From Hell To Veins

October 18, 2013

Health Authorities Knew MMR Vaccine Spread Meningitis.

Before you demonize Dr.Wakefield who is a PRO VACCINE DOCTOR by-the-way, stop and think just for two seconds who it is, that are Wakefield’s biggest critics.

Dr. Wakefield’s biggest critics are those in government, media and industry who not only apologize but PROFIT from the industry RESPONSIBLE for the annual 700,000 deaths in America alone. Yeah, the same dopes who make and profit from vaccines and the wake of destruction they leave behind. At least Dr. Wakefield does NOT have that blood on his hands.

However, these are the very scoundrels who fear Dr. Wakefield so much that the British ‘authorities’ like, in the old Soviet Union, forbade their ‘presstitute’ corporate media to discuss the 2012-2013 GB measles outbreak with Dr. Wakefield.

Meningitis Run Amok On Our College campuses
Talk to anyone 40 years old on up. You rarely ever heard of meningitis on a college campus, let alone these flesh eating ‘military lab grade’ strains we have today. Where did all this meningitis come from?

One thing’s for sure, most of the kids on campus the last few years have all been shot up with the MMR vaccine that Dr. Wakefield discusses in this video and how the ‘authorities’ knew 100% without a shadow of a doubt that the MMR vaccine spread meningitis.

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