From Hell To Veins

July 31, 2010

The Deliberate Poisoning / Sterilization Of Humanity

11 / 18 / 10

You can now add Aerosol Sprying of aluminum and barium to the deliberate poisoning / sterilization of humanity. NO THEORIES OF CONSPIRACY the video below shows the CONCLUSIVE SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE that the same people who have taken over our government, authorized their perverts to put their hand on your private parts at airports, known as the globalists have already authorized ‘geoenineering’ of our planet.

Original Post:
My Commentary:
There is NO running away from the facts. It wasn’t very long ago that the cigarette manufactures went before congress and said… “ANYONE who believes cigarettes are a health hazard are conspiracy theorists”. The good news is, that tag line is wearing thin these days for the ‘self thinking’ sector.

Below this guy does a good job laying down the SOURCED DOCUMENTATION on the deliberate poisoning / sterilization of humanity, in regards to the toxic foods the planet is consuming.

Since Americans (not all but most) have become disengaged, not only from the process of self governance but, since they have in general became disengaged with reality itself, Americans are the MOST poisoned population on the planet. Crying “conspiracy theories” then rolling over to watch ‘Dancing With The Stars’. sports, Mtv, or just flat out being self absorbed after taking some SSRI’s (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) apparently is much more easy then getting a clue and saying “HELL NO!!!!” to all of this.

It should come as no surprise that the most poisoned population on the planet, from food, is ALSO the most OVER VACCINATED and OVER MEDICATED population on this planet. You mix ALL of these food toxins with ALL of the toxins covered and sourced over, and over, and over, on this blog from all the pharma drugs and vaccines, the results ARE self-evident.

No matter what some moron will tell you… under weight births, mass sterilization (mass fertility problems), mass cancer epidemics, mass organ problems, mass autism and other such ‘spectrum’ disorders, mass obesity, mass diabetes, mass immune system disorders… ARE NOT NORMAL!!!!! in ANY given population.

It’s NOT good enough to know the poisoning and sterilization is actually happening. One has to ‘grow up’ and face the music that this it is ALL by design.

That my friend, is where the answer to stop ALL of this lay.

Part 1 of 2

Part 2 of 2

Globalists authorizing the spraying of aluminum and barium that IS GOING TO KILL YOU over a period of time.

Part 1 of 7

Part 2 of 7

Part 3 of 7

Part 4 of 7

Part 5 of 7

Part 6 of 7

Part 7 0f 7

July 26, 2010

The Autism Epidemic. Conflicts, Collusion And Much Sourced Documentation.

The following was emailed to me by ‘Vaccine Liberation’.

I just want to say mercury poison is NOT the only thing that can give rise to autistic (and other) symptoms.
Aluminum. formaldehyde, fluoride can even wreck more havoc on the nervous system, brain and organs.

Also, it has been proven and WELL KNOWN in the field of toxicology that mercury poisoning can occur on the ‘NANO-particulate’ level.

If I have NOT hyperlinked ANY of the links OR you find ANY that do not work please comment so. I’ll do what I can to correct the problem.

Autism Epidemic, First Do No Harm, Conflicts and Collusion, and the Precautionary Principle

Philip Rudnick 6 July 2010

I. The Autism Epidemic

Autism was completely unknown in the United States before 1943. The incidence of autism
in the 1960’s was 1/10,000.
Treffet, Darold
Epidemiology of infantile autism
Archives of general psychiatry1970, (5) 431-38

An autism surge began in the period 1980-1988.

McDonald ME, Paul JF.
Environ Sci Technol. 2010 Mar 15;44(6):2112-8.
National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, MD-B343-06, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711.

Twenty-two years later (2010) there are 730,000 youths diagnosed with autism.
Time Magazine, March 8, 2010, p.44.
From another source:
Based on statistics provided by the Autism Society of America, it is estimated that approximately 1 million youth in this country have autism, which does not include Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD), Asperger’s and other spectrum disorders. A new case of autism is diagnosed nearly every 20 minutes or approximately 24,000 new cases per year.

The current autism incidence is 1/91, a 110-fold increase since the 1/10,000 figure of the 1960’s.

Based on statistics from the U.S. Department of Education and other governmental agencies, autism is growing at a rate of 10-17 percent per year. At this rate, the Autism Society estimates that the prevalence of autism could reach 4 million Americans in the next decade.

The autism epidemic is not an impossible 110-fold “genetic-increase” epidemic,
nor a 110-fold “better-or-shifting-diagnosis increase” epidemic.


“Recent increases in chronic diseases like diabetes, childhood asthma, obesity or autism cannot be due to major shifts in the human gene pool as those changes take much more time to occur. They must be due to changes in the environment, including diet and physical activity, which may produce disease in genetically predisposed persons.”
Francis S. Collins, M.D., Ph.D., Evidence to US House of Representatives Committee May 2006

Thomas Insel’s admission about autism at MIT, 2 Dec 2009
“I don’t know of any data quite like this over a 20 year period which shows this striking increase.” Insel said we don’t know what’s driving this. We know it’s not because of people who were labeled something else. He said it’s not diagnostic substitution.


II. First Do No Harm – Ignoring the Evidence of Harm of Thimerosal in Vaccines

In 1929, K.C. Smithburn, a Eli-Lilly-sponsored physician, intravenously injected thimerosal
into 22 patients terminally ill with Meningococcal Meningitis. No rashes or site reactions were observed. All the patients died shortly afterwards. In January 1931, the American Journal of Hygiene published a paper submitted by H.M. Powell and W.A. Jamieson citing the Smithburn study.
Powell HM, Jamieson WA. Merthiolate as a Germicide. Am J Hyg 1931;13:296-310.
They claimed that this study showed that injected thimerosal was safe. This study was the basis of the FDA’s approval of thimerosal in vaccines. The FDA today still refers to the 1931 Powell and Jameison study on its Web site as indication of the “safety and effectiveness” of thimerosal as a preservative.
“7 of 22 subjects were observed for only one day, the specific clinical assessments were not described, and no laboratory studies were reported.”

From 1931 until 1991, thimerosal was legally added to all pediatric vaccines as a preservative.
These vaccines continued to be used until their stocks were exhausted. Thimerosal continues
to be added to injectable flu vaccines recommended by the CDC and AAP for administration to
children and pregnant women on a routine yearly basis.

1. All forms of mercury are extremely neurotoxic, particularly organomercuric compounds,
and particularly when injected.

2. As with all toxic compounds, the toxicity of mercury is inversely related to body weight,
and is therefore particularly acute for fetuses, infants and children.

3. The toxicity of mercury is also particularly acute for fetuses, infants and children
as they do not yet have fully developed nervous systems.
HYPERLINK “ (172 references)

4. NO preservative, including thimerosal, is necessary in single-dose vials.

The principle of “First Do No Harm” dictates that if two necessary medical courses of action of comparable efficacy exist, you must choose the one that is less harmful or less potentially harmful. For flu vaccines administered to children and pregnant women, one would think that this would simply mandate the use of single-dose, thimerosal-free vials exclusively for this population. The Vaccine Establishment, however, has rejected this proposal on the non-medical grounds of being too inconvenient and too expensive, and on the medical grounds that they know with absolute certainty that thimerosal in vaccines administered to all children and all pregnant women/fetuses cannot possibly cause any harm.
“Is it safe for children to receive an influenza vaccine that contains thimerosal? Yes… Is it safe for pregnant women to receive an influenza vaccine that contains thimerosal? Yes…”
Their proof – conflicted and compromised studies, such as the CDC-funded Thorsen/SSI, Simpson/CDC, Danish vaccine studies:
and the CDC-funded Italian vaccine study:


Thimerosal is good for you – Garbage In – Garbage Out

At the same time, the Vaccine Establishment denigrates and dismisses, without exception,
the voluminous evidence of harm from injected mercury.
III. Conflicts of Interest and Collusion of the Vaccine Establishment

Vaccine Establishment Conflicts of Interest – Some Examples:

CDC places conflicted scientists on the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)
Vaccine Recommendations by Conflicted CDC Committee Members:




Vaccine Establishment Collusion – Some Examples:

Simpsonwood Conference and the Problem of a Thimerosal-Autism Link

By 1999, the CDC knew from its own evidence that there was a thimerosal link to autism. That’s when CDC researcher Tom Verstraeten found it. Here’s how he reported it in a Dec. 17, 1999, email to his colleagues, Robert Davis and Frank Destefano. The subject line was, “It just won’t go away…”

The CDC then convened officials of the CDC, FDA, AAP, IOM, BigPharma, and BigPharm-affiliated academics to attend a secret (until FOIA-exposed) 7 June 2000 CDC Simpsonwood Conference. They agree to hide from the public the incriminating findings of the CDC Vaccine Safety Datalink and the proceedings of the conference (Robert Chen, CDC: “embargoed information”. Roger Bernier, CDC: “We have been able to manage to keep it out of, let’s say, less responsible hands”) They also agree “further work” be done on the database until no thimerosal-autism link is found.

Those aware of this collusion include the then-CDC-head Gerberding, now President of Merck Vaccines, and the then-CBER-head Jesse Goodman, now FDA “Chief Scientist”.

CDC Simpsonwood Conference Proceedings obtained through the FOIA:

After the conference, the CDC withheld Dr. Verstraeten’s findings, although they had been slated for immediate publication. The CDC also told other scientists that Verstraeten’s original data had been ‘lost’ and could not be replicated. To thwart the Freedom of Information Act,
the CDC handed its database of vaccine records over to a private company, declaring it off-limits to researchers.

Letter of Congressman Dave Weldon, M.D., to Gerberding

In 2003, a private contractor would testify before congress that, in the interest of “patient confidentiality”, he was ordered by the CDC to destroy the original data sets used in the 1999 version of the study that found a thimerosal-autism link. This Vaccine Safety Datalink is eventually moved to an offshore private company and can no longer be accessed
by an FOIA request.


IOM Immunization Safety Review Committee

“In 2001 the Institute of Medicine is commissioned by the CDC to undertake a comprehensive review of all research into the thimerosal/autism connection. At their first meeting, Dr [Kathleen] Stratton, head of the commission, when discussing what the process and product of the working group would be states that, “We said this before you got here, and I think we said this yesterday, the point of no return, the line we will not cross in public policy is to pull the vaccine, change the schedule. We could say it is time to revisit this, but we would never recommend that level. Even recommending research is recommendations for policy. We wouldn’t say compensate, we wouldn’t say pull the vaccine, we wouldn’t say stop the program”. When the transcript of the meeting is made public through an FOIA request, many interpret this to mean that no matter what they find, they will not publicly say that there is any link between the thimerosal and autism. Dr. Harvey Fineberg, head of the IOM, states that this is an incorrect interpretation of the comments, but will not offer any alternate interpretation of what else they could mean.”

“The CDC “wants us to declare, well, that these things are pretty safe,” Dr. Marie McCormick, who chaired the IOM Immunization Safety Review Committee, told her fellow researchers when they first met in January 2001. “We are not ever going to come down that [autism] is a true side effect” of thimerosal exposure. According to transcripts of the meeting, the committee’s chief staffer, Kathleen Stratton, predicted that the IOM would conclude that the evidence was “inadequate to accept or reject a causal relation” between thimerosal and autism. That, she added, was the result “Walt wants” – a reference to Dr. Walter Orenstein, director of the National Immunization Program for the CDC.”

In May 2004, the IOM Immunization Safety Review Committee recommends that no further research into the possibility of a thimerosal-autism link be supported, and it then disbands.

IV. The Precautionary Principle and the Childhood Immunization Schedule

A. Current CDC Childhood Immunization Schedule

In the 1930’s, the average child received 3 vaccines

By 2009, the CDC Childhood Immunization Schedule has grown to 37 antigens by the age of 18 months, and 49 by the age of 4 years, starting with an inoculation on the day of birth against Hepatitis B, a sexually-transmitted disease (because teen-agers are too hard to reach, and infants are a captive audience – Sam Katz, conflicted CDC Advisory Committee Chairman, 1991) HYPERLINK “

Virtually every vaccine on this schedule was approved and recommended for inclusion by the members of a heavily-conflicted CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP).

A partial list of the untested individual and combined risks from this schedule:

The constantly growing number of childhood vaccine doses, now 49, by the age of four, including 13 antigens at one time at 15 months.

The neurotoxic aluminum adjuvant in a steadily increasing number of vaccines (now 17) and in increasing amounts
By 1983, children were already receiving 5 doses of injected aluminum by 2 years. By 2009, the number has reached 18 doses by 18 months.
The FDA limits IV solutions to 25 mcg (or .025 mg) because aluminum was causing neurological delays in premature babies and dementia in kidney dialysis patients. The toxic dose of aluminum for infants is 10 – 20 mcg. The Hepatitis B Vaccine given to newborns contains 250 mcg. Also, depending on the brand of vaccines given, at a typical 2-month-old checkup a child receives anywhere from 295mcg – 1225mcg, and these vaccines are repeated at 4 and 6 months.
Vaccine Book by Robert Sears, M.D.

Other neurotoxic pediatric vaccine additives, such as formaldehyde and glutamate
Aluminum, formaldehyde, glutamic acid-monosodium salt are all classified as neurotoxins:
HYPERLINK “<a href=";”&gt;”

Starting in 1990, a permanent increase in the potency of the MMR vaccine

Starting in 1994, a second dose of the MMR vaccine

Viral contaminants, such as PCV-1 and PCV-2 in the RotaTeq vaccine

The ongoing exposure of children and fetuses to thimerosal through the CDC-AAP-recommendation of annual thimerosal-preserved flu shots for children and pregnant women

The untested combined impact of all these risks

B. “Benefit vs. Risk Assessment” of the Childhood Immunization Schedule

The claim by the Vaccine Establishment that its “benefit-vs-risk assessment” of the Childhood Immunization Schedule is overwhelmingly favorable and therefore fully justifies its unquestioning and enthusiastic use is inherently baseless. A truly legitimate benefit-vs-risk assessment of any protocol requires one to first have a reasonably full knowledge of the nature and magnitude of all of its risk(s), including its combined risks. Even if each vaccine, separately, in the Childhood Immunization Schedule were to be accorded a favorable benefit-vs-risk assessment, there is no legitimate way to extrapolate from this that the same must hold true for an entire inoculation protocol. THE ENTIRE CHILDHOOD IMMUNIZATION SCHEDULE HAS NEVER BEEN TESTED FOR SAFETY, so the Vaccine Establishment is ignorant of the impact of the combined risks of this complex protocol. The reassuring “benefit-vs-risk assessment” of this vaccination protocol trumpeted by the Vaccine Establishment to the public is a medical fraud.

With the development of growing parental alarm and opposition, the Vaccine Establishment,
in another propaganda ploy – “for the greater good” – now rationalize the medical necessity of court and legislative mandates to enforce their practice of medicine on U.S. children, thereby trashing U.S. parents’ freedom of choice over the health of their children.

In dealing with dissenters, the Vaccination Establishment and its supporters label vaccination safety critics, distraught parents, and dissident scientists and physicians, all of whom urge greater caution, as anti-vaccination, anti-child-health, ignoramuses and quacks (and similar epithets).

C. Precautionary Principle and Testing the Safety of the Childhood Immunization Schedule

The Precautionary Principle dictates that, except in an emergency situation or when no other course of action is possible, any proposed medical course of action of potential harm must first be tested for safety. Complying with this principle is imperative when the subjects involved are infants and children and when the nature of the risk includes the possibility of their permanent neurological damage. The entire Childhood Immunization Schedule has never been tested for safety using as controls never-inoculated children. CDC officials, Insel’s stacked IACC Committee and the NVAC
Committee have over the years stonewalled such a proposal – whether a retrospective one, with absolutely no “unacceptable health risk”, or a prospective one, for which control groups already exist.

The outcome of such a study is potentially so catastrophic to the Vaccine Establishment’s repeated assurances that, under all conditions, “there is absolutely no vaccination-autism link”
that they have done everything in their power to keep such a study from being carried out.
So far, they have fully succeeded. Instead, they have proceeded headlong in the exercise of their power and vaccination zeal to fully implement the Childhood Immunization Schedule, trashing the application of the Precautionary Principle for the testing of its safety. FOR OVER THREE DECADES, THEY HAVE HAD IT COMPLETELY THEIR WAY.


Like the rest of the medical profession, the Vaccine Establishment, too, has an ethical and professional responsibility and obligation to uphold “First Do No Harm” and the Precautionary Principle. Had they upheld these principles, the Vaccine Establishment could have conducted
the efficacious vaccination of children in as responsible a manner as possible.

The Vaccine Establishment – conflicted and colluding trashers of “First Do No Harm” and
the Precautionary Principle. Their legacy – the unprecedented Autism Epidemic.



July 25, 2010

Vaccine/ Eugenics Pushers Bill & Melinda Gates Ties To BP

My Commentary:
Note, it is in foundations the wealthy ‘HIDE’ their ‘TRUE’ fortunes. Think Rockefellers.

The researcher in this video is shocked that Bill and Melinda Gates are tied by the pocketbook to British Petroleum. However, those who follow this blog OR have long studied the M.O. of the vaccine industry AND THOSE WHO CONTROL IT, know all to well the Siamese twin of big pharma is big petroleum.

Why would someone be so surprised that people such as Bill Gates and his wife who are population control enthusiasts (other wise known as eugenicists) would not NATURALLY be tied to such an evil corporation?

July 21, 2010

Why Big Pharma Keeps Lying And The FDA Keeps Green Lighting Bad Drugs.

My Commentary:
The FDA is so utterly compromised that it is simply a ‘clown’s costume’ that major pharmaceutical and chemical corporations put on to ‘PLAY’ GOVERNMENT OVERSIGHT. Guess what? The Joke is on those who rely on the FDA as a ‘CREDIBLE’ government agency. The FDA is to protect special interest and, let’s get this straight, YOU AND YOUR WELL BEING ARE OF NO ‘SPECIAL INTEREST’ TO THE FDA. This is an organization that will engage in CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES SUCH AS KIDNAPPING IN A FOREGN COUNTRY to stop an individual from selling herbal products that actually heal people to green lighting drugs and vaccines that are WITHOUT QUESTION going to harm people.

So, why does big pharma keep lying and the FDA keep green lighting when it comes to bad drugs AND VACCINES? It’s simple. It’s because the so called medical professionals have no spine (not all, but MOST) and, the general public gets more upset when a basketball players leaves a town then to say “enough is enough” when a drug or vaccine harms a loved one.

Keep in mind even though the article below is mainly about the diabetic drug Avandia, the clown costume known as the FDA was wore by Merck when their partner in crime green lighted Merck to leave a genetically modified lab ‘PIG VIRUS‘ in their RotaTeq vaccine. Yeah, they love you to death, and you’ve probably got the clown image correct in your head by now. Evil clown.

Avandia fraud explained: Why Big Pharma keeps lying about its drugs (opinion)

(NaturalNews For All Sourced Links)
Sometimes the degree of fraud that takes place in the drug industry is so mind-boggling that it’s hard to determine whether drug regulators and the media are paying attention at all. For the past several months, drug giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) has been under scrutiny for tampering with clinical trial data for its diabetes drug, Avandia. Reports show that the company lied about Avandia’s safety in order to get the drug approved and keep it on the market. But despite numerous pieces of credible evidence and witness testimonies that have all come forward — all of which reveal GSK’s deception — an FDA advisory panel is still recommending that Avandia remain on the market.

Back in February, a Senate Finance Committee report revealed that not only is Avandia dangerous, but GSK knows this and has deliberately tried to hide this crucial information from the public. The report even goes so far as to openly name the FDA as a culprit in conspiring with GSK (and other drug companies) to deceive the public. (You can read the article I wrote about this report at:;)

Right after this extensive report was released, an FDA advisory panel voted 22 – 1 in favor of keeping the drug on the market. And just a few days ago, another FDA panel did the same thing following official hearings that showed even further that GSK committed fraud in getting Avandia approved. (It has since been revealed that at least one expert on the FDA panel voting for Avandia’s approval was on the take, receiving “speaking fees” from GSK. But no one seems to care about this disturbing fact…)

You can read the details of the report at the following link:;

The lies and manipulation of GlaxoSmithKline

Pharmaceutical companies are notorious for skewing the truth in order to get their next blockbuster drug approved for sale. These companies are vicious, money-hungry, multi-national corporate monsters that will stop at nothing to make an obscene profit, even if it means exposing their customers to harm.

It’s one thing for a company that sells, say, televisions, to lie about the quality of its product. Nobody ultimately dies from false claims about a poor quality TV and, if found guilty, the company that produced the TV will likely be held liable for any crimes it committed through deceptive marketing. But when it comes to drug companies that peddle dangerous toxins as medicine, it’s a whole different story.

Sadly, Big Pharma is one of the most protected industries on the planet. Big Pharma gets away with murder (literally), and nobody really seems to care. You and I would be hauled off to jail immediately for doing even a small fraction of what Big Pharma does, but when Big Pharma does it, the blinders go up because observers falsely believe that drugs are “science-based”, and that the wonderful drug companies would never do anything to harm us.

Such thinking is pure foolishness, of course, especially when you examine the plain facts in the GSK case.

Hiding the truth

First of all, internal documents reveal that GSK knew about the dangers of Avandia since the early days of its development, but didn’t disclose any of this information to the public or to the FDA. And why would they? The FDA, according to the same reports, has been in collusion with GSK since the beginning to hide the truth, so GSK has had no reason to disclose anything.

Think about it. GSK created a diabetes drug that, at its high point, was raking in more than $3 billion a year in profits. GSK spent millions of dollars for research and development of the drug, paid for the clinical trials, and purchased approval from the FDA for the several million dollars it costs to complete the FDA drug application. And GSK did all this knowing full well that the drug causes a substantial increase in the risk of heart attacks and death.

With all of this in mind, do you really think that the company is now going to simply own up to the fact that it lied, and willingly agree to have the drug pulled from the market?

Truth be told, drug companies like GSK practically never tell the truth. They don’t have to. Even when their racket gets exposed, it all gets glossed over and covered up by the bureaucrats in our government agencies.

GSK’s flawed safety studies

It’s amazing to me just how many people put their trust in the “safety studies” the drug companies conduct on their own drugs. That such studies are considered credible by anyone just goes to show you that critical thinking skills are severely lacking among both the public and members of the medical profession.

Drug companies spend millions of dollars on studies and clinical trials that are designed to show that their drug is safe, and with enough manipulation, they usually get the results they’re looking for. These studies have little or nothing to do with actual science or unbiased inquiry; it’s all about using “pretend science” to produce a result that will allow them to achieve FDA approval.

And this scenario is no different in GSK’s trials for Avandia which, according to reports, didn’t properly reflect the inherent dangers of the drug.

When challenged about her concerns over the quality of GSK’s safety data for Avandia, Dr. Nancy Geller, a member of the FDA advisory committee and director of the Office of Biostatistics Research at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, responded by explaining that clinical trial data is “not [reliable] if you report the wrong follow-up date and not if you withdraw someone from a trial just before their death.”

In other words, drug companies change all sorts of things during a trial in order to achieve a desired result (which makes them anything but trustworthy). This includes removing people from the clinical trial right before they die in order to avoid having a death statistic show up in the final data. Oh look, is Mary about to expire? Hurry, kick her out of the testing group before she ruins the safety record of our drug!

These are the types of things GSK was doing to hide the truth about Avandia. To call these clinical trials “scientific” is an affront to the entire science community. And yet, somehow, the scientists continue to go along with all this…

According to a leaked internal GSK email, study results from a 1999 trial of Avandia that found the drug to be dangerous were intentionally kept “under the radar”. Dr. Martine Freed, a GSK company executive, explained in that same email that none of the data from that particular study should “see the light of day to anyone outside of GSK.”

Bloomberg’s BusinessWeek has the full report on the FDA Panel’s evaluation prior to its Wednesday vote:;

FDA orders GSK to do another trial

The funny thing about all this is that, in light of the concerns over GSK’s trial tampering, the FDA actually ordered the company to conduct another trial to reevaluate Avandia’s safety. How this was expected to accomplish anything productive is anyone’s guess, considering that GSK lied about the previous trials. What makes the FDA think that a new trial is going to be beneficial? (But remember, insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results, and the FDA isn’t anything if not insane…)

But that’s the way the game is played between the FDA and Big Pharma. It’s a never-ending circus of so-called investigations and busywork designed to fabricate the results they’re looking for. Nobody asks the tough questions, and nobody ever states the obvious which, in this case, is that GSK committed fraud and must be held criminally responsible. The two entities work hand-in-hand to fulfill an agenda that’s based on greed and nothing more. Science is abandoned from the start.

FDA panel refuses to support pulling Avandia from the market, let alone prosecute GSK

So after witness testimonies (one of which you can read about here:; ) and a pile of credible evidence presented as part of the mounting case against GSK, an FDA advisory panel voted last Wednesday to recommend that Avandia remain on the market, according to a Wall Street Journal report. Twenty of the 33 members ultimately voted against pulling Avandia from the market, and the FDA is expected to make its final decision about the drug soon, based on this recommendation.

You can read the full Wall Street Journal article here:;

Members of the panel who voted against pulling Avandia from the market explained to reporters that they believe there isn’t strong enough clinical data to show that Avandia is dangerous. But how much more evidence do these panel members need to conclude that there’s a problem?

If evidence of falsified study data and reports showing that Avandia is dangerous isn’t enough, it’s difficult to say whether any amount of evidence would ever be enough for these people. According to the BusinessWeek article, the FDA itself even posted official remarks on its website stating that GSK mishandled its earlier Avandia trials, but apparently even that isn’t enough for some of the FDA advisory panel members to put two and two together.

It seems that even if GSK came right out tomorrow and admitted that Avandia is dangerous (which the company’s leaked internal emails basically reveal on their own), some members of the FDA advisory panel would argue with the company itself, saying that there’s not enough evidence and that the drug should stay on the market.

And what about the potentially 100,000 heart attacks and deaths that may be linked to Avandia? Aw, just sweep that under the rug. Pretend it doesn’t exist. Dead people don’t talk, and they don’t sue corporations either, so that’s nothing to be concerned about.

All diabetes drugs are dangerous, Avandia is just more dangerous

Oddly enough, the primary issue with Avandia in this case isn’t just that it causes heart attacks or that the company lied about its research, but rather that Avandia trials show the drug appears to be more dangerous than competitor’s drugs like Actos. In fact, the main focus at the hearing was whether or not GSK had falsified study data to make it look as if Avandia isn’t any worse than Actos.

In reality, both Actos and Avandia can cause heart failure. They both come from the thiazolidinediones family of diabetes drugs, and they’re both potentially dangerous. In fact, both drugs bear the FDA’s “black box” warning label, which is the agency’s most extreme warning label.

So you’ve really got these two drug companies arguing over which of their drugs kills fewer people. And achieving that requires distorting a lot of clinical trials, burying other trials, spreading the money around to FDA panel experts and other similar criminal activities which now seem to typify Big Pharma.

What’s now obvious to us all is that GSK lied about the safety of Avandia, and it has harmed untold numbers of people as a result. According to a statistical analysis in the Senate Finance Committee report, more than 83,000 heart attacks have been caused by Avandia. Several hundred people reportedly die every month because of Avandia.

So removing Avandia from the market is only a very small part of the equation. True justice will be served when GSK is held criminally responsible for lying to the FDA and deceiving the public. GSK’s greed is harming and killing thousands of people every single year, and regulators are bickering over whether or not Avandia is a little more dangerous than Actos. Something is seriously wrong with this picture.

I’ve mentioned this before in previous articles, but there actually is a cure for diabetes, and it doesn’t involve either Avandia or Actos. You won’t hear about it from the mainstream media or the medical industrial complex, but we’ve got some great resources here on NaturalNews that talk all about it, and you can find those at:

The truth is no person needs to take Avandia or Actos. Both drugs are needless, irrelevant and entirely outmoded. Simple foods and nutrition can cure diabetes, especially when tied to small doses of regular physical exercise. Rather than pushing dangerous, deadly drugs onto patients, our nation’s doctors should be well versed in nutrition and exercise physiology. They should be recommending radical changes in the diets of diabetic patients to get them off all refined, dead foods and onto fresh, living foods and superfoods.

This is the true answer to our nation’s diabetes pandemic. But of course teaching patients how to take care of their own health never made a dime for Big Pharma. And sending a patient home with the knowledge they need to stay well and avoid hospitals and doctor visits never made any money for the doctors.

America’s health system isn’t designed to keep you well, or cure your disease, or even prevent disease. It’s designed to sucker you into a system of pharmaceutical dependency that’s fronted by drug-pushing physicians who for the most part believe that patients have virtually no role in their own health or disease — and only doctors know what they’re talking about.

That might carry some weight if the doctors themselves weren’t dying of cancer, heart attacks and strokes — all at a rate much higher than the general public. There are a lot of sick, dying conventional MDs out there. They’re all on pharmaceuticals. They all believe in the “science” of Big Pharma. And they’re all paying for that foolish gullibility with their lives.

Don’t you make the same mistake.

And just for the record, there are also some really good MDs who don’t buy into Big Pharma’s lies and who actually follow a more holistic, natural lifestyle. If you can find one of those, stick with them!

July 20, 2010

HIV Vaccines Cause 50 Percent False Positive Rate In HIV Tests

My Commentary:
Your ‘cart before the horse’ Pharmacological Medical Industrial Complex at work again.

HIV vaccines cause 50 percent false positive rate in HIV tests

(For ALL sourced links NaturalNews) It may come as a big surprise to most people, but HIV tests given to people today don’t actually test for the presence of the HIV virus. Rather, they test for the presence of HIV antibodies that the immune system creates to defend itself against HIV. And just because you have HIV antibodies doesn’t mean you actually carry HIV. In some circumstances, up to 50 percent of HIV positives are false, causing havoc with the lives of those patients who are falsely accused of being “HIV positive.”

This startling fact was revealed in a recent study that’s being published in the July 21 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. It shows that patients who are recruited for HIV vaccine trials often end up testing positive for HIV even though they were only exposed to the vaccine, not the virus.

“Almost half of HIV-negative people who participate in clinical trials for HIV vaccines end up testing positive on routine HIV tests — even though they’re not actually infected” reports US News & World Report.

Some vaccines caused a false positive rate of over 86 percent.

HIV tests lack credibility
What this new study clearly demonstrates is the complete lack of scientific credibility of common HIV tests. It also demonstrates the dangers of getting vaccinated against HIV, because the mere act of receiving an HIV vaccination may cause you to test positive for HIV which, in turn, can have many serious repercussions in your life:

• You may be denied employment because tests show you are “HIV positive.”

• You may be denied health insurance coverage or be charged significantly more than others for the same coverage.

• You may be denied residence in other countries, as many countries require HIV tests for prospective new residency.

• You may be falsely accused of having AIDS by health authorities who archive your medical records and use them against you.

• You may be arrested and sent to prison, accused of attempted murder, by sleeping with someone and not telling them you were HIV positive (even though you don’t have AIDS).

• You may be denied the opportunity to participate in certain professions or activities (such as sporting events).

• You may be socially stigmatized and thought of as an “AIDS carrier.”

• You may be shunned by sex partners or a spouse.

All this could happen to you if you receive an HIV vaccine — even if you don’t carry the HIV virus!

Why HIV and AIDS vaccines are medically unnecessary
We have already established here on NaturalNews that HIV / AIDS vaccines are medically unnecessary. A healthy immune system can fight off HIV in the same way it fights off a cold virus. But don’t just take my word for it; listen to the words of Dr Luc Montagnier, the Nobel prize-winning virologist credited with the co-discovery of HIV. He says:

“We can be exposed to HIV many times without being … infected. Our immune system creates [antibodies] within a few weeks, if you have a good immune system.”

Your own body, in other words, can protect itself from HIV exposure with the same technology your body uses to save your life from influenza every year: Your immune system.

HIV vaccines, then, are entirely unnecessary. Vaccines are Big Pharma’s way of selling you something you don’t need by trying to convince you that you might die without it. And when it comes to AIDS, Big Pharma has done a terrific job of scaring people into pursuing all kinds of unnecessary treatments that only harm their health in the long run.

In this way, the AIDS industry is much like the breast cancer industry… or the prostate cancer industry: Most of what they push onto people is medically unjustified, scientifically unproven and actually harms more people than it helps. But it’s great for generating more profits for Big Pharma.

And that’s the point of all this. AIDS is just another profit center for the drug industry, and if their vaccines actually cause you to test positive for HIV, that’s even better for their profits because some percentage of those people who test positive are probably going to be put on retroviral drugs to treat HIV, and those drugs are massive profit centers for Big Pharma.

Western medicine causes disease instead of curing it
See, what’s really fascinating here is that the AIDS industry demonstrates yet again how the medical industry causes the very diseases it claims to be treating. Mammograms — which claim to “detect” breast cancer — actually cause breast cancer. So if you get enough mammograms, eventually you’ll develop breast cancer and require expensive cancer treatments.

The AIDS industry now works in much the same way: If you get an HIV vaccine, chances are you’re then going to test positive for being an HIV carrier, and you’ll become an “AIDS patient” who spends your life savings on needless drugs and other expensive treatments for a disease you don’t even have!

The psychiatric industry works the same way, too: It actually invents fictitious diseases such as “oppositional defiance disorder” (which means disagreeing with authority) and then tries to put children and adults on mind-altering psychotropic drugs to “treat” that disease.

The more you look into the industries of pharmaceuticals and vaccines, the more you realize the whole business is just full of bunk. Their vaccines don’t work, their tests produce false positives and their pharmaceuticals can kill you.

That’s why it’s so much easier to just take care of your own health, build up a healthy immune system, avoid exposure to toxic chemicals and let your body’s miraculous immune system do the job for you.

See this jaw-dropping video clip about the AIDS fraud
Do you still think an AIDS diagnosis is reliable? Did you know that a huge percentage of people who are diagnosed with AIDS were never tested for HIV?

Watch this stunning new video clip from House of Numbers to learn the rest of the story:;

See more clips or buy the DVD of this remarkable documentary at

Sources for this story include:;

July 18, 2010

Meningitis & Vaccines

My Commentary:
Like the article below this one on whooping cough and the vaccine, the vaccine pushers have been working overtime manipulating meningitis cases and hiding vaccine disasters which quickly followed the jab. But hey, that’s just how they roll.

The vaccine pushers are getting as much milage as they can get from the death of two Colorado college students from ‘presumably’ meningitis C. My questions are… Were these students vaccinated through out childhood and do vaccines in fact WEAKEN ones immune system making one MORE vulnerable to contracting diseases such as meningitis? Did these students get the meningitis vaccine as required by the school?

In past few years college campuses under direct orders from their overlords, the big pharmaceutical companies, have been PUSHING meningitis vaccines. It doesn’t take a whole lot of research to find in the last few years meningitis cases on campuses have sky rocketed. Which is the typical M.O. of ALL vaccination programs.

The US army at one point backed off the meningitis vaccine when it was observed by army medical personnel that the ONLY people on base to get meningitis were those who got the vaccine. When this same issue was uncovered on college campuses the lame stream media IMMEDIATELY went into damage control mode for big pharam claiming that their meningitis virus (the kids on campus) was NOT the virus covered by the vaccine. All I have to say to that is… “Yeah, right”.

Of course the colleges AND the lame stream media have both used the increase in meningitis cases on college campuses that, just so happen to paralell the on campus vaccine programs, to push this dangerous vaccine. Some colleges have literally ‘threatened’ students by barring them from enrollment. A private college can get away with that. I would recommend boycotting them. A public college, on the other had, MUST FOLLOW STATE VACCINE LAWS. THIS INCLUDES VACCINE EXEMPTION LAWS. I would recommend boycotting a public college in ANY state that does not give YOU the freedom of choice to vaccinate or not. College is a bubble scam like the housing market to begin with. I would recommend doing as much college courses on-line as a possible.

Meningitis & Vaccines

Article (For ALL sourced links)
[2009 Aug] LITTLE KNOWN FACTS ABOUT POLIOMYELITIS VACCINATIONS by Viera Scheibner These days, when a vaccinee develops poliomyelitis, it may not be called poliomyelitis; instead, it may be called viral or aseptic meningitis, ascending paralysis (Guillain-Barre syndrome), cerebral palsy (over 75 per cent of cases are not diagnosed at birth but after six months) or other such names. According to MMWR (1997; 32[29]:384-385), there are 30,000 to 50,000 cases of aseptic meningitis every year in the United States. Considering that the vast majority (99 per cent) of the reported cases in the pre-vaccine era were non-paralytic and would have corresponded to aseptic or aviral meningitis, then vaccination has actually increased the incidence of poliomyelitis. In the pre-vaccine era, such high numbers only occurred in some epidemics. Now, such numbers occur every year, year by year.

Drug-induced aseptic meningitis (DIAM) citations

OPV–meningitis or polio

[2010 April] HEALTH-CHINA : Wave of Anger Rises Over Vaccine Scandal

[2010 Jan] Chinese Student Suffered Cerebrospinal Meningitis After Swine Flu Vaccine

[Withdrawn vaccines MMR 1992] Immravax & Pluserix (MMR)

Professor Emiritus Shehu himself will bare witness to this if he recall the incidence of CSM (Meningitis) immunization campaign in an area called Mayobelwa in former Gongola State . The communities were given vaccines for protection against the CSM, but what happened? After just a few weeks, there was a massive outbreak unprecedented in the history of the country there, and it was mostly those who were given the vaccines that were affected in that out break. Even himself, the Professor, said at that time that he could not explain the phenomenon, but we know now from recent discoveries that those vaccines were carrying a virulent that induced the disease in those vaccinated. ‘Our Polio Test Was Conclusive’ – DR Haruna Kaita

“My first lesson in vaccine propaganda is when I learned, back in the forties, that the “epidemics” of meningitis amongst miltitary recruits were not epidemics but clusters, and the second thing I learned was that only the freshly vaccinated recruits “caught” meningitis. The mess sargeant didn’t, the drill sargeant didn’t, only the recruits did. Not even the girls who worked at the base exchanges and service clubs, with whom the recruits played kissy face “caught” meningitis – only the freshly vaccinated recruits “caught” it.”—Daniel H Duffy Sr. DC

“When notifications of meningitis (from MMR vaccine) from physicians were included; when the vaccine records of hospital cases of meningitis were included; when cross linkage of vaccine records from laboratory reports (4 laboratories) was performed and included the figure was increased to 1 in 11,000. It should be noted that in the case of one particular laboratory, this was 1 in 4,000. “—– Paul Shattock and Dawn Savery, Autism Research Unit, University of Sunderland, Sunderland, UK.

July 16, 2010

Whooping Cough Outbreaks & Vaccine Failures

“Many children came down with whooping cough at the daycare center. I don’t understand, ALL OF THEM WERE VACCINATED FOR IT!?!”

-Unknown mother at child’s birthday party.

My reply… “Did you think that maybe the source of the whooping cough is from the vaccine itself?”

My Commentary:
For people who claim vaccines ARE EFFECTIVE. I have ALWAYS asked show me the evidence. Show me evidence / proof positive which has NOT HAD TO BE RIGGED BY THE DRUG MANUFACTURES (as in the case of the flawed Danish studies)
In my research all I do is run into damning evidence after damning evidence which demonstrate that all vaccines are good for is ‘spreading disease’ and causing harm. If you are lucky the vaccines will ONLY NOT STOP the diseases they were intended to stop.

The bottom line is, if America’s economy does collapse, as now even the MSM is saying it will, and we loose our sewage removal, refrigeration, trash removal, garbage piles up everywhere, and we lose our potable water supply Americans will quickly find out what REALLY prevents disease. Those who claim vaccination as their religion and who have poured massive vaccinations into the veins of their children will quickly discover not only how useless these vaccines REALLY ARE but, they will discover the TRUTH about how all the contaminates in all those vaccines WEAKENED THEIR CHILDS IMMUNE SYSTEM. When this revelation happens, DON’T BLAME ANYONE EXPECT YOURSELF for being so utterly foolish.

Suzanne Humphries, MD

This is important. If you think that a vaccinated person cannot get whooping cough, in the most severe manner, think again. Most babies over the age of 6 months who get whooping cough are fully and “appropriately” vaccinated. Pertussis is admittedly, even by the vaccine enthusiasts, primarily spread by vaccinated children, adolescents and adults, who have inadequate immunity. Regardless, they will still say the problem is not with the vaccine, but rather with too few doses of vaccine. However, conventional medicine’s own scientific studies demonstrate that bacterial clearance and immune response is not as efficient in the vaccinated, in particular with the acellular pertussis vaccine. When pertussis is left to take its normal course in the community, the supposedly vulnerable infants that the vaccinationists scream and yell about, are protected by maternal antibodies and mother’s milk until they are old enough to process the disease on their own. After vaccines were introduced, this protection was vastly reduced, because the mothers were only having vaccine antibodies to pass along to their infants, and that defense is neither effective nor long-lasting. A recent study confirms that natural immunity to whooping cough lasts at least 30 years, whereas the immunity from a vaccine lasts 3 years, and after adult boosters, all antibodies have disappeared within a year. The risk of vaccination with unpredictable waning “immunity,” and vaccine failure, is not as reliable as what nature has set forth, and it never will be.

My Comment:
When a so-called ‘outbreak’ (I say ‘so-called’ because, the medical definition of an ACTUAL ‘outbreak’ has been changed over time to MAXIMIZE the fear factor) occurs, the media ALWAYS blames the UNvaccinated BUT, they always have to retract that LIE (ON PAGE 72). IN FACT if you to these retractions and read the fine print it is the vaccinated who started the out breaks and, whom are THE MOST inflicted. DUH!

Whooping Cough Outbreaks & Vaccine Failures
by Barbara Loe Fisher (for ALL linked sources)

Reports of whooping cough outbreaks in California1,2 and in other states this summer are nothing new. Every four to five years – no matter how high the vaccination rate is – there are reports of whooping cough increases.

Whooping cough is a respiratory disease. Toxins in Bordetella pertussis bacteria stimulate the production of large amounts of thick, sticky mucus that can clog the airways of tiny babies and children, making it difficult for them to take a breath without vomiting, choking and making a whooping sound3 as they struggle to breathe.

There is an acellular pertussis vaccine – DTaP – which was licensed for American babies in 1996.4 DTaP replaced an older, very reactive whole cell pertussis vaccine – DPT – that was associated with more cases of high fever, collapse/shock, convulsions, brain inflammation and permanent brain damage.5,6

It is well known that pertussis vaccines, which can contain various amounts of bioactive toxins7,8,9,10,11 and also aluminum12,13,14 and mercury15 additives, have killed and brain injured some children. Over half of the 2,480 awards for vaccine injury and death totaling $2 billion dollars made under the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act involve pertussis vaccine.16

Pertussis vaccination rates are very high in the U.S. According to the CDC, 84 percent of children under age three have received four DTaP shots.17 By the time American children enter kindergarten nearly every child has gotten all the CDC recommended pertussis shots.18 In 2009, the CDC said that the proportion of totally unvaccinated children in America is only six hundredths of one percent (0.06).19

Even with super high pertussis vaccine coverage in America and other countries like the Netherlands, Australia, Finland and Canada, whooping cough disease cannot be prevented.20 There are two main reasons for this fact.

First, pertussis vaccines widely used since the 1950’s have not prevented whooping cough disease from circulating in vaccinated populations. Unknown numbers of children and adults, who have gotten all government recommended pertussis shots, can and do develop whooping cough or are carriers without symptoms.21,22

Because pertussis vaccine immunity is only temporary and does not last, health officials are now telling teenagers and adults to get more booster shots.23 But that is not going to matter if scientific evidence that B. pertussis organisms have mutated and become vaccine-resistant turns out to be correct.24

A second important reason is that another Bordetella organism – parapertussis – also can cause whooping cough.25 B. parapertussis symptoms, while often milder, can look exactly like B. pertussis. But doctors rarely recognize or test for parapertussis.26 And there is NO vaccine for parapertussis.

The DTaP vaccine given 5 times to children under age 6 and booster doses for teenagers and adults does not protect against whooping cough caused by B. parapertussis. In highly vaccinated countries like the U.S., parpertussis is on the rise and it is estimated that perhaps 30 percent or more of whooping cough disease is actually caused by parapertussis!27

So which bacterial organism is causing much of the whooping cough being seen in California, Nevada,28 Oregon and other states this summer? Is it B. pertussis or B. parapertussis? Has there been any attempt by health officials to do expensive PCR lab tests on suspected whooping cough cases to find out?29

Another question: Are public health officials being transparent with the public about just how many children and adults reported to have whooping cough have been fully vaccinated? In 1985 there was a lot of publicity about whooping cough outbreaks in eight states and all the blame was put on parents of DPT vaccine injured children calling for a safer pertussis vaccine. But 25 years ago I investigated those whooping cough outbreaks and found 50 to 80 percent or more of the children and adults with whooping cough symptoms had been vaccinated.30

Bordetella organisms causing whooping cough disease live in animals like sheep, pigs, cats and dogs, as well as humans, and have been part of the earth’s ecosystem, evolving to survive, for thousands of years. 31 32 Yet, mass vaccination of humans with pertussis vaccine is only 60 years old.

So why are the unvaccinated being blamed for whooping cough outbreaks in California,33 Oregon34 and other states? The majority of Americans alive today have gotten 3 to 5 pertussis shots.

The truth is that, whether you are vaccinated or not, you can get a mild or serious case of whooping cough from B. pertussis or B. parapertussis organisms. And both whooping cough disease and pertussis vaccines carry a risk of injury or death, which can be greater for some than others.

There are no guarantees.

It is time for public health officials and doctors to look at themselves and stop pointing fingers at those, who have examined pertussis vaccine benefits and risks and come to a different conclusion.

After my precocious two year old son suffered a convulsion, collapse/shock and brain inflammation following his fourth DPT shot in 1980 and was left with multiple learning disabilities and attention deficit disorder, in 1993 my two youngest children, then 5 and 10 years old, came down with whooping cough. They coughed violently and spit up huge amounts of thick mucus for 8 weeks before fully recovering and going on to become honor roll students.

The profile on whooping cough in the 1985 book I co-authored with medical historian Harris Coulter, “DPT: A Shot in the Dark,”35 is about my sister and her family, who were fully vaccinated. Her newborn baby almost died of whooping cough but survived and attended college on a full academic scholarship. Even so, other babies who get whooping cough do not survive.

There are no guarantees.

A quarter century later, DPT: A Shot in the Dark still stands as the most comprehensive, referenced analysis of whooping cough and pertussis vaccine risks and why America’s mass vaccination system is in urgent need of reform. Become a family donor supporter of the National Vaccine Information Center and you will receive a complimentary copy of that historic book.
Protect yourself and your child by making educated vaccine decisions. It’s your health. Your family. Your choice.


1 California Department of Health. Press Release: Whooping Cough Epidemic May Be Worst in 50 Years. June 23, 2010.
2 Scheck J. Whooping cough afflicts region. Wall Street Journal. June 24, 2010.
3 Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Pertussis (Whooping Cough) Sounds. Accessed June 6, 2010.
4 CDC. FDA Approval of a Second Acellular Pertussis Vaccine for Use Among Infants and Young Children. MMWR. 1997;46:110-111.
5 Gold, R. Pertussis: The Disease & the Vaccine. Canadian Family Physician. Vol 32, January 1986, pp. 79-83.
6 Legido A, Tenembaum SN, Katsetos CD, Menkes JH. Autoimmune & Postinfectious Diseases (Chapter 8). Child Neurology – 7th Edition. Lippencott Williams & Wilkins, 2006. Pages 631-634 (Neurologic Complications of Immunizations).
7 Sidney M, Furman BL, Wardlaw AC. Effect of hyperreactivity to endotoxin on the toxicity of pertussis vaccine and pertussis toxin in mice. Vaccine. Vol. 7, Issue 3. June 1989. Pages 237-241.
8 World Health Organization (WHO). Requirements for Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis 7 Combined Vaccines (Revised 1989). Technical Report Series, No) 500. 1990.
9 Steinman L, Weiss A et al. Pertussis toxin is required for pertussis vaccine encephalopathy. Proc Natl Acad Sci, 1985. December; 82(24) 8733-8736.
10 Businesswire. Chiron Biocine Genetically Engineered Acellular Pertussis Vaccine Proves Superior to Currently Licensed Vaccine. Chiron Press Release: July 13, 1995.
11 Hofstetter HH, Shive CL, Forsthuber TC. Pertussis Toxin Modulates the Immune Response to Neuroantigens Injected in Incomplete Freund’s Adjuvant: Induction of Th1 Cells and Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis in the Presence of High Frequencies of Th2 Cells. The Journal of Immunology, 2002. 169: 117-125.
12 Gupta RK, Relyveid EH. Adverse reactions after injection of adsorbed diptheria – pertussis – tetanus (DPT) vaccine are not due only to pertussis organisms or pertussis components in the vaccine. Vaccine. Vol. 9, Issue 10. October 1991. Pages 699-702.
13 Bergfors E, Trollfors B, Inerot A. Unexpectedly high incidence of persistent itching nodules and delayed hypersensitivity to aluminum in children after the use of adsorbed vaccines from a single manufacturer. Vaccine. Vol. 22, Issue 1. December 8, 2003. Pages 64-69.
14 Rimaniol AC, Gras G et al. Aluminum hydroxide adjuvant induces macrophage differentiation towards a specialized antigen-presenting cell type. Vaccine. Vol. 22, Issues 23-24. 13 August 2004. Pages 3127-3135.
15 Waly M, Olteanu H. Activation of methionine synthase by insulin-like growth factor – 1 and dopamine: a target for neurodevelopmental toxins and thimerosal. Molecular Psychiatry (2004) 9, 358-370.
16 HRSA. National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). Claims Filed and Compensated or Dismissed by Vaccine. (up to May 5, 2010). and Statistics Report: Awards Paid (as of June 7, 2010).
17 CDC. Immunization Rates Remain Stable at High Levels Among the Nation’s 19 through 35 month old children. CDC Press Release: August 27, 2009.
18 CDC. Vaccination Coverage Among Children Entering School – United States, 2005-2006 School Year. MMWR. October 20, 2006. 55(41); 124-1126.
19 See Reference #17.
20 Mooi F R, van LooIHM, King A. Adaptation of Bordetella pertussis to Vaccination: A Cause for its Reemergence? Emerging Infectious Diseases. Vol. 7, No. 3 Supplement June 2001.
21 Grilc E, Pirnat N. Pertussis outbreak in recently vaccinated children in a kindergarten in Ljubljana during a resurgence in pertussis incidence. Eurosurveillance. Vol. 10, Issue 33. 18 August 2005.
22 Srugo I, Benilevi D et al. Pertussis Infection in Fully Vaccinated Children in Day-Care Centers, Israel. Emerging Infectious Diseases. Vol. 6, No. 5 September-Oct. 2000.
23 Brooks DA, Clover R. Pertussis Infection in the United States: Role for Vaccination of Adolescents and Adults. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine 19:603-611. 2006.
24 See References #20 and #21
25 Kheief N, Danve B etal. Bordetella pertussis and Bordetella parapertussis: two immunologically distinct species. Infection & Immunity. 1993 February; 61(2): 486-490.
26 He Q, Vijanen MK et al. Whooping Cough Caused by Bordetella pertussis and Bordetella parapertussis in an Immunized Population. JAMA. 1998; 280: 635-637.
27 Liese JG, Renner C. Clinical and epidemiological picture of B pertussis and B parapertussis infections after introduction of acellular pertussis vaccines. Archives of Diseases in Childhood 2003; 88: 684-687. Also see Reference #26.
28 Magin K. Low vaccination rates cause worry over whooping cough. The Union (Nevada). June 15, 2010.
29 LabCorp. A Technical Review: Bordetella pertussis and Bordetella parapertussis Detection using Real-time PCR. 2007.
30 Fisher, BL. Presentation to the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, Centers for Disease Control, May 12, 1986.
31 Preston A. Bordetella pertussis: the intersection of genomics and pathobiology. Canadian Medical Association Journal. July 5, 2005. 173 (1)
32 Diavatopoulos DA, Cummings CA et al. Bordetella pertussis, the Causative Agent of Whooping Cough, Evolved from a Distinct Human-Associated Lineage of B. brohchiseptica. PLOS Pathogens. December 2005: Vol. 1, Issue 4.
33 Weerasekara P. California Mulls Mandatory Shot for Whooping Cough. New American Media. July 3, 2010.
34 The Oregonian. Putting other kids in harm’s way. July 4, 2010.
35 Coulter HL, Fisher BL. DPT: A Shot in the Dark. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. 1985.

July 14, 2010

Is The U.S. Government Planning To Mandate The Anthrax Vaccine?

My Commentary:
To call the anthrax vaccine, a vaccine, is like calling gasoline mouth wash. It only takes a little research to find out just how deadly an anthrax vaccine really is and it looks like the government awarded Rockville-based Emergent BioSolutions with a whopping $107 million contract to ready its anthrax vaccine for large-scale manufacture.

Yes, as with the absolute fraudulent H1N1 swine flu hoax where a bona fide hoax was craft between big pharma and big government on a global scale, this anthrax contract has all the same earmarks minus the announcement. They even brag in the article the ramp up is for a ‘global’ market.

What worries me as ‘mandatory insurance’ means ‘mandatory vaccines’ as some insurance companies are ALREADY quietly testing on the public. You maybe down the road ‘forced’ to take this vaccine via the new health care system and for ‘national security reasons’. Meaning the elite can make a buck while they cull the heard.

Emergent set to announce anthrax vaccine contract

By Marjorie Censer
Capital Business Staff Writer
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Rockville-based Emergent BioSolutions is set to announce Wednesday that it has received a contract worth up to $107 million to ready its anthrax vaccine for large-scale manufacture.

Emergent said the award will help add up to $10 million in additional revenue — and pretax profit of up to $5 million — in the second half of 2010.

The Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) awarded the contract, which funds two years for a total of nearly $55 million and includes three additional, optional years.

According to Emergent, the contract will pay for the company to develop and obtain regulatory approval for large-scale manufacture of the vaccine, called BioThrax. BioThrax is the only vaccine licensed by the Food and Drug Administration to prevent anthrax infection.

“We expect that this investment by the government in increasing capacity will ultimately lead to large-scale procurement contracts,” said Daniel J. Abdun-Nabi, Emergent’s president and chief operating officer.

The company expects to begin making representative batches as early as the end of next year at its Lansing, Mich., facility and to submit the data to the FDA for regulatory approval of the plant and its processes as soon as 2013.

The award is based on an Emergent proposal that says the company can produce 26 million doses annually, a significant increase from the roughly 7 million to 9 million it generates today. But Abdun-Nabi said the Michigan facility can be further expanded to produce 50 million to 60 million doses annually.

Robin Robinson, director of BARDA, said the contract will mean an increased national supply of the vaccine.

“Our preparedness for anthrax will be much greater,” he said.

Beyond the U.S. government’s stockpile, Emergent said it anticipates potential sales abroad.

“We do see opportunities internationally. We are receiving calls,” Abdun-Nabi said. “There is increased awareness of the threat.

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