From Hell To Veins

April 19, 2022

One Night In Shanghai And The Tough Guys Crumble

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If you can NOT see the video [below] that is because globalist controlled web browsers like Safari, Chrome… are blacking it out. Fight the globalists, USE ‘Tor’ or other such browsers.

I thought I would check in and give you ALL an update. So, you thought the COVID operation was over?

If you thought the killing was over, YOU thought wrong. The first wave of this operation gave rise to a ‘estimated’ 40% in ALL cause mortality, and the third COVAIDS shot [according to data world wide] seems to be the charm for death. Like I told ALL OF YOU in December of 2020, this is the ‘real deal’ and NOT some ‘theory’ about REAL conspirators.

Globalist Killing Operations Continue in 2022

The globalists are ‘beta testing’ CDC Green Zones in Shanghai. No! Operation warp speed is still on the table. I have a question for those of you ‘down under’… do you think your COVID quarantine concentration camps have been rolled up and tossed away? If you think so, you better recalculate that. Both Canada and California are in the process of goose stepping those areas closer toward Shanghai.

Ah, The War In The Ukraine

Vladimir Putin, like a good Globalist lapdog, invaded the Donbas region of Ukraine the very moment western globalist puppets needed him too. As if the director of a dystopia movie said.. “ACTION!!” the Donbas region invasion could NOT have been timed out more perfect as angry protests around the world were about to get the globalists OWN cameras focused on the criminal perpetrators of the COVIADS operation, and perhaps with it, an ounce of accountability.

War between Oceana and the Orwellian states serves the globalists on countless fronts. In 2009 I wrote… Biolabs Multiplying Like Rabbits Does anyone remember the ‘Ukraine pneumonic plague”

The Sputnik vaccine when examined in multiple labs around the world, found it to be one of the most cancer riddled vaccines among ALL the COVAIDS clot shots. Globalist stooge Vladimir Putin has made sure that there would be NO ‘public’ vaccine adverse reaction reporting system in Russia. [just like his counterpart in China] Are Russian hospitals reporting the rise in such things like cancer, clotting, heart attacks… to those in power? I let you fill in that blank.

Vaccines only ONE bullet in the globalist arsenal of death for population

Katherine Austin Fitts gets it when she says… “We [the people] are at war” With the billionaire / Trillionaire Borg collective.

Absolutely. WE are at war. ‘THEY Killi Us, We Sleep’. Fitts group conducted a survey of thousands of people on reporting adverse reactions to the clot shots the results of the survey led Katherine Austin Fitts to say… “I refused to use the word ‘genocide’. That was until I received all the submissions in the survey. It goes without saying these operations are genocide”. From the water we drink, to the aluminum filled air we all breath. We ARE being killed some slower than others, and THEY are getting rich from this new industry of genocide.

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