From Hell To Veins

May 10, 2017

Vaccine Injury / Death Reporting System

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[Update 02 /19 /21:] VaxxTracker  Is an open resource YOU can use it will NOT ‘ghost’ your injury report.  Also, it is EXTREMELY important that you DOCUMENT all vaccine injuries in the days, months, even years after someone you know has taken COVID vaccines.

What We (the people) Need, a ‘public’ crowd sourced vaccine injury / death reporting system website (or network of websites) that the public can access and report the injury or death of a loved one for all the world to see.

Right now, the bad guys over at big pharma are using ‘THEIR’ bought and paid for corporate media (yeah the same media that run never ending drug ads) to wage a PR campaign against the human beings of this planet, to give up their basic human right to determine what get’s injected into their bodies.

A few measles cases that are relatively harmless are being fanned up by the bought and paid for corporate media (by no coincidence)  in states (in the USA) that still have the ‘fundamental freedom to ‘opt out‘ of being given vaccines by force.

Conversely, the same bought and paid for corporate media are totally ‘blacking out‘ the thousands of much more serious deaths and injuries caused by the ingredients that are in big pharm’s vaccines.

Once the public is forced to see the horror families of the vaccine injury and death are suffering from, the court of public opinion will in no doubt cause a backlash to the pharma far greater than a few isolated measles cases have been to everyone who wants control of what goes into their bodies..

Because in USA, the ‘right’ to take a corporation to court over an unsafe product was taken away from the American people back in 1986, with regards to vaccines, an open source reporting system would at minimum, give these victims and the families of these victims a place for their injustice to be heard by all.  No more, can this ongoing carnage by both the pharma lobby and their partners in crime, the corporate media hide the death and destruction brought on by vaccines.

I also strongly believe, that a sister system should exist for injury and death caused by big pharma drugs.

I’ll be updating the progress at this website.

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