From Hell To Veins

February 24, 2021

I have long Told You, These ARE Eugenics Vaccines. [video]

Many people who have came to this blog have read my post… ‘We Have Arrived, The Very Day I have Warned All Of You About For Over 20 Years’ A post I wrote as a time capsule of events I have long warned about [which we are living today], and events yet to take place. In that blog post, I refer to my bio. In my bio I challenge the ‘reasonable’ skeptic that the vaccine agenda [let alone their manufactures] has its roots in eugenics. I provide links that source institutions and individuals involved with the vaccine lobby / industry to eugenics. All eugenics roads eventually lead to population reduction i.e. genocide. That’s just the cold hard facts, and NO amount of pr and spin doctoring is going to EVER change who and what these people are. Are you 100% sure that YOU want to roll up YOUR sleeve for them?

This video and all the sourced links are the latest 2021 status of the companies, universities, players from the age old eugenics movement that has ‘rebranded’ itself as ‘holier than thou’ in the name of the greater good. Which, is exactly how it has ALWAYS claimed itself to be. It links them directly into the who’s who of the entire vaccine agenda. All I can say is that from where I sat, I can tell you these creatures truly despise every human on this planet, and people with dark skin have been 100% correct to trust their gut, and NOT these eugenic vaccines.

One other major point of discovery, is that these loving vaccine manufactures for the poor will make an avalanche of profit once people have been ‘eugenics trained’ to accept their vaccine / immunity passports like their stupid oxygen depleting face diapers.

Video Highlights

  • Vaccine of choice by the globalists for widespread third world / developing countries distribution tied to eugenics.
  • The GAVI organization facilitating much of this, is tied to the eugenics vaccine rollout.
  • Eugenics vaccines given ‘Not For Profit’ cover while ‘same’ vaccine manufactures to see profit boom when vaccine passports [aka annual regiment of vaccines] are the ‘new normal’.
  • These are essentially AIDS vaccines. Here is the pdf on these ‘chimp’ virus vaccines
  • Google / YouTube in violation of their own censorship rules of censoring vaccine information due to ‘THEIR’ bankrolling of ‘for profit’ vaccines. Google also is incentivized to promote never ending annual vaccine passports for huge future profits.
  • Oxford-AstraZeneca given ‘global authority’ to wave magic money wand and declare “end of COVID pandemic”. Who stands to gain from this?
  • Connects ALL the ‘stakeholders’ to the ‘never say die’ eugenics entities.
  • Biden’s science cabinet chairman ties to Jeffery Epstein.

All Sourced Links

February 23, 2021

Confessions Of A COVID-19 Drug Cartel Hitman

This blog post is a documentation snapshot of the trail of blood and corruption which paved the way for the largest terror / population reduction / control operations the world has ever seen.

The COVID-19 terror and control attack on this planet could never have occurred in the ONCE Untied Staes if… a.] The snake-oil industry hadn’t infiltrated the U.S. government in the early twentieth century, giving pharmaceutical companies control of the entire health industry in the once United States…

How & Why Big Oil Conquered The World Big Pharma drug cartels are big oil AND NOW, big ‘carbon credit’…

… and b.] The consolidation of media corporations into a handful of a few ‘ruling family’ owned entities.

Ask Your Doctor. If Conflict Of Interest Is Right For You.

As media was consolidating into the very few hands who own monopolies in pharmaceutical companies, the birth of the drug cartel / big Pharma run media was born. This government sanctioned act gave rise to one of the most corrupt conflicts of interests in the history of modern civilization.

Drugs are cash cow advertising bonanza for corporate media. Fortunately an increase in number of Americans who are starting to wake up and realize that the MSM shouldn’t be trusted on issues like this.”

What most people don’t even realize is that these corporations actually OWN each other’s stock. Thus, big corporate media and big Pharma / drug cartels are ‘stakeholders‘ of EACH OTHER.

Get Out Of Court Free. Pass Go, Collect 2 Trillion Dollars In The Game of ‘Drug Cartel Monopoly

As noted earlier, petrochemical drug cartels had bribed their way into the political machine of the United States. Some would even argue that this bought and paid for corporate influence is what gave rise to a number of U.S. agencies run by non elected individuals whose interests most certainly does NOT have the general public’s interest in mind. One such agency that comes to mind is the ‘Food and Drug’ agency [FDA]. Two major areas of public interest that the globalists wanted total control over. Even though the ‘sales pitch’ for creating the FDA was to “protect the public”, most everyone who is NOT living under a rock, knows that the FDA is a revolving door of conflict interest, which serves mostly to protect the very industries the public is supposed to be protected from. Without this agency, questionable business practices by both food and drug corporations would most certainly never be able to morph into dangerous products forced on the public. Instead, accountability and liability would fall directly into the lap of these very multinationals. No approval ‘rubber stamps’ would exist. No teams of ‘agency’ led ‘hitmen’ and witch hunts waged against individuals / companies making much safer products, would EVER exist as well. The man who’s empire completely took control of the ONCE United States medical industry John D. Rockefeller said in his own words… “competition is a sin”.

Even with all of this unprecedented special interest protection by a corrupt U.S. government, vaccines are so dangerous according to the U.S. government’s own [corrupt] Supreme Court, that they have to be given ‘immunity’ from legal liability when they kill, injure disease the population. So, in 1986 the corrupt U.S. government, passed a special law that gave the drug cartels liability immunity to ANYTHING calling itself a ‘vaccine’. Also, a special ‘admiralty court’ was constructed to make even getting heard in this court of special interest next to impossible once death, disease or injury from vaccination occurs. In my personal research into this special interest admiralty court [which is NO court of law] seems to be set up to silence those very scientists and doctors who’s children suffer from these dangerous vaccines, by awarding the most obvious cases, large sums of hush money. Very important, NO ‘discovery‘ becomes public record, in this corrupt vaccine kangaroo court. The highest pay outs most always seem to go to scientists and doctors. The bottom line is that if you are going to use vaccines for genocide, you can’t be hauled into a U.S. court with jurors and risk ‘discovery’. Discovery is a part of the ‘public record’ that ANYONE can look into, or be used in other court cases that could start to connect certain dots. The vaccine injury kangaroo court was established to protect the drug cartels against DISCOVERY that they would otherwise be subject to in a REAL court of law, more so than for the monetary reasons given for its creation.

The VIOXX Keyhole Into The Drug Cartel Hit Teams.

In the ramp up to world wide genocide using manmade pandemics, special protection for the vaccine industry is NOT enough to protect the corrupt drug cartels in the court of public opinion. Even with billions spent in public relations using the very mega media machine, the drug cartel’s vaccine narrative of ‘safe and effective‘ had been losing traction with a public who has long been on the negative receiving end of the liability protected product. According to the drug cartel’s themselves, at EVENT 201, they bemoaned on camera how the drug cartel’s in particular and vaccines in general were “negatively viewed by the general public” [circa 2019] and used that FACT to insist that both governments and industry ‘STAKEHOLDERS’ [aka fascism] “MUST do whatever is necessary to control the narrative of their manmade pandemic that had NOT yet been unleashed.

When the COVID-19 operation was kicked off in 2020 the monopoly on media engaged in one of the largest censorship on main line scientists the world had ever seen. This censorship operation was global in scope, and was executed just like it was ‘drilled’ in both Event 201 AND, in the earlier drill operation ‘Dark Winter‘. Two ‘conspiracy drills’ hidden in plain sight under the ‘do good’ guise of ‘preparedness’. Cutting off the entire scientific community from ANY mainline media who the globalists do NOT control that would question very questionable power grabbing health policies, is NOT the only why these globalists would silence their detractors. The globalist controlled big Pharma drug cartels are NO stranger to hiring ‘in house’ hitmen to kill their professional opposition.

It becomes glaringly obvious WHY large drug companies do NOT want to be ‘drug’ into a REAL court of law when ‘discovery’ shines a light directly on these cockroaches. It had long been believed that the drug cartels would resort to murder if all other ‘silence the opposition‘ tools in the drug cartel’s arsenal will not work. This TRUTH is NO LONGER a ‘theory’ of conspiracy, but thanks to the ability to drag these den of vipers into a court of law, discovery led to verified hit teams being used by these drug cartels.

The corrupt U.S. government would NOT allow the globalist pharmaceutical giant Merck to be taken into a court of law. However, the corrupt US government could NOT stop the French from taking Merck to court. In subpoenaed emails of Merck’s upper management, discussions of “neutralizing” doctors [world wide] was being discussed as whether to ‘green light’ such measures. So, there are NO theories what so ever, that killing their opposition is a REAL option for these drug cartels. Below a globalist controlled media outlet has to admit to the hit teams while whitewashing the facts.

The Bloody Trail Of Death In The Name Of A COVID-19 Genocide Operation

With the very real knowledge that these unaccountable drug cartels will resort to murder, deaths of individuals who ALL share a link of ‘viable’ opposition / knowledge to this COVID-19 genocide operation, comes much more into focus than in the past.

One has to examine further, the 100’s of microbiologists who lost their life leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic operation. One has to ask, “did all of these microbiologists hold damning evidence that both the pandemic virus AND the solution vaccines which we are told we ALL MUST HAVE [like a terrorist holding someone hostage] are not only manmade BUT, their knowledge could lead to a real investigation of individuals responsible for this obvious conspiracy?” No other microbiologist brings these very valid questions more into light then the near murder / arrest of microbiologist Joseph Moshe.

Joseph Moshe was immediately SWAT teamed by the corrupt U.S. FBI after he went public on what seemed to be his involvement, or direct knowledge at minimum, of a drug cartel conspiracy to infect the population [in the Ukraine] with a ‘vaccine’ bioweapon. This man’s confession and knowledge is even more relevant to today. This Ukraine ‘run up’ to what we saw in 2020, would be the very knowledge the globalist would NOT want the public to know leading up to the 2020 COVID operation. Joseph Moshe was almost killed by the FBI as he was fleeing to the Israeli embassy where he believed he would be safe. No one has heard from him since.

Hit Team On COVID Virus Origin Investigating Microbiologist

If one investigates the bogus drug cartel bought and paid for fact check disinformation, the CLAIMS that the pandemic coronavirus [aka COVID-19 virus] has actually been isolated is 100% verifiably untrue. No where in the studies provided by the so-called ‘fact check’ industrial complex have ANY of these studies provided actual data of viral isolation.

Microbiologist Frank Plummer was leading the investigations as to isolating the ‘coronavirus’ that later became ‘renamed’ COVID-19. Frank Plummer at a speaking engagement dropped dead. His mysterious death is awfully convenient for the ‘stakeholders’ in this COVID operation who do NOT want a virus identification trail leading back to the ‘stakeholders’ with the most to gain from this COVID terror operation.

The ‘Convenient’ Deaths / Murders? Of Brandy Vaughan And PCR Test Inventor / Fauci Critic Kary Mullis

The untimely deaths of both Brandy Vauhan and PCR inventor Kary Mullis need a close examination, because both individuals fall directly into the globalist controlled drug cartel ‘hitman for hire’ that became public knowledge during the VIOXX trials.

Ironically, Brandy Vauhan had worked for the very drug cartel peddling to doctors, the very drug that landed Merck into a court of law. It was the monumental ‘across the board’ corruption that came out in ‘DISCOVERY,’ and the loss of life because of it that lead Brandy to turn on the drug cartels she worked for, and become an advocate against them for ‘we the people’. Her organization was certainly gaining traction in the court of public opinion on the very real dangers of vaccines, and Brandy herself documented that she was being targeted in threats to her life as a way to stop her vaccine activism. One doesn’t have to go all that far out on a limb to see why any ‘well organized’ opposition to the absurd threats made by the globalist to hold us ALL, and our lives hostage until everyone is FORCED vaccinated, would be a threat to this vaccine hostage propaganda that is unfolding around us now.

Kary Mullis death is extremely convenient for the COVID-19 operation. No amount of pharma paid for media censorship / ‘straw man‘ fact check disinformation would have stopped Mullis from exposing the current fraud the COVID ‘engineers’ are using to terrorize the general public. The inventor of the PCR test itself, is already on record calling out Fauci as the fraud he is BEFORE this COVID operation was kicked off. Dr. Mullis denounced Fauci for using HIS test in the VERY SAME manner these globalist controlled monolithic health agencies are using it today. The real world backlash from the very inventor of the test used to dupe people into believing that they are somehow super spreaders of a disease, would be too much for the globalist to over come. Kary Mullis death was an extremely huge obstacle overcame by his untimely death less than a year before the COVID operation would go live in 2020.

Had Mullis been alive, waving extremely skewed COVID deaths at the public would NOT have the ‘terror’ effect it is currently enjoying. Never the less, people should be extremely upset that they are being victimized by these terrorists waving death numbers that really are NOT what they are being sold to be. This COVID operation is a full scale military war against humanity by the globalists. Will We say “NO!” before it’s too late?

February 19, 2021

Sharyl Attkisson Confirms Vaccine Agenda World’s Most Powerful.

Sharyl Attkisson confirms what I have been telling / WARNING the world since the 1980’s

… that there is NO other globalist agenda more powerful than the vaccine agenda, that THEY [Get A Clue See EVENT 201 / Dark Winter] created for ALL of humanity. NO! They do NOT care about your health.

February 16, 2021

India: The Next COVID Building 7 Domino To Fall.

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Update 04/27/21 Globalist Attack Against India See Comments below ALSO Click For Updated Article.

[Update: 02 / 19 /21] YouTube has blocked the link to this web page. THEY [See EVENT 201 / Dark Winter] do NOT want a huge audience ‘awake’ to the FACT near maskless India has nearly ZERO COVID, and are living, as THEY SHOULD, like FREE human beings.

[Update: 02 / 19 /21] Does the science behind masks have more to do with ‘obedience training’ than viral protection? CDC’s own data shows near maskless Florida has less mortality than its lockdown masked state counterparts.


India has been on my mind during this entire COVID operation.  The reason being, is that India the country in general, and the Indian people in particular, do not lend themselves to the same psych warfare that works well in the west. Now the  globalists are scrambling to spin / fabricate / lie… as to why a country known for being diseased riddled has almost zero COVID, while its population lives likes its pre 2020.

In India, can the wealthy be locked down?  I don’t think so. In India, if you lockdown the poor, it has to be a very short lockdown, or it will be a guaranteed death sentence.  The poor in India are the majority of the people, 100’s of millions of them. It’s a ‘luxury’ to be locked down in your home with nothing better to do than watch, and let the TV pump your head full of fear porn all day long. In India, every single day is a struggle, it’s do or die.  In India, you’ve got to rock’n roll / shake and bake to survive.  The last thing on your mind in India, is if someone out on the street is wearing a mask.

It NOW makes total sense WHY the globalists banksters tried to eliminate hard cash currency in India BEFORE they kicked off this global psy-op.  They tried and FAILED to get everyone on a digital currency so they could pacify them into COVID compliance. 

India, having been put through the ringer several times by the vaccine industrial complex of death and destruction, had the audacity to tell the vaccine manufactures that they would NOT ALLOW them to shoot up their population with drug cartel poison UNLESS, they could prove that these vaccines are NOT going to start killing the Indian people.  The ruling elite in India know full and well, that no amount of TV mumbo jumbo from quack doctors and politicians are going to hold back 100’s of millions of people, who’s family members die after taking this garbage.  India, truly is a tiger by the tail for the globalists.  There is strength in numbers, and this is EXACTLY WHY the globalists hate ALL of us so much.

If this were truly a once in a century pandemic event, India would without question be hit the hardest.  Not to be rude, but with the number of people, and the lack of sanitation / infrastructure, India has historically been one of hardest hit nations for disease.  

These videos below [shot recently in 2021] show the people of India living FREE AS THEY SHOUD BE.  No Lockdowns.  No mask mandates [hardly any masks] local business humming at full speed. No cops tackling people to the ground for NOT wearing masks, no cops shutting down businesses like Nazi thugs. Nobody shaming ANYONE.  These people aren’t wired for that.  This IS ‘freedom’, remember it? 

If Sweden was the first building 7 domino to fall, then it fell right on the next domino. India leaves even a larger hole in this scamdemic narrative than Sweden.  

BAHUT BURA EXPERIENCE* 2 Days In Calcutta Video | Local Market In Kolkata | Street market Kolkata

lawtola Haat Bazar-Bangladesh
The only guy wearing a Mask Is the one behind the microphone, and he looks like a fish completely out of water.

Esplanade Bazar Calcutta
Is this 2018? 2017? No, it’s 2021

February 15, 2021

Vaccination Censorship By Global ‘STAKEHOLDERS’

The Public / Private Partnerships Of ‘Attack Dogging’ Vaccination Critics / Organizations

February 14, 2021

From COVID Nasal Swab Vaccines To Total Track And Trace Passports

The COVID Operation: A One Stop Shop For High Tech Dictator Eugenists

February 10, 2021

What We Have Is A Global Pandemic Of Tyranny

What We Have Is A Global Pandemic Of Tranny, With New ‘Cases’ Of Dictatorial And Dictatorship Outbreaks Daily. 

“What’s Good For Thee Is NOT For Me”

Yet another Scamdemic case of… “What’s Good For Thee, Is NOT For Me”. I guess the good news is that this electronically ‘selected’ political class, are acting just like the tyrants they truly are. Of course a dictator mayor in globalist controlled USA is going to try and jail people for doing the VERY THING she did.  Just ask the intelligence run / Pharma paid for corporations playing ‘the news’… “You’re all crazy conspiracy nuts for thinking there is anything wrong with this mayor.”  

This COVID tyranny is going on all over the planet as globalist political minions run amok.  You have the Canadian dictator in chief, PM Trudeau, acting more like Augusto Pinochet wanting to ‘disappear’ Canadians [or anyone else] who flies in. Even though intelligence run / Pharma paid for ‘news’ said COVID quarantine camps were “just conspiracy theories”, PM Trudeau is trying his best to make them a reality.

As I have also posted here, you have the ‘digitally’ [s.]elected political class CLEARLY getting FAKE vaccines, which brings us to the topic of ‘normalizing’ vaccine death and injury.

Because of OBVIOUS vaccine death and injury to family and friends alike…  ‘pandemic cases’ of Nazi level propaganda on ALL ‘corporate’ media channels have broken out, parroting the globalist controlled medical mafia narrative that these very deaths and injuries are COVID related, NOT vaccine related. 

This pandemic of tyranny is over when, AND ONLY WHEN, we the people say “NO MORE!”

February 9, 2021

Canadians Fight Their Biggest Dictatorial Thugs In Canada’s History

Canadians concerned about living in a full on dictatorship are currently in a legal battle with the Canadian government which is being run by two of the most vile dictators in Canada’s history, Prime Minister Trudeau and international drug cartels that control Canada’s health ‘authorities’.

Acting More like Augusto Pinochet Than A Canadian PM

Canadians, help the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms Keep dictators like PM Trudeau [Pinochet] and his drug cartel authoritarians from ‘disappearing you’.

February 7, 2021

Was CIA / Pharma Vaccine Covert OPs A Pre COVID-19 Track And Trace Dry Run?

COVID-19 Intelligence Report

During globalist controlled USA’s Obama administration, the public / private partnership between the CIA and pharmaceutical industry / NGOs ‘cover’ was blown on clandestine spy operations under the cover of vaccine programs. As reported in Rockefeller’s own National Petroleum Radio [NPR].

This public / private / NGOs operation undoubtedly had many legs to it but, in this NOW COVID world order one has to ask… “Was the so-called ‘cover’ for these vaccine operations i.e. war on terror’, just a cover itself for a much larger operation to come”. namely this current COIVED-19 operation? Was one of the main reasons for this operation to developed the very buy / sell / genome information / identification track and trace digital system, that I have long warned my readers was coming?

From NPR

“Homeland Security adviser Lisa Monaco recently sent a letter responding to the deans. She wrote that in August 2013, CIA Director John Brennan issued an order forbidding the use of vaccination programs to gather intelligence or genetic evidence.”

One also has to ask if these former clandestine public / private / NGO vaccine operations is the ‘genesis’ where this current push by public i.e government [CIA] / private [pharma] / NGO partnerships including… Cosco, and mainly Starbucks Coffey along with both the US military and large pharmaceutical cartels to create industrial vaccine identification and distribution centers around the globe?

Operation Warp Speed Is Going Away IN NAME ONLY

One has to ALSO wonder if Then Trump / NOW Biden’s Operation Warp Speed [no matter what he wants to call it now] which is still run at the very top by counter terrorism super spooks [i.e. Christopher Miller] from the very same vaccine spy programs as reported above. Taking a page from the vaccine spy programs, Operation Warp Speed is alive and well and is just fading behind the Starbucks… public [including military] / private [drug cartels] / partnerships [include NGOs] loving facade. In this ‘loving’ Biden / Harris / Starbuck’s facade expect the US army’s roll in vaccination distribution and verification only to intensify over.

Whitney Webb’s Operation Warp Speed CIA pharma ties and vaccine cyber warfare on vaccine refuseniks article

February 6, 2021

Canada’s Quarantine Camps. A Sign Of The Times.

The FACT that both the United States And Canada have long established detention ‘camps’ for not only their own citizens but, for ANY ‘would-be’ travelers into those countries has been long established.

What equally needs to be pointed out to ANYONE with two braincells to rub together, is the psychological warfare operations on the public concerning these camps.

While it is a very normal response by the general public to be ‘RIGHTFULLY’ alarmed by ‘detention’, ‘quarantine’, ‘FEMA’, ‘Green Zone’… or whatever these camps are going to be called next week, it should be even MORE alarming to the general public the psychological [psyops] by bad actor ‘STAKEHOLDERS’ on the same very same ‘concerned’ general public.

Operating On Well Financed Lies / The Fact Checker Industrial Complex

Psychopaths work on their victims by making their victims think THEY are the crazy ones, and NOT the psychopath. This is the simple principal of ‘gaslighting’. We definitely have psychopaths running the world into the ground. I know first hand, because I have personally been around them as they talked about using vaccines to cull and control populations.

The Great Bank Heist Gaslight Event

Just to give an easy to understand example of a modern psyop on the general public, is to use an inside job bank heist as an example. The well connected bank owners rob their own bank. Rightly upset depositors point the finger right at the bank owners as the bank robbers. [What actually happened]. The bank owners who are connected to the very few families who own the majority of media that have been gradually consolidated over a thirty or more year time span [stakeholders], agree to psyop the general public over the bank heist. Media in on the take [stakeholders] broadcast in multiple outlets… “lack of security at bank leads to wild conspiracy of inside job”. The media repeats over, and over, and over, that… “depositors rejected bank charge for extra security measures, leads to robbery. ‘Authorities’ are investigating leads on robbers OUTSIDE bank who took advantage of depositor’s unwillingness to tighten security”… Because the bank owners who own politicians that give police their marching orders, are in on it [stakeholders] as well. The narrative over, and over and over, is that the victims are to blame, and to look at the bank owners [and their stakeholders] as anything but ‘innocent by standers’ are just “whacky conspiracy theories”. Then you get the same media to cook-up all kinds of half truths parading as ‘fact-check’, and most people outside the depositors, are crying rivers of tears for the bankers who outright stole depositors money. Granted simplistic, but the predator class uses the phrase ‘stakeholders’ for a reason.

Canada and United States Build Detention Camps But, The Stakeholders Tell You “Conspiracy Theories”. Until It’s Not. Just Like True Psychopaths.

I remember when corporations calling themselves ‘the news’ [stakeholders] in the Untied States, would send out a ‘local’ news channel reporter to a FEMA detention camp, and TRY to ‘normalize’ the ‘local’ construction of detention camps for US citizens right down to the shackle station that looked more like something out of the slavery days, than the ‘light hearted’ fluff piece she was selling.

When Canada’s own Randy Hillier brought up the rightfully disturbing ‘forced’ quarantine camps, the ‘stakeholders’ in the ‘fact-check-industrial-complex’ sprang into action armed with the pejorative “conspiracy” meaning, “nothing to see here, move right along”. Well as it turns out there certainly must have been a ‘conspiracy’ as the Canada government will enforce… drum roll… “quarantine camps” at the border. Say it isn’t so. Now it’s time for the ‘normalization backpedal’. Meaning, [like in my bank example] it’s whacky when you point it out and put it in a negative light BUT, it’s GOOD when we take it out of the dark and jam it into your face. Obviously, Canada will NOT be an escape option for Americans, and for Canadians, when do ‘border laws’ set their sites inward?

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