From Hell To Veins

February 29, 2020

“The Cure Is Worse Than The Virus”

“The Cure Is Worse Than The Virus”

-James Corbett of the ‘Corbett Report’

The above is a FACT, and a message, that the ‘Powers That Shouldn’t Be‘ want eliminated from this power grab EVENT201 operation known to the public as ‘Covid19’.

This pandemic operation engineered by the globalists [see EVENT201]  is a slow moving, longer term 911 style of ‘power grab’ operation.    A fear based medical tyranny can go a whole lot further than some ginned up boogieman for the agenda 2030 world THEY [the globalists] are constructing.

If you read into the ‘Gatesnotes‘ [from globalist Bill Gates] on this EVENT201 [AKA Covid19] operation, you will note that the globalist want every one of the ‘phases’ that I posted earlier HERE, implemented.  According to THEM, Africa will be the next ‘domino’ to fall in this power grab 911 style operation. The west or, 1st world counties, will follow in order as far as ‘solutions’ to this pandemic of the week ‘problem’ moving forward. Leaders of the world WILL comply with these draconian measures under the pressure of constant fear from the pandemic Boogieman.

February 28, 2020

Coronavirus operation: An ‘Asymmetric’ Warfare Operation

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Event201 [AKA the Coronavirus operation] is an ‘asymmetric’ warfare operation by the globalists, NOT a biological warfare operation, YET.

The operation objectives
Phase I’ of this operation [the asymmetric phase], is to install enough FEAR into the population that #1.) Any remaining informed consent laws will be eliminated by a FEAR driven government, to FORCE medical tyranny [and I do mean tyranny] onto an ‘accepting’ public. There is an information war being waged at this phase as well that I will address below.

Phase II of this operation will be to DEMAND that every man, woman and child be forced vaccinated [as federal run FaceBook is NOW demanding] with multiple vaccines, setting the population up for the REAL biological warfare leg of this operation.

Phase III of this operation, will be the ENFORCEMENT phase. MIT / DARPA have now developed the ‘vaccine tracking chip’ that THEY are ‘demanding’ to be FORCED onto the public. [I believe FEDBOOK is also pushing this tracking chip as well] If you want to leave your own home, you WILL BE required to have your ‘vaccine tracking chip’ IN YOU at all times. This chip will be much more than simply a vaccine tracking chip over time.

Phase IV The ACTUAL biological warfare phase of this operation. It is much, much, much easier AND effective to pull off a ‘CONTROLLED’ pandemic if you can force an entire population to be injected with the biological agent[s].  With a vaccine tracking system that the globalists can use to ‘tailer make’ each vaccine for each individual, the globalists can play God and eliminate the elderly, any number of children, or individuals that THEY deem not useful and chalk it up to the pandemic of the week.  This ‘vaccine to individual’ system has been up and running in the Rockefeller run state of New York for years now.

If you really wish to know who is putting out the REAL alt news, and who is not, just post fear, fear, fear that the Coronavirus outbreak is a real live virus running amok. Federal run FaceBook will be more than happy to spread your FEAR message far and wide.

However, if you post that this Coronavirus is REALLY Event201 and that it is, at this stage, an ASYMMETRIC operation, see how fast the feds will delete your message AND BAN you from FedBook.

The solution to END this in its tracks is to do what WE in the truth movement have always done and call BS. Bring attention to Event201. Let EVERYONE KNOW that this operation was preplanned as a power grab using FEAR as the weapon against us BEFORE it can go into the other phases if this operation.

February 9, 2020

Kill The Masses As Matter Of Policy

“The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history. (David Rockefeller, New York Times, 1973.)

Chairman Mao killed 60+ million of his own people, David Rockefeller applauded loudly and publicly.   What is the significance of this today, and in the future?

The pro genocide Rockefeller family / industry took control of the medical industry over a century ago. [see Flexner Report]  This is a FACT not taught in medical schools.

The Rockefeller industrial complex has many like minded individuals working on the GENOCIDE equation.  Lining people up and shooting them in the back of the head is NO LONGER the preferred method of killing the masses by these vile haters of humanity.  Today the goal is to get people to WILLINGLY put the noose around their own necks ‘asymmetrically’

Back to the Club of Rome

A FAKE pandemic would get an unsuspecting population willing to take a vaccine run by the Rockefeller partners Bill and Melinda gates, if the population was scared enough to be so stupid to take the kill shot.

30 Population Control Quotes;

The Dark History of Population Control

February 1, 2020

The Coronavirus Control Operation

Coronavirus Control Operation: One More Step Toward Medical Tyranny

For the record, those ‘in control’ of government and industry have a ‘proven track record‘   of deceiving the population for gain of wealth and control when it comes to ‘pandemics’ / outbreaks of all sorts.  So, when these ‘same’ people involved with the same old monolithic governments and institutions are complaining that ANYONE who questions what THEY are putting out to the public, it should be understood that there is plenty good reason to question these authorities on such matters.

In 1976 the CDC was involved in a influenza operation to hoodwink the public to go along with using tax payer money to buy huge lots of vaccines that were rushed to the streets of USA, but would end up killing far more people than the virus itself.

In 2009 a second attempted to hoodwink the public in order to profit and mandate ‘control’ over the population was carried out by these same actors / stakeholders in regards to H1N1 [swine flu].  Even members of the EU admitted to this scam.  Yet, like in 1976 USA, no one was ever held accountable.

There are also actors like those involved directly and indirectly with the corporate funded ‘non-for-profits’ such as the ‘Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation‘ engaging in developing viruses that should NOT exist in the natural world.  These might as well be classified as bioweapons against humanity.

So, when all of these same actors get together, it should come as no surpprise that THEY want to quiet the voices that have ‘exposed’ their wrong doings.  The video above shows just how arrogant these people really are.   The video [which is their own video] shows a ‘in-plane-site’ open conspiracy to run a pandemic simulation on an unsuspecting population, just as they have for decades.

When watching this video these actors are actually more concerned about being exposed for being the fraudsters they truly are, than in saving humanity from the very virus these non-for-profits created themselves.  Of course the money behind this entire drill comes from the very people and institutions that will profit from the -so-called’ cure to the very virus they supposedly unleashed onto the public.

It should also be noted that the people in this video ADMIT, undeniably, that the general population does NOT trust [what they call] vaccines.  Nor does the general public trust the pharmaceutical industry complex.  Of course, those in this video, do NOT discuss the very good reasons WHY the public has fallen out of trust.  This is a huge revelation, because these same people that make up the vaccine / pharmacological lobby, will never admit this FACT of trust to the public.    Thus, their reasoning for wanting to make free speech itself an incarcerating offense.

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