  The work carried out by this organization shows an array of ulterior motives that are contrary to saving lives.

The Gates Family, Eugenics and Covid-19.

America is killing humanity and shaking hands with the devil…brought to us by the United States government via their stakeholders: The Gates Foundation, the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the World Health Organization (WHO), Big Pharma and our democrat-controlled propaganda media and their favorite mouthpiece, Dr. Anthony Fauci.  Media are promoting an evil injection which is causing countless worldwide deaths and disastrous side effects.  They have made a commitment to promote mass vaccination for the Covid virus.  We may well be witnessing the largest number of unnecessary vaccine-induced deaths in American history, despite a 99.75% overall recovery from the virus. “

Continue reading at THIS link

One quick comment ‘From Hell To Veins’

The corporate media including ALL their subsidiaries control both the RIIGHT and LEFT agendas. They are ‘globalist’ controlled.

May 16, 2021

India And World Under Attack By The ‘COVID Reset’ Globalists

Filed under: HOME — nwqfk @ 3:15 -06:3005
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In my December 12th blog post I wrote how this world ‘reset’ operation was going to unfold. So far, I have been spot on thus far. I said the globalists funding governments around the world via their long established central banking system, [for those who can’t wrap their heads around a world wide conspiracy against humanity.] would use “viral variants” as an excuse to a.) retain the chokehold over the masses and b.) continue to “terrorize” the dumbed down public into never ending vaccines and passports. Here are recent links backing up my December 12th prognosis.

Also worth noting, I was the ONLY blog to report NO COVID in India UNTIL the globalists got the Indian government to mass vaccinate and right after mass vaccination India’s so-called COVID ‘cases’ skyrocketed. Also, globalist staging FAKE COVID deaths in India… COVID deaths or COVID vaccine deaths?

Using gas leak to FAKE India COVID deaths

Citizens in India telling the world “NO people are NOT dying in the streets of COVID, do NOT believe the terrorists”


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