From Hell To Veins

November 29, 2011


It looks as if super vaccine insider and bio-warfare specialist Dr. Henry Niman is at it again!

He, along with others in the ‘military industrial complex’ (namely DARPA), are putting out disinfo that the ‘super H5N1 virus’ was created by Fukushima radiation AND NOT FROM A BIO WEAPONS LAB! DO NOT FALL FOR THIS. IT IS INTERNET DISINFO!!!


In March of 2011 Dr. Niman had already floated out the idea that the H5N1 ‘super virus’ was in the works. Of course, according to Dr. Niman a bio weapons lab had NO part of it. As Dr. Niman’s trademark slogan would suggest, ‘ELEGANT EVALUATION’ in NATURE from radiation was the culprit.

Dr. Henery L Niman
Fukushima Radiation Raises H5N1 Pandemic Concerns
March 17, 2011

The continuous release of radiation from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant has increased H5N1 pandemic concerns. Recently released H5N1 sequences from a duck in Fukushima, A/duck/Fukushima/2/2011, have receptor binding domain (RBD) change S227R, which was also present in a whooper swan sequence from Hokkaido, A/whooper swan/Hokkaido/4/2011, indicating this change is widespread in northern Japan. These changes are on a clade 2.3.2 genetic background that also has V223I and M230I, changes found in H5N1 from the Gharbiya cluster in Egypt.

The radiation released at the Daiichi plant is forecast to go east to the Aleutian Island, and the back over Russia, China, and Korea, where H5N1 is circulating in wild birds.

Exposure of H5N1 to ionizing radiation can lead to rapid genetic change, which may increase the ability of H5N1 to transmit in humans.

Moreover, the earthquake and tsunami have led to overcrowding conditions in displaced persons, which would also favor viral spread. Recent two H5N1 cases in Bangladesh were detected with swabs from the upper respiratory tract, signaling a greater ease of transmission in humans.

Thus, the radiation release demands close monitoring of H5N1 currently circulating in wild birds and poultry in Japan and South Korea, as well as humans in the region with upper respiratory tract infections.
It’s not hard to see how people could be duped by this nonsense and, totally taken off the REAL SOURCE of the viral strain. But, that’s why Dr. Niman is financed and supported through DARPA, to POSE as the resident expert in tracking ‘viral evaluation’. Dr. Niman has a track record of calling bio engineered pandemic viral strains “conspiracy theories”. Even though they ‘inconveniently’ keep coming up in the news.

Fortunately the NEWS GOT OUT about the bio weapon strain BEFORE Dr. Niman and his buddies in the bio weapons industrial complex could spread the HOAX that the Fukushima disaster was at the root of it.
H5N1 Virus
New H5N1 Virus Clone Designed To Wipe Out Millions

27th November 2011

A group of scientists is pushing to publish research about how they created a man-made flu virus that could potentially wipe out civilisation.

The deadly virus is a genetically tweaked version of the H5N1 bird flu strain, but is far more infectious and could pass easily between millions of people at a time.

The research has caused a storm of controversy and divided scientists, with some saying it should never have been carried out.

Virologist Ron Fouchier of the Erasmus Medical Centre in the Netherlands lead a team of scientists who discovered that a mere five mutations to the avian virus was sufficient to make it spread far more easily.

He conducted his tests on ferrets as the animals have become a model of choice for influenza and have similar respiratory tracts to humans.

Fouchier is so prepared for a media storm that he has hired an advisor to help him work on a communication strategy.

The research done was part of an international drive to understand H5N1 more fully.

Fouchier admitted the strain is ‘one of the most dangerous viruses you can make’ but is still adamant he wants to publish a paper describing how it was done.

The study is one of two which has caused serious debate about scientific freedom and about regulating research which might have potential public health benefits but at the same time could also be useful for bio-terrorism.

The other paper, also on H5N1, was done by a joint team at the University of Wisconsin and the University of Tokyo.

It is understood to have had comparable results to the study done by Fouchier.

Both papers are now being reviewed by the U.S National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity (NSABB).

NSABB does not have the power to prevent the publication but it could ask journals not to publish.

Paul Keim, chairman of NSABB, said: ‘I can’t think of another pathogenic organism that is as scary as this one. I don’t think anthrax is scary at all compared to this.’

Traditionally scientific research has always been open so that fellow scientists can review the work of others and repeat their methods to try and learn from them.

But numerous scientists have said they believe research on the avian flu should be suppressed.

However bio-defense and flu expert Michael Osterholm, who is director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of innesota, said the work carried out was important medically.

He added he could not discuss the papers because he was a member of NSABB but said if they were published certain information could be withheld and made available to those who really need to know.

‘We don’t want to give bad guys a road map on how to make bad bugs really bad,’ he said.

Read more:

November 21, 2011

Researchers Create MORE LETHAL H5N1 (Bird Flu) Strain

Editor’s Note:
I got into what turned out to be an argument, over the phone with an ‘anti vaccine’ researcher. I brought up the correlation between the GMO food science AND the GMO vaccine science. I found it very interesting to say the least that, by bringing this point up, sent this woman into a frenzy.

She said very gruffly… “Don’t Even Go There!… The Sciences Are Completely Different!” I said to her… “Oh really?” I asked her to answer this simple question. If the two sciences are so completely different, why then, do both sciences require a gene gun (or similar technology) to “re-sequence” DNA / RNA protein strains into ‘LITERALLY’ alien forms of DNA / RNA that could NEVER occur on this planet IN ANY NATURAL WAY? She ‘quietly’ had to agree. Since this individual was not interested in listening’ to what I had to say, I did NOT even get the chance to mention to her that food itself is being genetically engineered to become ‘vaccines’! So, please DON’T tell me there is NO connection between the two sciences.

If you, the reader, have gotten this far let me assure you that this blog is one of the ONLY blogs on the net that has been trying it’s hardest to sound the alarm that such research as the type exposed by the Rockefeller CREATED, run and financed NPR (or as some of us like to call it National Petroleum Radio) has so kindly exposed. Let me assure you that this making of more lethal VIRAL strains has been going on for A LONG, LONG TIME. Hell to Veins has been exposing it from the very beginning of this blog.

I find it VERY interesting that super vaccine pushing NPR has published this article below. I strongly believe that this article is being put out by the vaccine lobby itself to get the public used to hearing about lab viruses getting loose and, of course, ONLY THEIR VACCINES CAN SAVE YOU.

Problem Reaction Solution.

The ‘Little Gal’ Beats Big Bad Pfizer Over GM HIV Contamination Suit!

The Pandemic Vaccine Racket. No Bid Contracts, Dr. Oz & Obama.

Lee Harvey Oswald And The Polio Vaccine Secret.

Has Baxter Released A BioWeapon In Ukraine? Post Marked For U.S. Delivery?

WHO memos 1972 explains how to turn vaccines into a means of killing

Genetic Genocide: Humanity’s Greatest Threat


Bird Flu Research Rattles Bioterrorism Field

Scientists and security specialists are in the midst of a fierce debate over recent experiments on a strain of bird flu virus that made it more contagious.

The big question: Should the results be made public?

Critics say doing so could potentially reveal how to make powerful new bioweapons.

The H5N1 virus has been circulating among birds and other animals in recent years. It’s also infected about 500 people. More than half died. But this dangerous virus has not caused widespread human disease because, so far, sick people haven’t been very contagious.

If the virus evolves to spread as easily between people as seasonal flu, however, it could cause a devastating global pandemic. So in an attempt to stay ahead of H5N1, scientists have been tweaking its genes in the lab to learn more about how this virus works, and what it is capable of.

In September, one scientist made a stunning announcement. At a flu conference held in Malta, he said he’d done a lab experiment that resulted in bird flu virus becoming highly contagious between ferrets — the animal model used to study human flu infection. It seemed that just five mutations did the trick.

News of the results raised red flags for Dr. Thomas Inglesby, a bioterrorism expert and director of the Center for Biosecurity of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.

“It’s just a bad idea for scientists to turn a lethal virus into a lethal and highly contagious virus. And it’s a second bad idea for them to publish how they did it so others can copy it,” says Inglesby.

No science journal has published the information yet. And Inglesby hopes none of them do.

Biology research usually has a culture of openness. Scientists report their methods and results so others can repeat their work and learn from it.

Inglesby agrees that’s the way to go the vast majority of the time. But not this time. “There are some cases that I think are worth an exception to that otherwise very important scientific principle,” he says. “I can only imagine that the process of deliberating about the publication of these findings is quite serious.”

The researcher who presented these findings at the science meeting is virologist Ron Fouchier, of the Erasmus Medical Center in the Netherlands. NPR has learned that his work is now under scrutiny by a committee called the National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity.

That’s a committee of independent experts the U. S. government set up to give advice on how to deal with biological research that’s legitimately important to science but that also could be misused. It can make nonbinding recommendations about such things as whether the findings should be published.

NPR asked Fouchier by email if he intended to publish the details of his study. He replied that he preferred not to comment until the committee made a formal decision.

Research on new and worrisome forms of influenza is a case study showing how, a decade after 9/11 and the anthrax attacks, scientists are still grappling with how to handle sensitive biological research, says John Steinbruner, director of the Center for International and Security Studies at the University of Maryland.

“We really do need to develop a better oversight process and a better way of organizing global judgments about very, very dangerous lines of research,” says Steinbruner. “And we haven’t yet done it.”

Scientists say they do think hard about these issues. Princeton’s Lynn Enquist, editor in chief of the Journal of Virology, says he and his colleagues carefully considered whether to publish a flu study submitted to the journal that appears in the December issue.

“You have to say, ‘Is there more benefit than there is risk?’ and that was our judgment on this one, that that was indeed the case,” says Enquist.

In that experiment, researchers had taken a bird flu gene and put it in the swine flu virus that started spreading between people a couple of years ago. Mice infected with this lab-created virus got very, very sick.

But Enquist says, this altered virus didn’t spread easily. And he points out that this kind of virus combination could happen as bird flu circulates out in nature.

“Scientists in the United States and all around the world are very curious as to how this thing is going to evolve because we have to be prepared for it,” says Enquist. “The public would expect us to be prepared.”

As part of that effort to get ready, scientists from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have been doing work to see how bird flu could adapt to humans. This month, in a different journal called Virology, they described how they created two new versions of the bird flu virus that could spread between ferrets in a limited way.

A spokesperson said no one from the CDC would be made available to comment. And efforts to speak with officials at the National Institutes of Health, which funds flu research, were unsuccessful.

November 18, 2011

The Pandemic Vaccine Racket. No Bid Contracts, Dr. Oz & Obama.

Editors Note:
The last time I checked, the so-called ‘alternative’ medical Doctor, Dr.Oz, sat at the board of directors for Siga Technology. When this was exposed by Natural News, at the hight of the h1n1 propaganda campaign, Siga Technologies threatened a lawsuit against Natural News claiming Siga Technologies in NO WAY had ties to the vaccine industrial complex. The threat completely blew up in Siga Technologies face as evidence poured in that the company was, in deed, up to it’s eyeballs deep into the vaccine industry. Now, the company that claimed to have “NO TIES WHAT-SO-EVER to vaccines” (the dangerous h1n1 vaccine to be exact) is now getting awarded no bid contracts to produce ‘pandemic’ ready smallpox vaccine lots for the U.S. government. There is an Obama ‘insider crony capitalism’ story here but, what I want to know is, what’s up with this a.) EMERGING pandemic fear based con job to swindle tax payers out of billions of dollars for cronies of big government and, b.) was Dr. Oz put on TV to gain the public’s trust in order to push pandemic fears to make the public accept taking these pandemic drugs HE HIMSELF IS CONNECTED TO?

Oprah’s Dr. OZ Caught In Major Vaccine Conflict Of Interest
New Obama Vaccine Scandal: Smallpox Contract Aids Democratic Donor


Late breaking, but hardly surprising, corruption news, reported by the ever-so-liberal Los Angeles Times, no less:

Cost, need questioned in $433-million smallpox drug deal: A company controlled by a longtime political donor gets a no-bid contract to supply an experimental remedy for a threat that may not exist.
It seems that in spite of being caught flat-footed and red-handed pouring taxpayer dollars into failing, mismanaged, Democrat-donor run “green” energy company Solyndra, the Obama-Soetoro Gang threw caution to the wind, and engineered a highly unethical and perhaps also illegal deal for another fat cat Democrat donor.

Siga Technologies is run by one of the richest men on the planet, ranked 52nd richest in 2010, and thus, clearly a One-percenter, billionaire and long-time Democrat and big donor, Ronald O. Perelman. It is ironic how many big Democratic donors are the same super-rich Jews that anti-Semitic Occupy Wall Street protesters hate so much. But I digress….

Siga was trying to get a contract to sell the government 1.7 million doses of smallpox vaccine, but ran into some major problems. For example, their drug is experimental and has never been tested on humans, so no one has any idea of whether or not it works. Then, there’s the fact that smallpox was eradicated, wiped out, back in 1978, except for small samples kept locked away by the Russians and us. And to top it off, Siga wanted $255 per dose, for a total of $433,500,000.

For us as taxpayers, another huge question is why this came up at all. It seems that the government already has a billion-dollar stockpile of a smallpox vaccine that is known to work. With only a vague and extremely remote possibility that somehow a terrorist group might get their hands on live smallpox virus — a possibility which the LA Times reports, “There is no credible evidence that any other country or a terrorist group possesses smallpox” — it looks as if this is a needless project to begin with.

Even before they rigged the deal so Siga and Perelman would get it, this thing stank like month-old fish.
Apparently several other companies put in bids significantly lower, so the Obama-Soetoro Gang changed the rules to make Siga the only bidder under a sole source procurement. It is amazing how easily government regulations can be bent and twisted, when the benders and twisters are powerful Democrats. One wonders, too, where money for this patently political payoff was supposed to come from? Yet the Obama-Soetoro/Reid/Pelosi cabal demand that we continue to raise the debt ceiling, when it should be obvious to even the most willfully blind that vast majority of the money is going into the pockets of their fat cat and big union puppet masters.

It calls to mind a similar Obama scandal. The National Biodefense Safety Board (NBSB) recently voted to move forward with an administration plan to test an anthrax vaccine on American children. Bioethicists warn the vaccine could prove deadly. The administration rigged a recent application in favor of PharmAthene, Inc. of Annapolis, Maryland. The firm and its owners have donated more than $100,000 to the Democratic Party and its candidates, including Barack Obama, over the last decade. Ben Johnson has the story here.

The outrageous nature of the Siga boondoggle illustrates another, very significant point. The Obama-Soetoro Gang is not afraid of us. They pulled this rip-off of the taxpayers right out in the open. They seem to believe their own propaganda and lies about Tea Party members and ordinary Americans. They think we’re too stupid to catch on to the fact that they’ve been looting our treasury for the past three years. Unlike the Mafia, they have not even tried to make it look legitimate. We need to put an end to this. Now.
Since the spineless parasites infesting Congress refuse to stop the spending (read: looting), we need to find another way. They have left no doubt in the minds of reasonable Americans that the more we give them, the more they will steal and give to their cronies, their partners in crime, as the Siga incident aptly illustrates. We must find a way to put into force the sentiments expressed so long ago in the Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

November 10, 2011

Baxter Recalls 300,000 Flu Vaccines For ‘Serious Adverse Reactions’

Editors Note:
Here is, in my opinion, the MAIN issues with regards to this recall. First of all, it should be clear as the nose on your own face that vaccines ARE NOT THESE PURE SILVER ‘MAGIC BULLETS’ we are sold they are when they, more times than not, come with adverse effects. So, let’s stop the medical authorities dead in their tracks when they tell us in no way vaccines can do harm, OK?

The most glaring issue here that this article does NOT EVEN ADDRESS is the FACT that YOU, YOUR CHILD, CHILDREN ARE ALL GUENIE PIGS to test NOT JUST DRUGS BUT VACCINES. Let’s get real here. The so called government agencies supposedly in charge of drug / vaccine safety DO NOT WORK. At least for the people they ‘supposedly’ represent. I have documented ad nauseum on this blog how these agencies are thoroughly compromised with the drug companies themselves AND ACT AS ‘PROTECTION AGENCIES’ FOR THESE CORUPT PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES.

So, how many people had to suffer for this before the recall? Since vaccine injury is a spectrum and obviously the medical profession constantly turns it’s back on vaccine damage, the sky’s really are the limit here. Damage from vaccines can take years to develop. So, this as usual, will probably be a gift that keeps on giving.

With very little to NO oversight or accountability, you can be assured with a recall of this magnitude that the side effects are MORE SERIOUS than the mild discomfort the company claims to be the problem.

Baxter, same company that unleashed tainted avian flu vaccines, recalls 300,000 flu vaccines for serious adverse reactions

Natural News” (For ALL sourced links)

(NaturalNews) Baxter Healthcare Corp. has announced it is recalling roughly 300,000 doses of its Preflucel influenza vaccine due to what it says is an excessive number of adverse events. Baxter is the same drug company that was caught inserting Avian Flu Virus into flu vaccines back in 2009 (

The UK’s Daily Mail reports that a high number of individuals injected with an apparently tainted batch of Preflucel have been reporting side effects like fatigue, muscle pain, and headaches. The vaccine, which was crafted specifically for those with egg allergies, has only been in use since March when it was first approved for use in the UK.

“The vaccine is being recalled because these side effects have been reported more frequently with this specific batch,” said a Baxter spokesmen. This spokesman also attempted to reassure the public that those who have already been vaccinated with Preflucel “should not be concerned (for their safety).”

At the same time, however, Baxter has instructed healthcare providers not to administer any more Preflucel, no matter what batch it came from, to patients. And since this announcement, many European countries where the vaccine was distributed have ceased using it, and have instead switched to various alternatives.

“[Preflucel] should no longer be used and any remaining stock [of the recalled batches] should be returned to the original supplier for credit,” announced the UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency. “No further Preflucel of any batch should be administered at this time.”

Conveniently for Baxter, no further information has been provided to the public as to what might be the cause of the uptick in adverse reactions. And if the vaccine is so harmful that the company has decided to recall several hundred thousand doses of it and cease all further administration of it, how can officials say that those who have already been injected with it are safe?

The 2009 scandal involving the US division of Baxter essentially exposed the company as a purveyor of biological terrorism. After all, the company’s Biosafety Level 3 (BSL3) facility where the tainted vaccine was produced would have prevented unintentional contamination, which implies an intentional conspiracy ( So what dirty little secret might Baxter be trying to hide with its current recall?

Sources for this article include:…

Gardasil Victims Take Legal Action Against Merck

Law Firm that will take on Merck for your Garasil related Death or Injury.

The Gardasil side effects are caused in part by genetically engineered virus-like protein particles and aluminum that it contains, both of which can affect immune function. Gardasil has also been connected to a number of severe side effects such as paralysis, speech impairment, and seizures.

If you or someone you know has been injured by Gardasil or another dangerous drug, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact Sokolove Law to find out if a dangerous drugs lawyer can help you and represent your case.

Editor’s Note:
When will American and European MEN & Women grow a pair and stand up for their loved ones struck down by NOT just this vaccine BUT, the SYSTEM THAT AIDS AND ABETS THIS CARNAGE TO CONTINUE?
Gardasil Victims Take Legal Action Against Merck Over Miscarriage, Deadly Reactions
INFOWARS.COM (for ALL sourced links)

Anthony Gucciardi
November 10, 2011

When one Australian woman decided to lead the charge against Gardasil maker Merck after experiencing serious adverse reactions, she soon found another 7 Victorian women with similar intentions and experiences. Naomi Snell, a resident of Melbourne, Australia, suffered an auto-immune and neurological attack after being injected with the HPV shot Gardasil. After reading about a Sydney neurologist who exposed Gardasil as a potential cause of MS-like symptoms, Snell realized that Gardasil could be behind her recent health ailments.
She made a timeline of her declining health using reports from her doctor and physiotherapist. What she found was that the events unfolded right after she had received the Gardasil vaccine. At 28 years of age, Snell lost her ability to walk, suffered from crippling back and neck pain, and experienced convulsions that put her life on hold for 2 years. The health issues started soon after receiving the HPV shot in July 2008.

I never attributed it to my vaccine so I went back for my second and third dose, Ms Snell said. My doctors said I was a case for Dr House. They were baffled.
After launching the class action lawsuit against Merck, 7 Victorian women considered joining the case after experiencing similar reactions to the Gardasil vaccine. One woman linked the Gardasil injection to her miscarriage, which occurred afterwards in her local supermarket.
Gardasil has led to thousands of adverse reactions and even death

Naomi Snell is not the first Gardasil recipient to develop adverse reactions. In fact, many before her have actually died as a result of the Gardasil vaccine.

The Gardasil vaccine has a very questionable timeline, riddled with corruption and devastating side effects. Shockingly, the HPV shot led to 3,589 harmful reactions and 16 deaths between May 2009 and September 2010 alone. Of the 3,589 adverse reactions, many were debilitating. Permanent disability was the result of 213 cases; 25 resulted in the diagnosis of Guillain-Barre Syndrome; there were 789 other “serious” reports according to FDA documents.

Merck of course makes no mention of this in their deceptive advertisements, leading consumers to think that the vaccine is safe.

This post first appeared on the Activist Post website.

November 8, 2011

2009 H1N1 flu pandemic ‘deaths’ of children were actually caused by MRSA

Editor’s Note:
You got to love this one. Not just for the fact that the mainstream media and their partner in crime ‘big government’ yelled “FIRE!!!!” in the theater over this totally debunked swine flu hoax to push dangerous untested flu shots onto the general public. That’s not even the best part in this latest 2009 swine flu hoax development.

The best part of this latest revelation is that, even after the medical industrial complex ADMITS the the so-called h1n1 deaths of these poor children were NOT EVEN FROM THE H1N1 VIRUS, they have NO interest what-so-ever investigating what is causing this rise in MRSA and ARE USING THIS LATEST FINDING TO PUSH VACCINES!!!!!

It doesn’t get anymore screwed up then that!!! Where are these so-called medical professionals ‘profession’ at anyway? The gutter?

Truth comes out: 2009 H1N1 flu pandemic ‘deaths’ of children were actually caused by MRSA

Natural News (for all sourced links)

(NaturalNews) Remember two years ago when every news show featured hysterical reports about the so-called H1N1 pandemic and how the supposed killer flu was striking down healthy kids? True, many previously healthy children became critically ill, developing severe pneumonia and respiratory failure. And some tragically died after being diagnosed with H1N1. But was that really the accurate explanation of what caused their death?

According to the largest nationwide investigation to date of the flu in children who became critically ill, scientists from Children’s Hospital Boston have found another reason to explain the severity of the youngsters illness. It turns out that it most likely wasn’t H1N1 alone that caused healthy children to become so ill many died.

Instead, these kids were unknowingly infected with something else. That additional infection, the superbug known as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), spiked the risk for flu-related deaths 8-fold in children who were otherwise believed to be totally healthy before they became ill.

Almost all of these children who were found to be infected with the superbug were immediately treated with vancomycin, considered to be best treatment for MRSA. Yet they died despite being administered this powerful antibiotic and their deaths were blamed on the flu. But the new research suggests it was the MRSA that played a huge role in killing these children.

“There’s more risk for MRSA to become invasive in the presence of flu or other viruses,” study leader Adrienne Randolph, MD, MsC, of the Division of Critical Care Medicine at Children’s Hospital Boston. Said in a statement to the media. “These deaths in co-infected children are a warning sign.” He added this is especially alarming given the rising rates of MRSA infections being carried widely among children.

“It is not common in the U.S. to lose a previously healthy child to pneumonia,” Randolph said. “Unfortunately, these children had necrotizing pneumonia eating away at their tissue and killing off whole areas of the lung. They looked like immunocompromised patients in the way MRSA went through their body. It’s not that flu alone can’t kill – it can – but in most cases children with flu alone survived.”

MRSA risk continues to spread

Sixty percent of the youngsters investigated for the new study already had sometimes serious health problems before contracting the flu. But of the 251 children (30 percent) previously healthy children included in the research, the only risk factor that was identified which likely contributed to their increased risk of dying was a diagnosis of a MRSA infection in the lung. The researchers expressed surprise that the antibiotic used to treat the MRSA-infected children didn’t work and suggested the drug couldn’t penetrate the lungs or the disease moved too rapidly.

Recent studies have shown a worrisome rise in the number of youngsters who are carriers of MRSA. A 2010 study published in Pediatrics found that the number of children hospitalized for MRSA infections increased from 2 in 1,000 admissions in 1999 to 21 in 1,000 admissions by 2008. The cause appears to be the never-ending and growing use of antibiotics in people and animals. “The more antibiotics we take, the more we colonize ourselves with antibiotic-resistant organisms such as MRSA,” Randolph noted.

Curiously, the researchers are not emphasizing going after the cause and spread of MRSA infections as much as they are using their findings to push for flu shots. Their study, just published in the journal Pediatrics, promotes flu vaccination among all children aged 6 months and older.

November 7, 2011

Dr. Wakefield Addresses Physicians & Surgeons

The information Dr. Wakefield gives these medical professionals can be VERIFIED as 100% accurate. This is the very reason Dr. Wakefield has been blacked out by the corporate media who are HEAVILY invested in the pharmacological industrial complex.



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